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Get In Sync?
Posted on: May 25, 2008, at 02:28:28am

So, what songs need to be re-sync'd? Please list what songs you feel are offsync and by how much and in which direction. Generally speaking, the notes will be late, aka, the music will come and then the corresponding note.

I do want multiple opinions on this, so the more people that agree something is off, the more likely that I'll fix it.

Also, do NOT mention any blue-noteskin'd songs... I'm not touching any of them. Only songs from Maple Leaf Rag or more recent (levelID 175 or higher).


  1. I think Mou Uta's off sync (song's earlier than arrows?)

  2. AAA

  3. /

  4. wish (kyrn remix)

  5. All of my songs haha. I'll actually find out how much on which ones later.

  6. July

  7. Pretty Green Onions.

  8. Also Tass, I'm guessing you said "no blue-noteskin'd songs" so that people couldn't suggest Synthlight's files, am I right?

  9. Adventures of lolo >.>

  10. Excite bike.

  11. Hardcore of the North

  12. the arrows are late in wish (kyrn remix). that would be neato if you could fix it.

  13. Whoa, there are a lot of songs which need fixing... When do you need to know them by?

  14. AAA

  15. Pretty Green Onions Mou Uta etc. Not sure which way they're off-synced...

  16. Agreed on 'AAA'

  17. I would say ronda alla turca v2 just because i cant do it.

  18. AAA>? PGO

  19. Death Piano? I heard a lot of ocmplaints about it being off sync, figured Id throw it out there

  20. Definitely AAA.

  21. Sakura no Kenshi

  22. Pants is offbeat in the slow parts, I hope you know what I mean =/

  23. Splash beat is ID 162, but it's colored, that is definitely offbeat in parts.

  24. Hungarian Dance #5, Re-Ricked, and Sakura no Kenshi.

  25. I think infernoplex is offbeat, might just be me o.o

  26. i think DotA is a little of sync

  27. Once again, under 175 ID, Carrousel Paradise

  28. Yeha, Infernoplex also >_>

  29. id really like to see AAA and PGO get synced properly. i think both songs, the arrows are a split second behind the music. I THINK

  30. Death Piano could use some syncing. AAA might just be the one

  31. Uber rave V2

  32. Dud, Uber Rave v2 is extremely on-beat...Uber Rave isn't though

  33. Get Down and Turbulence are late.

  34. omg. blue arrow songs should just be deleted

  35. umm pants,AAA and death piano could use some

  36. I think Cash Cow and GO! are, but those are just possibilities. I think maybe Victims & Martyrs was, too. Y- was. H.T.I.J. maybe; I don't remember. Radius ~Hacker No Yabou~ definitely is

  37. i'm not fixing RAT v2, get down, turb, pants, splash beats... all are pre-175. I already fixed Sakura No Kenshi, did that about 2 weeks ago. Clear your cache and reload it, it's onsync now. Looks like AAA and PGO are the 2 big ones, so I'll get on those.

  38. Also I always find that while playing {Frozen}, I'll sometimes start getting a load of goods and averages randomly, even though I'm hitting it right on time, and I'll have to start hitting it off beat just slightly.

  39. I think Aztec Templing's notes are slightly ahead the music.

  40. -agrees with everyone- AAA and PGO
    i never really noticed it that much until checked earlier

  41. AAA (Offsync)(Being fixed by Tass)
    PGO (Offsync)(Being fixed by Tass)
    Frozen (Offsync)
    Death Piano (I think it's sightly offbeat)
    Cash Cow (Offsync)
    GO! (Offsync, Jesus christ Kit-)
    Y- (Offsync)
    Radius ~Hacker No Yabou~ (Offsync)
    Infernoplex (Offsync)
    Mou Uta's (Offsync)
    July (Offsync)
    Melonman's OP (Slightly Offsync)
    There's most of your list just to make things easier for you Tass :)

  42. Frozen isn't offsync iirc. The bpm is wrong.

  43. The movie BG For P4U v2 is way off synch

  44. Switchback [Heavy] the notes are late I think.

  45. Movie BG's don't count lol. and it depends on how your computer loads it.
    frozen is offbeat. it was so for the whole song.

