Token Token Token Lucky #21

Posted in Uncategorized on June 22nd, 2007

Thank you everyone for being patient while RickZ0rz developed the new token system over the last 24 hours here at AdminCon2. The new system makes it much easier to add new tokens and you can expect for us to be giving you brain cramps during the entire month of July.

Today we kick it off with a token so difficult that you will want to going crying to your mommy. Clues? You want clues? I wouldn’t call this a clue but I would call it pointing you in the right direction, if you can call it that. The whale turns swiftly during the night in the cold waters.

As a reminder, you cannot give clues, post solutions, post links or give away any information on FFR that would help others with the tokens. If this rule is not followed, there will be consequences.

Other than that, enjoy! Expect MANY more tokens in the next 30 days. I don’t want to give away too much but this will definitely be a summer of FFR Tokens.


Synthlight + The Amazing Rickz0rz

291 Responses to “Token Token Token Lucky #21”

  1. Oohh, cool

  2. I’m sorry, could you repeat that?

  3. hmmm #2

  4. or not…

  5. Yippie, #4

  6. Dang it, got 5.

  7. cool

  8. woot for 7 >_>

  9. awesome

  10. The token isn’t in the Token Stats page…

  11. Woahh.. that makes no sense ;-;

  12. i hope i’m not the only tard that has no idea what that clue means.

  13. Sweet, a mystery token…11 FTW

  14. *ninja’d.* 13 FTW

  15. Um, whales?

  16. token stats page being updated shortly too folks :P

  17. WTF?!?! You call that a clue Synth?!?!?

  18. Orly.

  19. 19!?!?

  20. yeaaaya
    and synth.. that sounds like poetry rofl
    maybe it has something to do with water.

  21. You call that a clue, Synth?

  22. w00t token!

  23. 23!!!!!

  24. does anyone have it yet?

  25. yeahhhh

  26. Sweet!!!!

  27. Guys, the number of your reply DOESN’T MATTER!

    Anyway, great clue guys. I totally know where the token is.

  28. 28

  29. i got it wooooo
    rank 2

  30. Could the token be swimming?

    I’ll go check my pool. Brb.

  31. If u can’t read english language well those clues have no f**ng sense at all lol but…good luck on it guyz.

  32. You’ve really gotta be kidding me…

  33. I got it instantly.

  34. wtf i havent the slightest clue lol

  35. I have no clue…

  36. lol nice one Synth its kinda hard but ill keep trying and ill never give up

    alway pwning nOObs

  37. i hope this doesn’t mean i have to wait untill night…

  38. EASY!
    so EASY!

  39. got it

  40. 40

  41. wha? can someone please just tell me the number counting thing, for i’m sure that we could just read beside your comments… i’m not trying to be rude and i’m not against it, i just don’t get it… sorry

  42. point of number counting thing*

  43. 43

  44. heh that one wus EASY i found it in lyk 2 seconds

  45. 45

  46. theres no point in putting what number your post is now ppl plz stop doing the its really getting on my nerves!

    always pwning nOObs

  47. this is hard

  48. i hope he’s just making it hard becomes it just came out, and that later in about a week he’ll have a “more decent clue”, lol.

  49. i know

    always pwning nOObs

  50. 50

  51. coolguy44. people have always done so, and will continue too. If it really gets on your nerves then just ignore it, or don’t post in the news reports. No one is going to stop doing something they’ve always done just because it gets on your nerves. I agree its pointless, but its not harming anyone/anything either.

  52. dude the song is terrible!!!!

  53. whatever Xestrix

    always pwning nOObs

  54. hmm…

  55. is that clue realy gona help us?


  57. wish he would have AT LEAST told us if it was in a profile or not… oh well, lol, they can do what they want to do! I mean, i like what they do, give us a challenge! so, i’m not gonna complain anymore.

  58. Sounds Prolific

  59. this is a hot steaming log of confusion laid by the admins.

  60. What if we don’t HAVE a mommy? :(

  61. how can u not have a mommy?

  62. “The whale turns swiftly during the night in the cold waters.” WTF!?!?

  63. uhhhhhh……..this is gonna be another token i never get lol

  64. ppl who have the token pm me with how to get the token

    always pwning nOObs

  65. 65

  66. cool new token

  67. OMG, This is Very Confusing :D

  68. wow i have no earthly idea what the heck the clue means

  69. right, think poetry, or a riddle, or something. anything on FFR with water, night or a whale in it?!
    oh i dunno :(

  70. this might take a while…

  71. all i can say is


  72. The whale turns swiftly during the night in the cold waters.

  73. hahah i found it, ok that is so over easy now i know where it is :D

    TIP: don’t think so hard seriously, it right in front of you! i bet you have stared at it :D

  74. whales dont even turn swiftly… they?

