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Last Activity:01-08-2008
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About me:
I am 13,a girl, short and have shoulder lenghte black hair and brown eyes (srry guys im taken)i love to dance although im somewhat of a tomboy and ppl call me the gothic ballerina and blah blah blah w/e
anime, dance, heavy metal and rock music, and..and... MUFFIN!
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heavy metal stuff like disturbed. Korn, Bfmv (bullet for my valentine) and stuff like that
Fav Movies:
uhhhhh yellow beard and MONTY PYTHON!
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Random Thoughts
(this is something i made yself its meant for a gu
Posted on: September 2, 2006, at 11:25:33am   [0 comments]
(talking fast)
ok i was like running into the room and i saw gannon dorf with zelda and like *gasp* woah so i run over to him and take out my mastaer sword *angels singing* and then im like "swish swish" and hes like "AHHH LINK NOT THE MASTER SWORD!" and im like "OH HELL YEAH" and hes like "no" and im like "yea" and hes like "no" and im like "yea" and hes like...well u get the picture then then he drops the princess zelda "AHHHHHH DONT BE MEAN TO A GIRL" so i run over and pick zelda up *drool* aww im holding a girl..and then i i i take y bow and arrow out and fire "whosh whose ping!"
and and and then gannon gets mad and makes this big ball thingy with all thease colors blue green purple pink and and my favorite green! wait... ok but im all like then "AHHH WERE GONNA DIE RUN FOR YOUR LIFE U MOTHERF*CKERS!" so gannon he all throws it and i dodge and it hits the wall and it makes this little time warp thing and me and zelda get sucked in and well here we are well not really i got here late because stupid epona had to stop and smell the roses and flirt with a mustand (car) *sigh* yea but here we are! wats for breakfast?

Monty Python
Posted on: August 31, 2006, at 12:03:02pm   [0 comments]
King arthur: that man over there he id guarding the bridge. he asks u three question answer them right u cross answer them wrong u die

(person one walks over to man)

old man: what is ur name

person 1: sir lancolot

old man: wat is ur quest

person 1: to seek the holy grail

old man: wat is ur favorite color?

person 1: blue

(dude passes)

Person 2: well that easy enough

(second guy walks up to man)

Old man: wat is ur name?

person 2: friar tuck

Old man: wat is ur quest?

Person 2: to seek the holy grail

Old man: wat is the capitol of denmark?

person 2: uhhhh france?

(guy gets thrown into bottomless pit)

(third guy walks up)

old man: wat is ur name?

Person 3: J-J-Joey

Old man: wat is ur quest?

Person 3: to S-Seek the holy G-G-Grail

Old man: wat is ur favorite color?

Person 3: blue! N-No No y-yello~!

(gets thrown into bottomless pit)

(king arthur walks up to man)

Old man: wat is ur name

King: King arthur

Old man: wat is ur quest?

King: i seek the holy grail

old man: wat is the running speed of a ostrich?

King: wat do u mean? a western one or african?

Old Man: well...i dont kno tha~!

(old man gets thrown it bottomless pit)

King: well of we go

Comment wall
masterchee writes...
at 4:21:55pm on 12/15/07
ur older im 11 now tho and i knew u were older then me
masterchee writes...
at 4:09:20pm on 10/14/07
umm maybe like wen both of us are on and know im older like really
fullmetal2alchemist writes...
at 11:35:05pm on 10/13/07
lmao i c u havent been on lately. ya i was bored one day n went on. so hows life huh wat grade u in
EMOgirl_like_forever writes...
at 4:54:29am on 10/1/07
hi nice profile im voting for you..
fullmetal2alchemist writes...
at 1:15:52pm on 8/25/07
hey been a while huh
Blair940 writes...
at 8:40:46pm on 8/7/07
Yo voted u Thumbs up. Vote me back
UltimaAssassin writes...
at 7:51:21am on 8/4/07
Votes up! hope you can do the same :D
masterchee writes...
at 12:36:52pm on 8/1/07
maybe we can make game in mp
masterchee writes...
at 12:35:57pm on 8/1/07

hi ...>< didnt see you in a long time
tika4 writes...
at 1:13:49pm on 7/17/07
awsome profile,I give you a thumbs up!
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