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nocturnal girl (〜✘﹏✘)〜
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Random Thoughts
Posted on: July 4, 2023, at 09:30:40pm   [1 comment]
"Wait, you still play this game Miya?" yeah i guess lol. Looks like we're back to throwing it down in D6 after the skill rating structure change from top 15 -> top 5 tanked me by aout 4 levels. It's nerf or nothing.

Round 1: Necroxus [Se-U-Ra // M0nkeyz // 80]
Score: 1-0-0-0

Seeing Se-U-Ra in an OT is always a bit scary but I can at least trust it'll be a good song and chart, and bother expectations were met. Very cool well-rounded file from a seasons stepper to get D6 a little bit cooked in r1, even with all the AAAs already. I choked the AAA in the last 100 notes and I might just leave it tbh, my eyes are having a hard time adjusting to this game in general again so we'll see how long I last.

Round 2: parallel skydive [AAAA // Zeta64 // 83]
Score: AAA

Super fun FFR debut by Zeta! This looked a fair bit harder in previews but I got this in 2 tries on day 1! :poggy: This is still some raspberry railgun lite type of swag though. Might be fun on rates!

Let's see if the D6R3 curse still rings true. To be honest, this has been a really tame first two rounds compared to the last few OTS, but i have a feeling things will really ramp up either in round 3 or 4.

Round 3: Dancecore Moldovenesc [Fat Frumos // Psychotik // 87]
Score: 5-0-0-3

I have to keep reminding myself that this isn't a song by Annoying Rington. Good song though for what it is, but it's kinda repetitive for me to enjoy it aurally. That helps me get into a flow state, but some of these 24th patterns are very chokable, jesus christtttt. Fun file but constantly choking sub-3g runs is gonna make me not wanna play this too much. Probably gonna be an SDG cutoff but if for some reason i mindblock this, 5.6 should be fine with 24 people moving on. Not too bad given how historically woozy r3 files are to me.

----cool i survived, r4 can't possible be too bad, right? ri-?........... :T----

Round 4: Swamp Thing v2 [Pegging Nerds // Wiwiosna // 89]
Score: 1-1-2-1

actually i like this alot, huh. at least until i severely mindblock how accurately the banjo is stepped lmao

upon playing, ffr's perfect window is really lenient to hit the chart pretty much like 16ths and get away with it, even if the "MA" suffers. really not fond of having a 1-1-2-1 though after a couple plays but i should be able to clean it up and move on when my brain works better. khadjghsjkgskjhdfgjskk
Posted on: July 7, 2021, at 07:12:49pm   [3 comments]
5th time around in D6, and with the division boundaries shifted + how insane everyone is now (as if they weren't already), this is one of thr most stacked D6 lineups I can recall (excluding whem D6 was the highest division). I hope I can pull myself together and get myself a top 8 badge, but there's so many people that have potential.

I'm struggling with having the mental energy and feeling awake enough to play, but also feeling as if a wrist injury is on the horizon. In the last few sessions, I've had to stop very early due to some pretty sharp pain just from warming up on things around level 80. I've also been having polling issues and dropped inputs out of nowhere. In any case, these things have started to sap the real enjoyment I have had with FFR over the years and it may be te for that next hiatus I was talking about before, or to throw in the towel for good. But for now, I hope I can put up a good fight in this OT and maybe even reach D7 leaderboards before I call it quits.

Round 1: Elif And the Night of Twilight -Called- [visD // 84]
Score: 1-0-0-1 (11th)

It's no surprise that we get the hardest D6R1 file to date. Some tricky minijacks and 12th jump jacks, and a fairly speedy file but I should be able to pass through so I might not have much to say here.

Round 2: life flashes before weeb eyes [Psychotik // 87]
Score: 2-0-0-0 (9th)

This looked way scarier during previews, but a quick lazy playthrough proves it to flow very well and have a very nice balance of the tricky parts and the breaks. And we get another really great song. People were making comparisons to Trap Funk and I don't think I agree with that, however.

Gonna take it easy for the early hours of the round to avoid mindblocks, but this should be smooth sailing to R3 with another session. This is probably going to remain as one of my favorite files released during this OT, really good shit Psychotik.

Round 3: BarGain [mi40 // 89]
Score: 4-0-3-2 (11th)

D6R3 has been notorious for being really, really rough for some number of us, but this time we get a file that's actually favoring me, which is surprising given my track record with mi40 files (Stinger......ugh.....). Fun handstream, an intense track, and some speedy long jacks to close the file out. I won't say this is a free ride yet, but I'm excited.


edit 2: a couple days into this round now and i think i've gotten my jack consistency back to where i'm not feeling so much in jeopardy here. My initial thoughts with this can probably be chalked up to being mad cuz bad, this file does test a few different skills despite the ending being the real obvious kicker. It's a shame to see who is going out this round due to a bad case of jackletitis.

