Good Profile! UnCool! 
FFR Player
FFR Average Rank:59,487
FFR Grandtotal Rank:160,320
FFR Grandtotal:46,756,690
FFR Games Played:118
Location:Ontario, Canada
Last Activity:01-16-2012
Member for: 15.93 years
Gaming Region:Canada
Profile Views: 2,332
Profile Votes:38
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About me:
Heyy I'm Kayla :] Sadly, I'm currently going through DDR withdrawls due to the fact that my xbox is down for the count. That's where FFR comes in ^^ I also love Stepmania however I haven't gotten around to asking my mom to type the password so I can download it *tear* More about me: I obey adults but only til I am 18 of course,I just happen to like having a home and my parents are really strict soo. However, if anyone my age even thinks about telling me what to do they will regret it heh. Actually I totally bitched out a girl at work the other day for trying to tell me how to do MY job. I hate that, do your job and I'll do mine, fuck. I love my friends, they mean the world to me (even though they piss me off at times). I love my parents even though they piss me off much of the time too. My mom and dad are divorced, my dad remarried. She is nice at times but other times it's hard to cope. My mom is commonlaw married with a man who is really funny and stays out of my business (w00t). I am straight, however my best friend Maggie is an exception. She is the only girl I love. We act like lesbians alllll the time but I don't give a fuck who sees. Everyone can think I'm a lesbian for all I care, doesn't change the fact that I like men. I love animals, all of them. I haaaaate bugs/insects/spiders. I am afraid of heights and small spaces, and public speaking, and sharp objects (unless I am in control of them). I love to draw, however I'm not as creative as I thought I was because I have a hard time drawing from my own mind. I tend to draw what I can see and use a lot of references if I do have an idea. I sing....alot. Anytime I don't have to be speaking I'll sing. In the shower, around the house, walking to school, on the bus, in the school, at work, I don't care. If people don't like it they can shove a microphone down their throats. Try to drown me out.
Chatting, Playing video games, Watchin movies, Hanging with friends (don't care what we do as long as I'm with em), EATING lol (I eat ALLLLL the time, luckily for me I have a fast metabolism :P), Drawing, Writing, and Singing :] Ooh and of course anime! <3 Otaku's FTW :]
Fav Music:
My favourite music includes: Breaking Benjamin, Rise Against, AFI, 30 Seconds to Mars, Paramore, Madina Lake, Marilyn Manson, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Def Leppard, AC/DC, Guns n' Roses, Good Charlotte, Linkin Park, Mika, MSI, MCR, && Nickelback. I'm one of those people who likes pretty much any style of music. I don’t know much about genres I just know if I like a song or not :P I listen to any of the styles listed above plus some rap/R&B, and to everyone’s despair, Country. Yeye that’s right I like them cowboys with their tight britches :P All I have to say is deal with it. I don’t want to hear your comments, I did not ask your opinion on the matter. Don’t stereotype my muzac :] Thanks.
Fav Movies:
Sooo many >.> DISNEY MOVIES XD Cuz I am just that cool :P Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Dark Knight, Wall-E, IRON MAN <3, Hellboy II, Wanted, ergh can't think <.< Random romantic comedies...^^;; Oh! Underworld, Resident Evil, BloodRayne, 28 Weeks Later, I Am Legend, etc etc. :]
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azngirl4eva writes...
at 5:46:45pm on 8/19/08
o hahaha..
azngirl4eva writes...
at 2:17:32pm on 8/19/08
i noe if it urself driving u seem ok...
but someone else drive its scare u..
azngirl4eva writes...
at 12:59:46pm on 8/19/08
my friends take me to places cuz i couldn't drive so yea...
but sometimes they suck at it and im scared to death..
azngirl4eva writes...
at 12:20:28pm on 8/19/08
well yea..
i just want to drive or like to drive
cuz it can go super fast...
thats why..
Ukrainian4Life writes...
at 1:00:01am on 8/19/08
its ok. just PM me ur msn so i can add you. XD n then we can talk. :]
Ukrainian4Life writes...
at 12:31:53am on 8/19/08
cool... well for me it kinda sucks cuz life has sucked badly the last 3 days but w/e no one cares. well i am kinda smart... i missed only 1 question on the whole SAT and i go to the illinois math n science academy. i live on campus in dorms wit roommates. XD its aight i guess... do u have aim so we can talk on aim too?
azngirl4eva writes...
at 12:22:58am on 8/19/08
Ukrainian4Life writes...
at 12:20:09am on 8/19/08
217 views in 0.07 years... thats very good. XD really i mean it. :)so how is it over in canada?
azngirl4eva writes...
at 12:14:43am on 8/19/08
o cool..
lucky ur get to drive..
i want to drive but i can't
Ukrainian4Life writes...
at 12:11:07am on 8/19/08
i like your bg it looks nice. XD
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