  75. GOT IT!!! :D

  76. rawr

  77. Rawr! so frustrating! I dont even know where to begin looking! and I guess theres a 22nd token out too… strange

  78. *sniffle*…I want a mommy. :(

  79. can someone help me with token 21? i dont get it at all

  80. Sounds like something Confuscious would say…

  81. ohhhh lol nevermind i got it, now i can help people if they want it

  82. Haha I’m number 6 hahahahahahahahahahaha rofl and I’m not telling anyone how to get it so don’t even bother haha

  83. 82

  84. Rofl! I need help Halo!

  85. hey i found the token but it wont give it to me … whats up with that … any help on how to obtain it after you found it …

  86. Help plz lmao
    This is aggravating though.

  87. srsly

  88. Ok got it
    Took a lil tim 4-5 minutes
    but i got it :)

  89. help??? what you do if it dont give it to you

  90. 87

  91. 91

  92. the whale turns swiftly in the night in the cold waters?!?!?!?!!?!?!

  93. ::insert number of my post here::

    Stop doing that.

  94. x( damn hard … x)

  95. Its actually no that hard if you think bout it

  96. pretty cool.

  97. right… maybe I should think a little x) … Im just clicking everywhere trying to find the token randomly xDDDD

  98. hehe, sounds cryptic

  99. got it easy peasy

  100. I got it pretty quickly, wasn’t that hard if you thought about it for a little bit. :)

  101. ughhhhh this is hurting me head.

  102. lol poor smitty

  103. geez, ive done every possiable search on whales, swiftly turning, cold waters, everything…..and i got nothing….
    pfft if its so easy people wouldnt be complaining :P

  104. yay for brain cramps

  105. waa i feel stupid cuz i cant find the token with the clue :(

  106. Ok enough thinking x( … I got no idea what the clue means and I just lost 15 mins of random clicking xDDD .. I’ll continue to rand0m search u_u; … l0l

  107. HAHAHAHA….Got it.

  108. lol me too

  109. and just to make coolguy44 angry

  110. i mean 109 lol

  111. 111

  112. 112

  113. x) … still cant find it! x( …

  114. wow…impossible maybe?
    cant be!
    but impossible for my tiny mind

  115. ffs what does whales and stuff have to do with token :(

  116. I got it but i really don’t know how i just clicked on my profile and it was there

  117. still havent found it :/

  118. yeah, token 18 is finally out.
    i think anyway.

    it now says token 18 has been FOUND by 36 people.

  119. whats with the whales and the cold water thing? not gettin it

  120. …wtf

  121. ftw?

  122. no fair 90 ppl got it so far >.

  123. er…….wtf cant find it

  124. hard >:[

  125. ok i know where it is i just have to figure out how to get it :P

  126. if you know where it is systemofadown7777, you dont have to figure out how to get it…. you obviously don’t know where it is =]

    btw i have it

    very clever location, i love how more token are comming out

    hopefully you will add more skill tokens as well

  127. WOW, easiest token EVA!

  128. token

  129. wow that was hard but got it

  130. p4ntysh0t
    you dont even have the token so shut up about hiw easy it is

  131. help email me

  132. Help me anyone? I will do anything.

  133. its one whale of a token ;]

  134. when you look at the token stats an it says 127 users have found token 21 and the you click on it only 2 ppl come up! wtf!?

  135. 134, you plan to cheat by PMing those people for help.
    That’s sad. They make tokens and you want help. Find it on your own.

  136. when did i ever say that!? i just wanted to see if any of the ppl who claim they have actually have it. I actually find most of the tokens on my on thank you very much!

  137. own*

  138. then check our profiles…

  139. Got it!! … got the token!!! ^^ … weeeeeee! … erm… I had to read… some …. source codes x) … but… finally got it! … 136 person in the list of 21th token ^^

  140. The whale turns swiftly during the night in the cold waters.


  141. DX where the hell is it!!!

  142. Hmmmm does that mean skill tokens to!!!!

  143. i cant find it!!!!!! i need help

  144. haha i get it…whale hahahahhaha

  145. uh…wow i still cant get it!

  146. I think this should probably be ranked Very Difficult instead of just Difficult, having played it.

  147. Found it. Sooooooooooooo easy, it’s in front of your eyes.

  148. 145

  149. 150

  150. i win

  151. Did post 146 ruin it?


  152. hah…google can usually save everything

  153. Connecting…

  154. …i found something, but i just think its my computer…or is it?

