October 2014 Site Updates

Posted in Flash Flash Revolution on September 28th, 2014

Sign-ups for the 10th Official FFR Tournament have concluded, and Round 1 is scheduled to start on October 1st at 10:59 PM (server time). Over the next four days, keep an eye on the tournament dashboard, which will slowly begin being populated with division placements! All users will be placed in Division 1 to indicate that they have been accounted for — this is not a final placement, this is just to prevent duplication internally.

This month’s post is a little October-come-early in order to bring you an exciting tournament-themed surprise before the real fun begins! Good luck, get hype, and happy keysmashing!

What’s New?
You can now view the FFR Skill Bracket Distribution of all players with more than 250 games played. These results were generated using a suggested division tool, which is currently assisting in the manual placement of participants this tournament.

The FFR Community Forums are now integrated with Tapatalk for browsing on mobile devices. The Tapatalk app is available for free for the iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone and Windows 8.

Veterans can no longer view invisible users browsing the FFR Community Forums. Invisible mode allows you to browse the forums without appearing in the ‘Currently Active Users’ lists.

- PrawnSkunk, emerald000, Zageron
FFR Design & Development

21 Responses to “October 2014 Site Updates”

  1. This gets me hard.

  2. I am the 1%

  3. I am the 0.3%, you are the 0.1%

  4. boo, invisible mode gone

  5. This gets me harder.

  6. m0de

  7. Not seeing invisible people is stupid. Was it that much of an issue to take it away?

  8. Being able to view invisible mode users was really a helpful feature to vets who play TWG.

  9. blindreper1179, if the vast majority of the active forum community can see an invisible user, it defeats the purpose of the setting. We’re not removing invisible mode, we’re making this setting finally useful again.

  10. Prawn 4 next admin

  11. “The FFR Community Forums are now integrated with Tapatalk for browsing on mobile devices.”


    and invisible mode actually being invisible is a subtle yet wonderful change. the old behavior was very silly.

  12. I guess not all of the 1.8 million emails got received.

  13. An exponential model suggests there are really only 9600 people in D1.

  14. The model suggests the following distributions:
    59.3% D1
    24.3% D2
    8.20% D3
    4.24% D4
    2.88% D5
    0.88% D6
    0.22% D7

  15. Dat graph. There’s my confidence boost for the week.

  16. now ignore d1 and your percentile rank goes to shit

  17. I am defiantly at planet hype my first tournament cant wait

  18. ^-^ too many good people I know is in my division

  19. This is my first tournament, so I do look forward to this.

  20. Can’t wait to tie for 8th again and not get VROFL. o-o

  21. D2 Hype~ And my first tournament… >.<

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