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Location:Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Last Activity:07-21-2019
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1798 / 3352
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ItsOnlyDanO's Details
About me:
Hi, I'm Dan, I'm 19 from Portsmouth in the UK. I'm a pretty relaxed guy and have been on and off FFR for about 7 years.
Gaming, Long Distance Running, Watching/making films.
Fav Music:
Drum & Bass, UK Hardcore and Rock are my favourite genre's. I don't really have a favourite artist, it would probably be DJ Gammer as I listen to his music the most. Also I have a strange ability to know lots of obscure 80's songs, which is a bonus.
Fav Movies:
Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile and Clerks are probably my favourite 3 films. I hate most romantic comedies and horror films, just because they're not really for me.
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- Unlocked Tier 4!
- FFR 7th Official Tournament: Division 5 - Top 8
- FFR 2nd Official Tournament: Division 2 - Participant
- FFR 5th Official Tournament: Division 3 - Participant
- FFR 6th Official Tournament: Division 5 - Participant
- FFR 10th Official Tournament: Division 6 - Participant
- FFR 11th Official Tournament: Division 6 - 2nd Place
ItsOnlyDanO's Stepped Songs
Song NamesDate
Liquid Moon03-07-07
The earth blew up09-02-12
The Call28-05-18
Random Thoughts
Break pt 2
Posted on: October 12, 2016, at 04:41:05pm   [2 comments]
Hand is better ish but realistically, with the amount of uni work I have on, I can't put a good amount of time back into this game until January.

Might be nice for me to have a long break anyway. I think I'll feel guilty if start playing when I have my dissertation to write.

So this isn't 'bye' as i'll still be around the site, just not playing for a while


11th Official Tournament Log
Posted on: June 15, 2016, at 06:57:38am   [0 comments]
Hey look, another official! Looking forward to this one, I don't think I'm a front runner for D6 this time but I think that's better for me anyway. Quite a few people in D6 are getting some damn good scores so I'll have to see what happens.

Realistically, I won't be happy with anything less than top 16. Anything better than that though is a bonus.

Probably gonna playing a bunch of Stepmania over the next few weeks to prepare. I don't think I'll have to worry about the first two rounds, from that point onward however is where the competition will truly begin in my opinion.

ROUND 1: Le carnaval des animaux, Movement no. 14 ”Finale” (AAA)
Interesting file this, annoying trills at the beginning and throughout, fine otherwise. Expecting about 12/13 AAA's minimum on this file.
Was fairly close on this guess, I think there ended up being 11.

Round 2: Diamante Spectrasplosion (AAA)
Got this a lot faster than I thought, this file suits my skill set very well though so that helps. Hi19 said the 32nd patterns were really difficult, in actuality I thought they were easier than usual 32nd streams, heh.

Good start to the tournament so far. Those who I expected to do well are doing so. However it's the files in the next 2 rounds which will determine who has the best shot at top 8.

Round 3: Kanon (AAA)
Bizarre file, really odd layering and is offsync, just a odd file in general in my opinion. Took me about 35 tries, but only 2 after i figured out to change my offset to -1, lol.
Should be a tight cut-off this round (around 4/5) but we'll see.

Intermission update: D7
Well looks like Im d7 now after getting 2 clean on Schmollbluk. Looks like after all these officials, im the one now getting the skillboost half way through. Feels weird after seeing others do it before in past officials.

Round 4: The Scales of Strangeness (AAA)
Fun file, but I can't do the long stream very well at all. It's not stream friendly to me at least, but it seems others are finding it easier. I'll be very annoyed if this somehow isn't good enough to get top 16, but we'll see. Gonna keep trying for the AAA as well.