  155. +

  156. AIM me at Pikaweasel and i can give u a hint/

  157. The whale turns swiftly during the night in the cold waters

  158. got the token

  159. i wrote that just in case

  160. I’m not good at tokens at all lol Should I have this token by now after 40 minutes??????

  161. lolz i got it!
    that was so simple i feel stupid

  162. HAHAHA wow people shud feel stupid after u find this lol Im just saying one thing read everying cvarefully on this page and look at all the pages carefully!

  163. That was EZZZZZZZZZZZ

  164. 165

  165. i thik i got it but when i go there no token wahhhhhhhhh

  166. wow…this is hard, lol

  167. rofl copter…..this is insane, lol.

  168. i see whales BUT NO TOKEN :(

  169. i almost had it

    always pwning nOObs

  170. Whale! lol fun.

  171. whooooo you cant ever stump me syth

  172. i sure hope you dont think were THAT stupid…

  173. Yeah cant find it… Hhmmmm

  174. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha thats good this one made me laugh oohh momy lol that was good…..

    found it yay!!!!

  175. 0 and by the way………………. +

  176. i officialy hate whales now and their pictures :P

  177. i found a token in my belly button……is THAT token 21 O.o?

  178. woooooooooooooooo got it yay i still dont know how to get it but i got it yay

  179. Some guy is giving the URL for every token!/

  180. hmmmmm… (pssst) how many tokens are in your belly button? o.O

  181. Som will call this EMO steps…..i call it friendly steps….that is really nice to play with my Tenosynovite and all i can’t do hard things so…good job starfalcon176

  182. Found it =D

  183. i did it i got the token =O score thanks to my awsome token scanner B)

  184. that was nice! Thanks Syth, that was fun. *bows* i apprechiate it

  185. token was easy and song easy AAA, i think we need more skill tokens

  186. Ha. So many people on this website use myspace and facebook groups to find these things.

  187. This isn’t a hint, but I’m going to say that it’s right in front of your eyes. That’s all I’m saying.

  188. done givin out hints someone warned me, message me and i wont respond

  189. this will be a token i get in 1 min

  190. in front of my face? wtffffff.

    LOL i have never heard of admincon2?

  191. got it, lol this wasn’t hard at all, took me like 5 mins rofl

  192. I fail at life

  193. or just token finding

  194. yea, i’ll go with that second one

  195. moby dick?

  196. 188, that is not a hint. A hint is much more easier. All I said is that it’s right in your face.
    191, It took me at least an hour to find the token because I was checking in all the wrong places until my brother said he saw it. I was like OMFG! ”How did he know it was there?” I thank my little brother for this. Now I’m getting ready for token 22.

    P.S. I will not give out a single damn hint to any token since it’s against the rules. My advice find it yourself.

  197. lol ok evrybody that hasent found it yet i know your tired of hearing this but everyone else is right it really is right in front of your face

  198. :/

  199. there isn’t any link on this stupid msg.

    Thank you everyone for being patient while RickZ0rz developed the new token system over the last 24 hours here at AdminCon2. The new system makes it much easier to add new tokens and you can expect for us to be giving you brain cramps during the entire month of July.

    Today we kick it off with a token so difficult that you will want to going crying to your mommy. Clues? You want clues? I wouldn’t call this a clue but I would call it pointing you in the right direction, if you can call it that. The whale turns swiftly during the night in the cold waters.

    As a reminder, you cannot give clues, post solutions, post links or give away any information on FFR that would help others with the tokens. If this rule is not followed, there will be consequences.

    Other than that, enjoy! Expect MANY more tokens in the next 30 days. I don’t want to give away too much but this will definitely be a summer of FFR Tokens.

    ONLY HIS freakin NAME!

  200. oh btw 200 :D

  201. btw 201


  203. 204

  204. I FOUND IT

    but i cheated :(

  205. I now have a whale phobia, thank you.

  206. 205 (shhhh im bored)

  207. make this 207

  208. ZzZzZz… this token is rediculous. lol

  209. yes it is in front of your face, but not just your own

  210. oops i didn’t mean to give that much away

  211. I see what you did there.

    PS Clicked it in Internet Explorer – no dice, switched to Firefox – dice. PHP isn’t disabled in IE. Check browser compatibility.?

  212. got it. decently easy, not the hardest tho

  213. i get the clue.. or the.. direction..
    i get the whale.. but i dont get IT. xD
    does that make sense? makes sense
    as much as the clue itself does O__o;

  214. Wow hahahaha
    I finally got it
    And.. I find it really funny :P
    Niiiiice one!

    Though.. that clue. really doesn’t help at all, i found it accidentally O_o;

  215. i’ve been trying to find this token for 2 whole hours! WTF!