Round 4: Flashbacklog [Dragolord // 90]
Score: 6-1-3-1 (15th / at the cutoff)

This might be a situation like D7 has had in R3 with Nageki. The patterns just feel so strange to hit, like when it feels like my left or right hand should be doing a certain pattern, it becomes biased towards the hand that feels more uncomfortable to use.

First few plays were cold and I had to be quiet due to family sleeping, but maybe I can put together something respectable. File feels really mindblockable any case, this won't be an easy round and we're gonna start seeing some variation between the people just scraping by and people who will be in contention for top spots.


[RIP] Round 5: Catalinesie [Gradiant // 93-94??]
Score: 8-2-4-3

Ah yes, Amnehilesie's sister. A little nervous with how the jumpstream is stepped since it's stopping me from having a good score on the aforementioned one, but maybe with this being a new file it can come with a refreshed feeling. Love the song though, and the charts gives nice calms before its storms

first play thoughts: this is gonna be an even tighter squeeze to get by than Flashbacklog. There's nothing particularly too hard about this file, it reminds me of a faster/denser Elif (r1 file). SDG cutoff, but how low it will go is a tossup.

Real Day 1 Thoughts: oh god oh fuck the part at 1100 is going to consistently bone me in full runs. If you have played the file, you know this part. it's a wrap for me here unless i can actually pull something from nothing.

Yeah, rip me. Fought until the end so i can't complain about that, although I knew i had potential to SDG and i wish i could have proven myself. Good luck to everyone still out there, and I hope to make a return in D7 next OT!!!
Posted on: March 12, 2021, at 11:50:42pm   [16 comments]
Pretty much any questions are on the table as far as I can think of, excluding NSFW topics and politics/religion, maybe some other things not coming to mind right now. I think it would be nice for people to get to know me better, and to be honest, this is useful as a way for me to understand myself better as well. Try to keep the silly meme questions to a minimum as this is meant to be a serious experiment.

I'll respond here, so fire away. If I wish to not answer a certain question, I'll say so.
Posted on: March 9, 2021, at 11:41:58pm   [4 comments]
Honestly it feels surreal to see myself having come this far. When I came back in March of last year, I was sitting on level 85 and a heaping pile of rust, and now I'm on the edge of reaching D7. I almost teared up a bit after getting Level 93 on the call with Flynn, LeftyRighty, Mike, Pizza, Haku, and a few others, and I absolutely wouldn't be where I am without them and several others.

I don't know how long it will take, but it's going to happen. I'm not going to let myself stop without getting it.
Posted on: October 26, 2020, at 03:35:18am   [16 comments]
Okay Flynn The Wall Of Text Has Returned

3/29/21: Okay Flynn The Wall Of Text Has Left

[b]7/6/2023: WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK[b]

---Ah shit, here we go again. I got on a skillboost a week or two ago, but it fell off sooooooo I'm hoping I can bounce back once I get into grinding things. Excited to see some new files, and hoping to not get royally ruined by the recycled files (i.e. literally anything jumpstream or over 3 minutes). R4 would be cool but the D6 crew is alot more loaded with threatening players since OT13. I just hope to have fun and not embarrass myself completely.---

Round 1: Don Pardo Pimpwagon (AAA)
Difficulty: 83

Looks like we got an early start to the OT, and we're jumping right in with a pretty colorful streamy chart with some very chokable patterns. Really happy to have AAA'd it early on so I can focus on continuing to de-rust. I think the cutoff is gonna be very close to AAA, maybe like 2 goods. Pretty fun file though, nice job ilikexd

Round 2: Galacta Knight (4-0-0-0)
Difficulty: 85

This might be a ticking time bomb for mindblocks but it's a good thing I've worked on jumpstream a little more lately. Expecting a low cutoff on this so starting with 8g is nice as far as showing potential, but I know it won't be safe. It's already 15th out of the 22 that can move on.

Update: Soon after the 8g run, upped it to a messy 5g run....and then A FEW RUNS AFTER THAT I AAA'D UNTIL THE LAST 50 NOTES AND NERVES MADE ME DROP 23 RAW GOODS. I really don't want to play this file anymore since I was knocking on the door of not having to play it anymore...but I'm sure this score won't be safe for long....I'm so mad.

Update 2: Okay, so getting 4 clean was enough to boost me from 18th to 14th due to a three-way tie. I really think I can nail a 2g run since mindblocks seem to not be getting to me, but if not, maybe 4 will be safe...i hope. (cool, it was safe)

Round 3: AiAe (36-5-5-8) (get fucced lol)
Difficulty: 90

Got through r2 by the skin of my teeth, for this file, not only is it my weakness but the file is kinda uh....not great. the ending is really forcing this to be harder than it needs to be and for a tournament setting, this is...rude.

Update 1: So, two things standing out to me. First is the gap between 13th and 12th right now: about a difference of 80 raw goods. This is terrifying. More importantly though...were the frame gaps looked at before release? Everything from 1800 to the end with the one hand trills and 32nd bursts have absolutely atrocious frame gaps like...every 3-4 notes, made more evident by practicing this on lower rates. It makes this chart so much harder to read than it would be with more appropriate...alignment i guess is the right word? There's no way i'm gonna be able to even get close to a passing score.

