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FFR Average Rank:59,477
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FFR Games Played:26
Location:Texas, USA
Last Activity:06-29-2011
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Member for: 12.99 years
Gaming Region:USA - Southeast
Profile Views: 930
Profile Votes:13
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AraiyaThorn's Details
About me:
Romantic love is mental illness. But it's a pleasurable one. It's a drug. It distorts reality, and that's the point of it. It would be impossible to fall in love with someone that you really saw. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ !!~~Canadian Made, Alaskan Raised, and Texan Bred~~!! *My name is Ashley and I'm 19 years old. I'm a shy, kind, and honest person. . I was born and raised in Anchorage Alaska (moved to Texas on September 29, 2007). I plan on moving back this June. I am obsessed with Harry Potter. My favorite color is green, I'm a spelling-freak (I wanna be an editor, but it's WAY more than just spelling correctly!). I wanna be a model and a writer. I have a bunch of siblings (not just by blood) and my mom died when i was 16 from cervical cancer. And I'm in love with the most awesome person in the world. =] If you wanna know more about me, don't be afraid to ask me questions. I will answer as honest as I can. Lol. *~*~I'm the white crayon in the crayon box. The crayon no one notices until all the other crayons become boring. The other crayons are way prettier, and more fun to "colour" with. What's wrong with the white crayon? It needs love and attention too. Yeah... Still waiting. *~*~ I'm obsessed with Vampires and Harry Potter!!!!!!!!!
Mostly reading and writing.
Fav Music:
I like all kinds of music, except rap. But my favorite band is My Chemical Romance.
Fav Movies:
I love any kind of movies, except the oldies.
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Last Week
Posted on: June 25, 2011, at 11:11:25pm   [0 comments]
Surprise, Surprise
Drinking in all the lies
Looking left and right
Always ending in a fight
Wondering when this war will end
Lapping it up and peeking behind the bend
Holding tight onto your pain
Waiting for the moon to wain
Wishing you could go back in time
Paying a penny, quarter, nickle, or dime
Just to go back to last week
To wonder and to take a peek
At what you could have done
To prevent that certain hurt haunting everyone

This Love Will Surely Last
Posted on: June 25, 2011, at 11:08:45pm   [0 comments]
Your voice is magic, it makes me, me.

I'll unfurl my wings, and dive into the sea.

When you look into my eyes,

It's always the turn of surprise.

Baby, baby, give me a chance,

I know that this love will surely last.

We've known this since the start

Baby, you know you have my heart.

I know you dream, baby, you dream of our love.

And I can tell you, it was sent from above.

Please, oh please, give me a chance.

Cuz, baby, I know that this love will surely last.

Comment wall
somma writes...
at 9:48:56pm on 6/26/11
good how are you haha? im just tired..
Patricoo writes...
at 12:09:01am on 6/26/11
1:00 AM here. You can't spell BEST without EST.
Patricoo writes...
at 11:56:53pm on 6/25/11
Someone fancy'd up their profile
somma writes...
at 5:21:36am on 6/22/11
haha hello white crayon
AraiyaThorn writes...
at 8:15:38pm on 6/19/11
Patricoo writes...
at 1:00:02pm on 6/18/11
Welcome to FFR! We are a friendly bunch. :D
Synthlight writes...
at 7:28:19pm on 6/17/11
First person to post on your wall.
