flipsta_lombax's Details
flipsta_lombax's Gameplay Stats Today
Random Thoughts Posted on: May 26, 2024, at 11:21:23pm [0 comments] how in the hell did I booflag Epidermis .-. Posted on: May 2, 2024, at 12:31:24am [0 comments] been around for 18 years and look at this place a lot of things have changed on my end as well, like an entire lifestyle overhaul due to life circumstances. but that's life right? shouting into the void of old connections, the new engine update looks sick Posted on: May 24, 2022, at 12:17:32am [1 comment] Being on this site for almost 17 years and seeing how much its grown since then is pretty amazing, especially the fact that it's still pretty active! I'll play here and there but I work so much nowadays I barely get the time to. But when I do, I still got it muhahaha~ Catch ya on the flip! Posted on: April 22, 2018, at 12:02:06pm [4 comments] Been a while. I think I'll be back on here again soon. I'm currently in a rhythm game binge. Super addicted to DDR A right now; I can easily play 16s. Bax attack. I'm back. Say hi! Flipsta PS EARTH DAY MUTHAFATHAZ woo Posted on: February 15, 2017, at 09:50:41am [3 comments] Whoa. There was some alluded premonition that I would make my way back on this site and still lurk, see if existence of past friends still go on here. Life hiatus is imminent and I can't help but seek purpose. But I'm sure everyone goes through their personal stages in life. Took a break from the fandom for a bit, just to get reality in check. Anyways, catch up if you'd like. Flip Comment wall