  46. My earlier songs like Heel and Toe, Radius, For Your Love, and StarmineX are slightly offsync by a small gap amount.

  47. Tass should take account to the harder skill tokens more closely because not a lot of people actually try to get them.

  48. Yeah frozen bpm is wrong i forgot rofl

  49. if it's off by a tiny amount, .01 or less, i'm not going to bother. will do some updates to the ones listed above this week.

  50. Rericked is offsync as well, but I think that's because whatever BPM it's at is extremely incompatible with FFR. Random notes are early and late, there's no consistent pattern.
    i love you pretty much listed them all, except for Tsugaru 180 and Let Me Be Your Pirate. I remember those being significantly offsync.

  51. ^ Tsugaru and LMBYP are both late.

  52. +1 for Switchback [heavy], Until the end beginning while you're at it but that song is too old i guess..

  53. AAA, Death Piano, and Mou Uta

  54. GO! i hate how off-sync this song is.

  55. i was just about to say GO! to. i just played it and realized it was pretty off-sync, both on mute and off of mute.

  56. I'm lucky I AAA'ed GO!, never have to deal with that song ever again.

  57. DotA is late too :(

  58. Pupil of Frenzy seems slightly late.

  59. agree on i love you's list

  60. I don't know if it is just me but HELLBEAT v1 seems off-sync, definately in the beginning and in the end where the notes slow down

  61. It seems that the hard part near the end with all the random Jacks was edited and had some of the arrows removed after it became VC.....
    Tass, was that you?

  62. Actually, any file by Hyrogashi is pretty much off sync, lol.

  63. Um has no one mentioned GET DOWN?1?!?! Hella offsync.

  64. Mayhaps you can just start a sync thread and sticky it on the R1 forums. =)

  65. This update title got my hopes up so high, and then I read the dscription. ;_;

  66. Also, am I the only one who this Break out! is extremely offsync?

  67. death piano is just bad i hate it.PERIOD

  68. -y is not offbeat...

  69. Mou Uta is (arrows earlier than song i think)

  70. {Frozen} please. It's offsync, I can't AAA it >_>

  71. And as soon as I say that I booflag it...
    And it's just wrong BPM? Hmm...

  72. I thought Shash made a promise like a year ago to re-skin delirium. When will that be happening?

  73. Hey i thought i had an orange background because i am a stepfile creator :<

  74. RainDrops had a few offbeat notes in it.

  75. Please fix Infernoplex. ]: I really like that song. I know it's just off by a tiny bit, but pleeeaaase!!!

  76. I didn't post the 74th post. Whoever the hell did, it's not funny. *Changes password*

  77. Uber rave

  78. ASB, is terribly offbeat, so is gradeus.

  79. All I know is that Pretty Green Onions, Infernoplex, and GO! are rofl.

  80. fail is everywhere, lol

  81. -y pgo. AAA was fine for me though.

  82. {Frozen} even though I already AAAd it and don't seem to play AAAd songs too often, I'm really looking forward to Pretty Green Onions though, thanks Tass l,,l

  83. July definitely. But I don't think Pretty Green Onions needs to be touched. Idk that's just my opinion.

  84. lmaooooooooooooooo pgo is one of the worst ones there

  85. First thing that comes to mind is July, and I could list tons others.

  86. Let Mom Sleep is offbeat.

  87. Let Mom Sleep is offbeat.

  88. Aww, crap. Sorry about the double (now triple) post. My clicking finger twitched when I clicked, hit it twice. :(

  89. Crowdpleaser

  90. I avoid PGO at all costs because its so bad. And why won't you do the blue notes Tass? Those are the ones that need the most attention. T.T

  91. because synth said so. also, to everyone listing noteskin'd songs before 175... do a little bit of research please. thanks. that includes delirium, cp, asb, raindrops, uber rave, etc etc.
    will be working on these tomorrow.

  92. Hey, is it just me, or do the 12th notes in the middle of UNknown Girl just FLAT OUT NOT WORK? idk if this is a bpm problem or what but lol they're bad I have to rape my brain to get it to have bad timing so I can hit the notes. Maybe just me, idk.

