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Uploaded on September 15, 2006 at 11:25:57pm

Picture Comments

  1. wow your soooo hotttt

  2. i like the pix

  3. u look kinda scared

  4. fake

  5. you may not be emo, but your fake.


  7. nice hair

  8. You are fucken EMO! jK ^^ You have a bad hair day huh? ^^ jKK ^^

    PS: Like the hair
    PSS: Your cute! ^^

  9. whoa effin' cute.

  10. ur cute!!!!!!♥

  11. LOL @ dia.
    He has a point.
    You liar.

  12. why hello there sexy! lolz


  13. yo u look so hott in the black so u got to be goth!
    well im goth punk so i know what it like to be called emo!
    well hay im adding u!

  14. dude i found that pic on google rofl. thats u? 0.o

  15. Nevermind. n3v said it's not you. Lol.

  16. Wtf is with your hair. It's like so nicely tamed. Lol.

  17. thats so badly not u cause if u look up hot emo on google images thats there

  18. Oh my god?

  19. cool man

  20. Nice...Vampire Freaks ^_^ well im going to be like the other girls and say you are Hot by the way you dont look emo!

  21. helllo hawtiee

  22. awwww u look so young hehe

  23. your gorgeous.
    i like your hair

  24. Oh goodness. You look so pretty. Vampire Freaks...right on. =]

  25. hawt

  26. o.o... Hello beautiful. =X

  27. i am so not emo