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FFR Average Rank:39,628
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FFR Games Played:313
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Wunny123's Details
About me:
Mikey Is All Ya Needa Know For Now.
Fav Music:
Rock,Screamo,Techno, Artists: All Time Low, Linkin Park, Journey, Eminem, Zedd, Skrillex, Blood on the Dance Floor,Evanescence, Dubstep, Addomy, Paramore, Panic! at the Disco, I Set my Friends on Fire,Avenged Sevenfold, Escape the Fate, Eminem, Black Veil Brides, Green Day, Three Days Grace,Rascal Flatts, Sleeping With Sirens, Drunken Monkey, Tune Up, Dj Rabaan, Dj Splash, Dj, Euroo, Cosmic Gate, Max Farenthide, Kiss, ACDC, Ledd Zepplin, The Beatles, Guns n Roses. Demi Lovatoc:
Fav Movies:
Horror, Zombies, Comedy, Action. Friday The 13th. Halloween I & II Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Jack the Ripper, House at the end of the street, The possession , Zombie Desert. Alley Valley. LMN Movies. Revenge On Halloween, Carrie, Scary Movie 1-5 Goodnight, The Outsiders. ♥
Member for: 11.98 years
Gaming Region:USA - Southwest
Location:Ratchet, California, USA
Last Activity:04-29-2020
Forum Posts:1
Profile Views: 4,938
Profile Votes:82
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Random Thoughts
Posted on: April 27, 2014, at 01:23:55pm   [2 comments]
Hey guys. I've read every single comment, question, and mail that you've sent me..
I haven't posted in a while and I know that. I needed a break from.. well everything.
People. Socializing. The Internet. Everything.
I can't hold on anymore.. I can't find the grip I need to pull myself back up. Everyone thinks of me as a waste of skin. And as many times I've heard that 'till this day.. I'm starting to believe everything people say about me. I am a waste of skin.. And a waste of space. I just see no point of trying.. Or for crying.... or for breathing...
I'm just done.
This is my last post..
You won't be hearing from me anymore.

I love every single one of you. Thanks for giving me a reason to live.
Now.. It's over. :|
Posted on: March 15, 2014, at 08:50:32pm   [1 comment]
Hey people of the planet!!
I Did read all of your comments, questions, and inboxes!
some haters, some lover, whatever.

I know I haven't blogged since what like a month ago?
I Have a reason for that, but just wait till it pops into my head! :))

My friend had a Karate Tournament Tonight and she got 3rd place! Place in the comments below if you think that's a good medal to win!!
I think it is, but I don't take karate so I don't know if the 'Sensei' finds that medal acceptable.

Anyway, I will be doing a Q&A Soon!
Thanks again for reading, be back soon for more random thoughts ♥ :)
Posted on: March 2, 2014, at 07:54:54pm   [1 comment]
Jesus..God..Allah.Confucious..Budah.. ANYONE HELP THIS CHILD..
Okay.. So I was on the internet roaming the ghetto fuckery of stupid ass sites.
And one of you tweeted a video to me.. The title was N/A
So i was getting alittle creeped out because I know wtf you guys comment and question me about every monday Wednesday & friday.. So i clicked it and my jaw.. Dropped like 3 stories.. A child who was desperate for publicity and fame.. Stuck his penis in a hot pocket..AND A POPTART BOX.. AN INNOCENT POPTART BOX!! Then posted it online, then wondered to himself "Why The Fuck Would Vine Ban Me?"
He answered his own question...

Now it's my turn to ask you guys a question.
Would You Stick Your Dick In A Hot Pocket Or A PopTart Box For Fame , Publicity, Views Etc?

Posted on: February 1, 2014, at 03:48:10pm   [0 comments]
Hey guys so this is gonna be a pretty short announcement today since i just cam from the hospital for vomiting 7 times in 2 hours.
I'm internally bleeding atm.
Sorry I didn't answer your comments and mails yesterday , I mean I was at the hospital -_-
But yeah i have to drink 5 pills everyday. Is that even freakin' normal? e.e
But yeah bye guys ♥
Posted on: January 27, 2014, at 04:12:41pm   [1 comment]
Hello People of The Roman Goddess Of Love And Beauty
(A.K.A) The Earth...

Ok so before I get into this rant, I want to say, thanks for all of the questions and mails you guys have sent me! I really appreciate it! :)

Ok so tell me how I was in 9th period, and was in technology. Ok my teacher a fucking cunt raggody stupid slutty hoe.
I was writing in my notebook. Hear that I was writing down what was on the BOARD.
The bitch walks to my desk.. Looks at me in the eye, and says clearly without a studder. "What Are You Doing (Anonymous)?
I was like, whats on the board. He goes ok.
So at the end of class, the bell rings. Time to go home.
Time to sleep, FINALLY i thought to myself.
He calls me to the desk.
Gives me a damn detention.
I want to know what in the exact fuck I did to earn a detention after school?

He dismissed me and I was pissed because I just wanted .. to understand... the exact amount of fuckeristic bullshit, I did.

Comment wall
eletricmonday writes at 10:25:59am on 1/31/15
whats up? interested in playing any MP ? i need to get my rank up but cant find people to play with
thatnerdddd writes at 10:32:22am on 5/4/14
Mikey, I messed up. I'm always messing up. I'm sorry. I just really am. I need you. I fucked up. Yeah, yeah, you need time.
eletricmonday writes at 5:40:16am on 3/6/14
yea man i didnt really play on here the last 2 years or so but just started back up about a week ago! so whats up ? :D
mellybear! writes at 11:04:36pm on 3/5/14
awh thanks so much !!! <33333 I love the pic ! <3
rookiejunior writes at 1:55:58pm on 2/2/14
whaddup broskie ?
sarahbobarah20 writes at 1:43:44pm on 2/1/14
no problem :)
rookiejunior writes at 1:46:34pm on 1/31/14
do I know you ?
mellybear! writes at 12:15:45pm on 1/30/14
hahaha I can totally tell you aren't serious... I LOVE THAT :D :D :D lmao =)))
OMG honestly I don't even know anymore... I put that up there 3 years ago...and to this day I don't really listen to them anymore !! I need to update my profile LOL
SORRY I TOOK LIKE 10 YEARS TO RESPOND... I could of sworeeee I did..... but I guess I just read it and made a mental note to respond... LOOOOLOL =))0 HOW ARE YUH THOOO ? =)
thatnerdddd writes at 4:55:01pm on 1/29/14
Imma hold yo weave and you hold mine! hahaha skype me <3
thatnerdddd writes at 8:20:23pm on 1/28/14
I cried because the first day these kids were getting me in trouble then went i started to tear up they started making fun of how i cried then the next day the two kids were testing me and hit me with a shoe and laughed in my face. I went to the locker room and hit a locker to get me to calm down.