  93. everything stepped by EW

  94. Isn't KlungKung late or early or something like that? I'd check now but it's late.

  95. Lawn Wake 1, kind of off in the beginning eh?

  96. Going to work on these:AAA (Offsync)(Being fixed by Tass)
    PGO (Offsync)(Being fixed by Tass)
    Frozen (Offsync)
    Death Piano (I think it's sightly offbeat)
    Cash Cow (Offsync)
    GO! (Offsync, Jesus christ Kit-)
    Y- (Offsync)
    Radius ~Hacker No Yabou~ (Offsync)
    Infernoplex (Offsync)
    Mou Uta's (Offsync)
    July (Offsync)
    Melonman's OP (Slightly Offsync)

  97. If I'm not mistaken, that Sakura song in Dance 1.

  98. Nevermind, it might have been fixed, or it might have just been me.

  99. Sakura was fixed about a week or two ago... clear your cache and reload to test/verify.
    Sprite and I are working on the above 12 songs. AAA should be fixed.

  100. PGO is fixed. Frozen is ignored... too difficult to fix, as it's a BPM issue and not a sync issue. Rebirth and I worked for a long time, months ago, to fix Frozen.

  101. Coactive. :O
    It's pretty late.
    I know this, cause I made it. n.n;

  102. can you at least take the background off revolutionary etude?, it's annoying and i cant play it

  103. nev: no. stop asking. you know better than that. also, we've fixed everything through Radius... still working. will look at coactive also.

  104. Crowd Pleaser doesn't seem off sync but it
    does seem late.

  105. ...which means it's offsync.

  106. and CP is before id=175, so i'm not touching it. please read. thanks.
    also.. Sprite and I spent the past 3 hours or so fixing Syncs. we fixed up all the stuff on the above list except Frozen as well as Coactive. So, clear your cache and test them. ENJOY!

  107. My brain hurts!

  108. Neon-213 seems offbeat to me...

  109. Thank you Tassy and Spritey! You guys are doing an awesome job!

  110. Omg, Over The Rave needs to be re-synced!
    The arrows aren't coming on the beat and they are coming to early. Please fix.

  111. Over the Rave seems fine to me... And Neon-213 is waaaay late.

  112. So now I think you should start noteskinning songs that have wrong noteskins... ones that come to mind right away include Delirium, Neomax, Deep Breath, Rondo v2, and Visions.

  113. Oh, and Epic.

  114. It's probably been stated already, but GO! and I think that Amefuri might be a bit off sync.

  115. Wtf 3 hours?!? Do you guys use stepmania to fix them?

  116. +1 infernoplex, and +1 AAA :}

  117. Maybe dimensions?

  118. Arrows come after beat.

  119. I think generally that's the case with stringed instruments because when stepping in ddream, steppers think that the loudest part is where the arrow goes, but the beat should go where the initial string stroke is. Or something, iono.

  120. neomax for sure.


  122. Lovely Lovely Lovely is slightly late.

  123. From Mount Chorus is offbeat.

  124. pants for sure, the slow to fast part, the doubles, some of them are really off beat.


  126. Hungarian Dance 5

  127. X-Dreamer Final Cut.

  128. glad 90% of you are still listing songs that don't meet the criteria that i'm going to fix. songs that i'll look into from the ones mentioned... over the rave, dimensions, tsugaru 180, let me be your pirate, dota, from mount chorus.

  129. erm, not over the rave. neon-213.

  130. do you people not read the requirements of fixing songs or what?

