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arc plays ffr: No Purpose Flour
Author: arcnmx
Type: Flash Flash Revolution Videos
Description: Took this to find out what my hands and fingers look like when I play. Terrible score, it was laggy :/
  1. Simply AWESOMUUUU!!!

  2. I do play some 5/6/7/8/etc(lolsynthesia) key games on it, I'm just not a fan of Stepmania. @KrazyKitsune because the keys are heavy which is tiring and makes minijacking hard as hell. It's definitely fun and bouncy to play on though! @ilikexd lol, I've done that, songs tend to sound pretty terrible when timed to nothing but 4 sounds :P

  3. Seriously, play solo.


  5. Why has no one thought of this before...

  6. That keyboard (rofl)

  7. this is like synthesia, nice setup

  8. play a pr-oriented piano file and have the piano keys make sound pls :)

  9. awesome keyboard bro

  10. SynthRevolution.

  11. reminds me of Keyboardmania but on a minute scale

  12. oh my god on a piano?!?! I gotta try that asap lol

  13. PPR (PianoPianoRevolution)

  14. Nice keyboard!