Good Profile! UnCool! 
A The Third
FFR Player
FFR Rank:8,596
FFR Average Rank:2,293
FFR Grandtotal Rank:8,253
FFR Grandtotal:1,188,284,600
FFR Games Played:2,874
Location:Missouri, USA
Last Activity:07-04-2012
Forum Posts:7
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Member for: 16.51 years
Gaming Region:USA - Great Lakes
Profile Views: 7,515
Profile Votes:113
A The Third's Gameplay Stats Today
A The Third's Gameplay Stats Today
12 / 3349
302 / 3349
Tier Points
12 / 1500
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A The Third's Details
About me:
OH GAWD PURPLE!! Mmm... sexy. Anyways, I'm Third. I hate it when people just like, call me A for short. Out of all the words you choose to call me, you choose A? Either say the whole thing, or Third. It's not hard. Moving on, I'm 17 and yes as you can tell I love Lucario. Well that's because I'm a fur. =3 Also, if you didn't notice, I love purple.
SKATEBOARDING AND BRAWLLLLLL!!! Really, I like trying new things. It's really amazing! Oh and other stuff are Dance Dance Revolution, Sports, Marial Arts, being on computer, video games.
Fav Music:
Rap, Techno, R&B, Jazz, Classical, Pop, Rock, Metal, Dance, mainly all kinds! except Country, I cannot listen to country..
Fav Movies:
I'm into a bunch. I mostly like animated features though. I can't stand gory movies.. Just all the blood and the guts and the screaming! Gah. *faints*
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Random Thoughts
Posted on: October 16, 2010, at 02:58:10am   [1 comment]
I can\'t believe it\'s back. I actually thought it was gonna be off forever. It was weird, Hammy sent me a link to another website just like FFR. I didn\'t really wanna join, I thought about it. Then the next day, I get a text from him saying.. \"FFR is back up.\"
I didn\'t believe it was back up at first, and was to shocked to see that it is. It\'s good to be back though. ^^

A Special Sense?
Posted on: August 16, 2009, at 11:46:13am   [1 comment]
It's weird, today I woke up kind of earlier than usual, but I still did the usual. Went downstairs and played brawl. My dad walked in and said.. "Good morning." Then he looked at me strangely, and asked me what's wrong. Right then and there I was shocked that he knew what was wrong with me. The night I had was rough for me, something I'll never forget. I didn't show any feeling of it in front of him, but he knew..

Two hours later, I was in the kitchen cooking something for my uncle, and my mom suddenly comes in and asks me, "What's wrong?" How did she know? My dad didn't tell her. After he greeted me, he went out the door to work. That didn't freak me out too much, just when she knew who it was I was sad about, that shocked me. It's like some people have a special sense, because didn't show any type of sadness, but yet they knew..

Kind of scares me, it feels like my mom has an idea on what's going on.. Hope she doesn't.

Welcome to the Neighborhood!
Posted on: August 8, 2009, at 11:37:40pm   [0 comments]
I don't know, for some reason a bunch of my friends from my neighborhood are started to include me in their, well.. crap. It's weird, I have no clue where this came from. First, I knew this guy from my nice, he showed me some stuff on a skateboard, and we've been hanging ever since. Now, I have like a whole crew by my side. I enjoy having a bunch of people my side, I'm not the leader or anything, but it does feel very good. Apparently I'm the so called "emotional" one of the group. Kinda ticks me off.

Mainly to cut it short, I really probably won't be on too much. I am trying to get on FFR much more.. well because... Not sure.. Could because my babes is on here a lot. But, yeah. I'll try to get on more!

(Not like I actually have people who miss me anwyays. XD)

Summer School
Posted on: May 27, 2009, at 10:42:01pm   [4 comments]
That dreaded word that haunts the lazy, slackers, and the slow.. Summer school.

Hopefully I won't have to go to summer school since my school completely blows and shouldn't of even opened this year. I'm trying my best to get my stuff together before school is up, because I have BIG PLANS FOR SUMMER!


Shadow Light
Posted on: January 5, 2009, at 11:18:46pm   [0 comments]
I'm so lost...

Well I'm going to get back into drawing and I sort of notice something that I have a lot of trouble with. With adding details with light, I can never thing of how it hits the body.. It's kind of confusing, but if you drew then you'd know exactly what I'm talking about.. I know your suppose to imagine where the light is coming from, but when I do it, I get a complete blank.. If anyone has any tips.. that would be nice.

Comment wall
Silvuh writes...
at 1:55:03am on 6/30/12
Arf, thanks! Think maybe you'd like to get on YIM or something so we could chat for a bit?
Silvuh writes...
at 1:46:32am on 6/30/12
I see you online!!
Lidkid25 writes...
at 6:48:09pm on 4/25/12
Lucario... AMAZING!!!
HammyMcSquirrel writes...
at 5:24:20pm on 7/16/11
We gotta talk on Skype again sometime soon!
flipsta_lombax writes...
at 4:57:57am on 7/4/11
Lol more liek A the Fur'd. :3 God there are so many furries on FFR alone. If I had a banana for every furry I've met on FFR, I wouldn't want another one.
Awesome meetin' ya brah.
finalblood writes...
at 2:45:27pm on 4/26/11
YOSHl writes...
at 2:05:43pm on 1/14/11
dayum. I like how our stats are nearly the same XP
Nice profile though
colt.45 writes...
at 6:41:21pm on 12/16/10
Hello ;D Another Fellow Missouri player!
HammyMcSquirrel writes...
at 2:32:54pm on 12/15/10
All_That_Chaz writes...
at 1:32:45am on 12/9/10
haha thanks. party's at a buddy's house in nj. you're welcome to show up.
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