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FFR Rank:76,674
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FFR Games Played:302
Location:Houston, Texas, USA
Last Activity:09-15-2008
Member for: 16.23 years
Gaming Region:Central America
Profile Views: 1,009
Profile Votes:14
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About me:
I am 14 years old and my name is Jack I am not religious, meaning I think that religion is just to fill holes where people don't understand what is going on. I am also a furry. I wish I had a photo scanner so I could get my fursona online, but I don't so I will just tell you that he is a fox fursona named Harvey. Oh yeah, I am straight. Anyway, I enjoy making new friends and meeting new people, so comment or pm me or something! Peace and Love
Playing Guitar, Drawing, Furries, Reading, Chatting/Hanging w/ friends, reading, swimming, sleeping, watching tv, biking, running, NOT heights, and MUSIC!!!
Fav Music:
Green Day, Serj Tankian, System of a Down, AC/DC, Gorillaz, Alterbridge, My Chemical Romance, Transense,Papa Roach, The Strokes, Mindless Self Indulgence, 'FCPREMIX', Puddle of Mudd, Nickelback, Finger Eleven, Led Zepplin, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Rush, Modest Mouse, Steve Millers Band... I know there's more, I just can't think of them atm.
Fav Movies:
The 'Bourne' series, The Princess Bride, spider man(the first only), the Shrek series, I am not a really a big movie watcher... sorry.
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Random Thoughts
Since I have been on
Posted on: August 20, 2008, at 01:05:25pm   [0 comments]
Alot has changed since the last time I was on. My band lost it's keyboardist, got a replacment, I turned 14, became an even more hardcore furry, found a ton of new favorite bands, advanced a ton in my guitar, was asked by a bunch of college students to go rock out in their band, became good friends with them, was invited to one of their parties(that's a big deal for a little kid like me... you know, how often does a 14 year old go to a college party? That's pretty wicked), I joined the swim team, became the fastest at breat stroke on my team, came in 8th for regionals and I drew a whole lot more pictures. Now all I need is a photo scanner, a talk box, and to bring the new keyboardist up to speed, then my summer will have been a complete and total success. Woo Hoo! Also, there is another little tid bit I don't want to mention because one of my friends might decide to come back on and read a post, then my secret would be out and my life; over. It is great to be back! I love you all.

Posted on: April 25, 2008, at 04:22:46pm   [0 comments]
Hey, today I suffered something I have never suffered before (well, not really... it happens just not often... at all)! I randomly got depressed and irratable. I think it was the lack of food, drink and sleep. It probably was, but I am still miserably sleepy! Recently I have been having trouble with speech as well. It is crazy! I will start in the middle of a sentence, my words will slur or I will switch words around! It is quite annoying, because it can come out quite wrong... sometimes I will even say things that I am thinking! I wonder if I have a mental illness. I wouldn't be surprised, nor would my friends... I have definitly had enough knocks to the head! Well, see ya! ^^

Peace and Love,

Highway to Hell
Posted on: April 12, 2008, at 02:49:17pm   [0 comments]
I love this song!!!

P.S. I can play it on guitar.

Update: Drawing and My Band
Posted on: April 9, 2008, at 08:24:44pm   [0 comments]
First things first, my band has three songs in the works(lyrics that is) and and one finished (again, only lyrics). I have come up with a couple more riffs and rythem ideas. I can't wait to get one of those suckers put together!!!!
I have been drawing non-stop recently (sunday I reached a max of 7 straight hours of drawing). I only draw furries (sorry... but I am not really, though), and when I make enough I am going to borrow my friend's photoscanner and upload them. Well, this update was short, but I will update again soon.

My Band
Posted on: April 1, 2008, at 06:50:45pm   [0 comments]
Alright, so as the title hints, I am in a band. We haven't even finished an entire song, and I am already coming up with a new one. I need to slow down, but I get a million ideas a day!!! Oh right I guess I should explain who all is in my(our, but you don't know the rest yet!) band. I am in it(duh?) and I play lead guitar and lead vocals. My little bro is in it and he plays drums. Finally, my friend is it as well and he plays keyboard and backing vocals. We are called 'Warped reality'!!! We are so totally the smex... even though no one has over one year of experience at their instrument. Well, when we got a song completely finnished we will record it, make it into a video, then my friend and I will put it on our profiles.

Peace and Love,
Jack 'Harvey' Thornton

Comment wall
EvolutionFreak14 writes...
at 12:21:12am on 8/3/09
hi! i was reading ur info. found it interesting. hope to talk to u soon
Poisoncage writes...
at 6:05:29pm on 5/24/08
Hey There!
I don't know you, and you don't know me, but I just thought I'd say hi and wish you a happy birthday. xDD
Happy B-Day!
emiemac writes...
at 9:22:30pm on 5/16/08
your avi is awsome
Fox.Dreamz writes...
at 11:11:09am on 4/26/08
i could, but i'm too lazy to do that xD
Fox.Dreamz writes...
at 1:23:58am on 4/26/08
hmm i might but in my own artwork ine day, but again, the picture quality always suck lol X3
Flaming_Dingleberry writes...
at 9:39:17pm on 4/25/08
Thanks, I'll make sure to let you know when we make another one.
fgfancory writes...
at 2:04:07am on 4/13/08
oh, and who is this?
fgfancory writes...
at 6:20:51pm on 4/12/08
thanks for the thought comments.
ImOnFlAmEs1990 writes...
at 10:56:39am on 4/10/08
i love ur avatar lol....
Fox.Dreamz writes...
at 8:33:20pm on 4/9/08
sure <3
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