The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku -Theatrical Version- played by EtienneSM

Replay Import Code:
Results (Perf-Good-Avg-Miss-Boo) Max Combo Score Date
1,960 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 1,960 3,038,000 11/19/14


  1. Trust me, this file's ruthless. You don't really get a break in this song because there's some kind of burst or stream that's willing to mess you up. The 343 stream's no walk in the park, the Death Piano ending is ridiculously hard, the AAA run was the only time I even FC'd that part, it's just a really hard file over all. I think this is perfect for a 97, lol.
    Thank you though!

  2. Nice work mang, gotta say though this seems easier imo than serious shit, these patterns can probably be cheated pretty well, the framers in the gluts would be troublesome MAYBE but I dont see why a d7 couldn't aaa this... This is not a good round 8 song imo

  3. GOAT

  4. Thanks, man!

  5. Total beast man, Congrats!