Part 2: Snagged the AAA. Got mindblocked on a 24th pattern so tried mirror, the runs felt more consistent and eventually I got it. AAA'd the first half of the D6 tournament, if nothing else I can be very happy with that 8-)

Round 5: Maybe All This Time I Was Wrong (1-0-0-0)
Second half of this file gives me lots of trouble. The long 34 jack into a hand always makes me dump goods which sucks. If im going to AAA this, I'm gonna need to put a lot of work in
Also hopefully this current score will hold out for a bit.

UPDATE: Got a blackflag :( Split a jump in a really easy part and AAA'd the second half, typical. 1st for now and I'm pretty sure that's my top 8 ticket booked, but I WANT that AAA.

UPDATE 2: Considering how everyone else is doing, I think i'll leave getting the AAA for now. Still happy with a blackflag though.

Round 6: Wizdomiot (2-0-0-0)
Very fun file, more suited to my skillset than last round so I might actually go for the AAA on this. I also might need this because it feels like a 85/86, and the remaining 8 players are gonna crush this file.
I think this might be my favourite D6 file in the tournament so far. That or Diamante.

UPDATE: Got rid of the boos, but I should have had this AAA'd today. Choked 3 runs after the dense mid-section and threw them all away on patterns I would almost always AAA otherwise. I'm really annoyed at myself.

UPDATE 2: Missflag.

Update 3: Down to 2g. Hurt my hand though so ill probably leave it for the round now.

Round 7: Epileptic Crisis (9-2-1-4)
Looks like everyone is struggling with this song and rightly so, one wrong move in this file and you dump HARD. Lots of tricky transitions an a couple of really nasty bursts make this tough for me. I feel like i can get a proper SDG on this but idk. Judging from how everyone else has played so far though this might be good enough for the final but who knows.

UPDATE: Really struggling this round. Taking a break till thursday as I have some hand pain, and im not making much progress at all right now. In 3rd which I don't like, but my buffer is basically 8g between myself and 4th/5th so hopefully I'l be alright.

Oddly though i've been doing far better at other files whilst this has been going on. Im now into the top 50 and got 2 86 AAA's during the round.

UPDATE 2: Injured. Left hand is in some pain and its either tendonitis or RSI so ill have to leave playing for the rest of the round. (turns out it was neither of those hehu)

Round 8: Odd22 (39-8-3-11)
at this point ill take any position, injury is healing pretty quickly so hopefully ill get a few plays in before the end of the round.

UPDATE: Managed to get a ok score in. When left arm isn't aching I might be able to get a good score in and take 1st, but idk at this rate. I'll have to wait until the end of the week to rest my hand to the maximum.

UPDATE 2: The last run of today results in me taking 1st. will it hold on?

UPDATE 3: Looks like im gonna get second....

CONCLUSION: 2nd place.
Whilst I was originally really mad about this, i've accepted the fact that 2nd is by no means a failure. Heck i was convinced i was barely gonna make it into top 8, and even getting top 3 was looking bleak after my arm injury. Congrats to YoshL and MikeShinoda and Everyone else in top 8 of D6, competition was the toughest this year that it's ever been.

I guess from now on its all about D7.

Comment wall
ormix writes...
at 4:53:11pm on 11/10/17
happy birthdaee
Kawaii025 writes...
at 10:36:36pm on 11/10/16
Happy Burfday~ :)
Hakulyte writes...
at 11:03:28pm on 10/23/16
Welcome back to D6. xd
AD4M-V writes...
at 11:12:39am on 8/23/16
Nice job with getting second! This tournament was a monster.
SoFast writes...
at 4:19:07pm on 7/30/16
i know you're gonna win
Sanjixcon writes...
at 1:38:09am on 7/29/16
ur voice recording was hilarious
EtienneSM writes...
at 11:55:51am on 7/27/16
God damn, you're dominating this tourney.
CocoaPuff3100 writes...
at 12:15:20am on 7/19/16
conglomerations to be the seventh division :-0
SoFast writes...
at 2:21:52pm on 7/15/16
Yo nice D7 promo
V-Ormix writes...
at 8:09:30pm on 7/13/16
its oni dango
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