Good Profile! UnCool! 

FFR Veteran
FFR Veteran
FFR Rank:5,015
FFR Average Rank:4,464
FFR Grandtotal Rank:2,647
FFR Grandtotal:3,580,169,260
FFR Games Played:5,070
Location:Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Last Activity:07-21-2023
Forum Posts:11
Member for: 18.38 years
Gaming Region:USA - Pacific Northwest
Profile Views: 12,431
Profile Votes:270
Referred Users: 1
TD_Pnai's Details
About me:
Rhythm game button masher, competitive Mario Kart player, anime binge watcher.
Music, art, dogs, video games, and anime.
Fav Music:
Anything with a coherent beat, good melody, unique chord progressions, and I'm a sucker for odd time signatures and counterpoint.
Fav Movies:
My movie list isn't very extensive. But my anime list is, though! (haha nerd)
Last 10 FFR Playback Games (Older replays)
Last 10 FFR Games Played
Random Thoughts
Update: 2022
Posted on: July 31, 2022, at 09:37:06pm   [0 comments]
It's been a long time, but I'm still here! Here are some quick updates:

- I graduated university and now teach middle school choir
- I've sung for The Killers for one of their shows in Las Vegas
- I've done competitive Mario Kart for 1 year (solo, free agent) and another year as an esports admin and manager for a competitive team, Storm Rush Gaming
- I worked retail for almost 5 years, but quit recently due to new management and the high stress environment that came with it
- I bought a soundvoltex controller, and I love this thing to death.

I don't play much FFR anymore. If anyone would like to keep in touch, you can find me here:

I do play StepMania with a soundvoltex controller, and stream it every now and then on twitch.

Love and miss everyone here. Please do not hesitate to say hi! I hope you are all well. Please take care of yourselves, because you matter and you are important.

Back for now & life update!
Posted on: June 1, 2018, at 02:15:11am   [0 comments]
My annual check in to FFR!

Just wanted to do a quick update: I've been through some hardships that I'm proud to say that I've overcome. The semester is over, and I am free to play games and watch all of the anime I want! (as long as work allows me to!)

I bought a Switch and it's probably the best investment I've made this past year. I preordered Musynx, which is basically DJMax, and I'll think of FFR everytime I play it haha.

Some exciting news for the summer: I'm going to Ecuador in June, and back home to NJ for July. I get to play Musynx on my trip, which is what I'm actually most excited about. I'm still in school, but I graduate in a year! The future is so scary but it's so close.

I'm really glad I came back to FFR for the summer. I feel like I really needed this :')

I miss this website
Posted on: February 4, 2015, at 02:52:19am   [0 comments]
Still in school, but I hope to visit the page every once in a while! Don't hesitate to leave a comment, I promise I'll get back to you!

...eventually! 😜

Finally got Veteran title!
Posted on: July 7, 2014, at 04:56:40pm   [1 comment]
.... And it only took me 8.46 years to reach it!

Song that gave me the title: Danzai Yamaxanadu! FC'd it, too :)

{I Don't Need You Anymore}
Posted on: July 4, 2014, at 10:19:17pm   [1 comment]
It's probably one of my favorite stepfiles in this whole game. It's lengthy and challenging, full of great streams, manageable jumps, and that drum beat is great.

But don't you hate it when you're 1 miss.. ONE MISS away from FCing a song? And isn't even worse when you know exactly which arrow you missed?

Ahh.. I missed a right arrow sometime in the second half of the song. It was an up-right-up trill and I guess I either didn't press my right key hard enough or I was just lazy, but I missed it! One miss away.

~Sigh. Can't win them all, I suppose. Still, I haven't played it in a very long time. My PA is terrible but I feel accomplished just FCing a song. One day I'll get you, {IDNYA}!

Comment wall
TD_Project writes...
at 1:04:30am on 4/18/24
*clears throat*
L_eMo_N writes...
at 12:46:52pm on 11/21/20
Absolutely!!! My discord is doctahwahwee#5863
Thats amazing that you play mario kart competitively. Whats the team that your managing? I imagine for the switch? I've been doing smash competitively, but since covid started, I've been on hiatus haha.
But yeah! Add me when you get the chance!
L_eMo_N writes...
at 2:41:40am on 7/22/20
Hows life been? Covid kicking butt, man. Historical comment right here. Hopefully life has been treating you well through the trouble.
L_eMo_N writes...
at 11:40:26pm on 10/22/19
Rapta writes...
at 11:20:56pm on 10/22/19
TD_Project writes...
at 8:12:11pm on 1/3/19
Tru dat homie, and I also like how we leave messages on here once every few years
Das my fav
Travis_Flesher writes...
at 11:51:27pm on 5/9/17
thanks for profile vote
Ecinizeerf writes...
at 8:06:54pm on 1/2/17
You broke ffr. it's kinda weird to not be able to tell if your active. Try making a post on the forums to see if it fixes it?
FreezinIce writes...
at 1:07:30pm on 12/20/16
Oh it still says your last activity was in 2015 what gives? o.o
FreezinIce writes...
at 5:29:34am on 9/29/16
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