Update 2: So i can understand the ending a little better now. What I don't understand is why I get so shaky, even when I don't have what I would consider a good run...tournament nerves strike again, i guess.

Update 3: HOLY SHIT THE DREAM IS STILL ALIVE. Satella finally played and i knew i had to give a few more attempts...if i make it to round 4, i'm gonna cry...2 hours left...

Round 4: 12 Bar Bloops (3-0-1-0)
Difficulty: 91

Our first pre-existing file for D6 and it's the best choice I could have asked for. I can't believe I'm even logging round 4 in this division....I don't think it's fully set in yet that I'm finally going to get top 16. Almost feels undeserved because of people that were already eliminated, but hey.

Update 1: Probably my only update because I kinda doubt i'll need to raise this score to be safe. At this point, any run with a AAA in the handjacks is a good run, and the same is probably true for the rest of the playing field This run pretty much solidifies my thinking that I can AAA it though, which will be good for a skill rating boost.

Round 5: Doppelganger (5-0-1-1)
Difficulty: 93

Made it to the gates of top 8, and we get a file that I can potentially so well on, but always seem to slip up and dump goods in the most random spots. This is already much further thsn I expected to get as I was almost knocked out in round 2, so I'll be satisfied with anything but last. Anyway, it's a 280bpm jumptrill-manip-friendly file with a couple of tough transitions, but this is another case where there are so many other files that could have made getting elim'd imminent.

Update 1: So I managed to grab a pretty massive PB already. I knew I could do better than 16-7-7-7, but now this is in my top 15 so that's cool. Controlling nerves in the ending is going to be the most difficult part, but I think I see a path to grabbing a top 8 spot. Let's see.




[RIP] Round 6: LOSHAXI (17-2-2-5)
Difficulty: 96

I'm so happy that I was able to hold on to life with Flynn, and Strangeprogram v0 is mine! Now to try and learn that i mean learn the easiest way to manip my way through it, because oooo boy.

Update 1: I really don't even know how to update this because i'm so speechless at how booty this chart is...but hey, alive as of sunday morning

Update 2: Had a feeling I would get passed again by at least Casey, but I was hoping Hayden would struggle too much. Looks like the difference between lv.89 and lv.92 is alive and well.

Last update: Gonna call it here, mainly to keep my sanity. Not just because LOSHAXI is absolute hell in a tournament setting, but also because i've just become really tired and stressed and lowkey wanting to sit on the sidelines ever since Doppelganger became a very cut-throat situation. I didn't even expect to make it to top 16, so the fact that i'm just missing out on top 5 by 10 points is satisfying. Good luck everyone still in, and thanks everyone for making this such a wild fight.

Comment wall
casual_dancing_queen writes at 10:59:09pm on 5/7/24
Stpatrick05 writes at 3:59:40pm on 7/24/23
hello ^^
FlynnMac writes at 8:29:07pm on 7/6/23
16th Annual Challenge Pissing Contest
Posted on: July 4, 2023, at 09:30:40pm [1 comment]
"Wait, you still play this game Miya?" yeah i guess lol. Looks like we're back to throwing it down in D6 after the skill rating structure change from top 15 -> top 5 tanked me by aout 4 levels. It's nerf or nothing.
Round 1: Necroxus [M0nkeyz // 80]
Score: 1-0-0-0
Seeing Se-U-Ra in an OT is always a bit scary but I can at least trust it'll be a good song and chart, and bother expectations were met. Very cool well-rounded file from a seasons stepper to get D6 a little bit cooked in r1, even with all the AAAs already. I choked the AAA in the last 100 notes and I might just leave it tbh, my eyes are having a hard time adjusting to this game in general again so we'll see how long I last.
Posted on: July 7, 2021, at 07:12:49pm [3 comments]
5th time around in D6, and with the division boundaries shifted + how insane everyone is now (as if they
Yuri238 writes at 7:24:43am on 5/10/23
DjNutsKing writes at 11:25:51am on 2/7/22
rawrrrr </3 xD
revolutionomega writes at 1:01:15pm on 1/19/22
way to go on the AAA/FC achievements yesterday! Megapoggers
SubaruPoptart writes at 6:53:28pm on 1/18/22
beeeboopbop writes at 2:10:13pm on 9/13/21
bit late but gz on d7!!
Jerry DB writes at 7:17:55am on 9/9/21
Awesome glad to see it you are a D7 beast now! Yes better late then never but at the same time no hurry as long as you are enjoying yourself! No point in taking life serious if you aren't happy so I hope you can keep balancing the fun with the serious :)
Novelties writes at 5:06:04pm on 8/12/21
Hahaha!! Im sorry! i didnt meant to go D7 until the end of the tourney.