    Terror From Beyond
    Get on the Move
    Story of Snowman and Sunshine Girl
    The Return F SuperDouble
    Seattle's Finest (Parental Advisory)
    100 Bar Blackout
    Funk in G
    Cat Walk 2
    Too Tight
    Slap Guitar 2
    Legend of Zelda Remix
    Mega Man 2 - Dr. Wily Theme #1
    SuperMario 8bit Eighties Remix
    Salad for Your Tuesday
    Massive (ffr remix)
    Stay With Me FFR V1
    Until The End
    Rondo Alla Turca
    Moonlight Sonata
    Revolutionary Etude
    Love You Anymore
    Soul Shift (ffr edit)
    Breaking the Common
    Flight of the Bumblebee
    Contra- distinction
    Beethoven Virus Banya
    One Minute Waltz
    Trip to the Moon (Club Remix)
    Uber Rave
    Blank Knowing
    Life Goes On
    Dance 2 This
    Computer Dreams
    Crystalis - House Leaves (Remix)
    This Beat is For Tha Streets!
    For Who I Am
    Bubbleman Stage Theme
    Metalman Goes Clubbing
    The Last Firs

  132. Sakura No Kenshi, sowwie Bryan, idk wut happened? Musics faster then the arrows.

  133. I was about to show this list but i guess you beat me to it blindreper1179

  134. Sappy: as I've said... if you haven't cleared your cache and played Sakura recently... do it. I fixed it about 2-3 weeks ago.

  135. haha.
    but it doesn't show EHHS for some reason.

  136. ~~~~DELIRIUM~~~~

  137. billy learn to read. tass good job on the correct syncings.

  138. Break out! Break out! that song is so offsync..

  139. I honestly think Hellbeat should get some work

  140. Science Genius Girl, Rondo v2, Go, CIA v1, and AIM anthem.

  141. palm slaps to face

  142. TGWP

  143. {Blaze} - offsync
    GO! - extremely offsync
    July - extremely offsync

  144. I've noticed that "GO!", as well as others have been said multiple of times. Tass, maybe you should edit your random thought and add what songs you've already fixed, what songs are still on the "To Fix" list and the link to the page where you can find every song's ID. This way everyone will quit saying the same thing over and over.
    Ps. Keep it up Tass! Doing good!

  145. Break Out! has arrows late...and Vi Sittir is off as well

  146. Oh... was about to list Epic.. but I guess it's too old. Glad to see Dazzling Soul was fixed (I don't know how long ago it was but I remember it bothered me xD)

  147. I agree with EAGAMES.
    Also, I still notice people listing songs that you said you wouldn't fix Tass.
    *Cough* TailsYoshi54 *Cough*

  148. Aztec Templing?

  149. FFR Evolution. It might not seem like it, but it is offbeat on some jumps that make you get a good on them.
    Skellybones - But It's supposed to.
    Some of the BIG ones are Story Of The Snowman And Sunshine Girl and 136.6.
    No offense to Synthlight, but most of Synthlight's sims are very offbeat.
    Sorry Synth!

  150. Synth doesint care, from what ive heard, they were made in flash LOLOLOLOLOL

  151. Notepad....

  152. Reality seems offbeat, a bit early.

  153. KlungKung. It has runningmen and trills which are hard to do when the file is offsync. The stepchart is earlier than the song imo. I dunno if this random thought is still active but... =/

  154. Oh God... PLEASE fix Delirium O.O
    I've read the requirements for 'fixing', and every post up to this point. I'm not one of the 90% that just saw 'I'm fixing songs' and listed something... I just REALLY think Delirium needs work done to it.
    (Blue notes, on a near blue BG FTMFL >:[)

  155. R3 Omega Mix =/

  156. There's a note off in Excite Bike, but honestly it doesnt need fixing.

  157. enternal nightmare slightly off

  158. Hungarian dance #5

  159. Tass bby, Be Princess is a little early ;o

  160. The arrows on "Nippon Zenkoku GABA On" is a little early

  161. Three Ring Nightfall also got early arrows

  162. Oh yeah, what Midday said. I don't know if it's fixed, but I remember blackflagging KlungKung because of that. It's also a reason why there aren't too many good scores on it.

  163. I'd like to second From Mount Chorus's fixing. It was mentioned once, about a month ago. The arrows come right before the music. I attempted to play it only by listening and this is what happened ->

  164. bump. F. song is early, arrows are late.

  165. Why not make a skill token for all the offsync songs? :D

  166. Happy Happy Shining Star!! is very early.

  167. For Your Love (refer to post 46)

  168. zephon has slightly early arrows