  216. I like oreo pie!

  217. i cant find it

  218. neither can I…

  219. wow, that was a great place for a token

  220. I almost always have trouble with the tokens now. I got some of the earlier ones OK, but they’re getting tricker now, or the hints are getting less clear, that I hardly ever find them without getting some additional hints/help from others. I’ve read just about everything I can find posted on this token, and it’s still not coming together for me. I think I need to find a better hint outside of here.

  221. i may have found it

    but i’v looked for15 hours to see how i found it

  222. 222

  223. first token in a while that im actually having some trouble with. this one’s hard!

  224. i want to light this token on fire because i cant find it

    always pwning nOObs

  225. The whale turns swiftly during the night in the cold waters

  226. I found it. It was in the place I expected, but it wasn’t the area I expected lol.

    Btw, how are people finding token 22?

  227. i got hacked when i typed the link in so i need an admin to permanently ban the person who hacked me

    always pwning nOObs

  228. I found the token but whenever I click it, it takes me back to my profile and it shows that I haven’t found it yet. I tried just typing the link but it still does the same thing.

  229. it wont work for me

  230. The whale turns swiftly during the night in the cold waters.

  231. The whale turns swiftly during the night in the cold waters

  232. lol i love how people think that posting the comment will get you a token…

  233. :) I FOUND IT:)

  234. It can’t be in front of my face, I’ve been looking in front of my face for over an hour. =\

    Then again, I never really was good at these tokens…

  235. *Head Explodes*

  236. They said prepare for brain cramps during July, my head exploded on the first token of the Summer. :O

  237. And I’m still REALLY annoyed because I can’t find this token after nearly two hours of searching now!!!


  238. For anyone else who found the token,, can you pm me what a whale has to do with anything.. cold is the only part the seems to make sense.

  239. I have two tips for finding tokens in general:
    1. Keep in mind not everything Synthlight says is a clue. 2. Think outside the box.

  240. i had to do source reading to find it

  241. Haha, you have to go and post the clue in Rockz0rz’s profile.


  242. I know, I’ll be banned for that, but hehe…

  243. cant find …

  244. Where is the Spontaneous Contest winners post?

  245. Find it

  246. Synth i think that that whale clue pointed everyone in the wrong direction, but hey your clue IS there. clever.

  247. The whale turns swiftly during the night in the cold waters.

  248. HO MY GOD i cant find it =(

  249. The whale turns swiftly during the night in the cold waters.

  250. I found it a couple days back…’twas literally right in front of my face the entire time.

  251. i found it

    I WANT THE song so bad!!
    You are cruel Mr Administrator!!
    beginninggamer out!

  253. The whale turns swiftly during the night in the cold waters.

  254. 241 told a hint >:(

  255. this reely is not a hint but THERE ARE 2 WAYS TO FIND THE TOKEN (it does not invole cheating -_-’)

  256. whoever PMs me the location of token numbers 20, and 21 i will send you 350 credits.


  258. i wish they would give us a hint for #22

  259. Only the admins have number 22.
    That’s why it says only 3 have found it.
    Synth,Jason, and one of the others must have it.
    Or something.

  260. I still can’t find the token 21!!!! >=(

  261. WOOHOO!!!
    261 !!!
    Man this token is hard

  262. where u find this token man


    I wanna hit myself.. that’s all I had to do? -dies-
    Btw.. that hint just BARELY helpped.. xOO

  264. The whale turns swiftly during the night in the cold waters

  265. number 2878…

    What do whales have to do with this?

  266. theirs so manby tokens it not even funny

  267. wow 267… token was too easy ;D

  268. omg so too easy

  269. 269

    The whale turns swiftly during the night in the cold waters

    Just in case typing either of those things was important…

    As for finding the damn thing, stil clueless.

  270. The whale turns swiftly during the night in the cold waters.

  271. omg i cant find it
    and btw theres no point in making a worthless post just to post the number of your reply

  272. hints plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  273. The whale turns swiftly during the night in the cold waters.

  274. lol

  275. lol wut?

  276. yeah

  277. 1

  278. 2

  279. 3

  280. 4

  281. 5

  282. 6

  283. 7

  284. 8

  285. 9

  286. 286 , this is so hard..

  287. The whale turns swiftly during the night in the cold waters.

  288. The whale turns swiftly during the night in the cold waters.

  289. The whale turns swiftly during the night in the cold waters.

  290. The whale turns swiftly during the night in the cold waters.

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