heyitsmee's photos

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Uploaded on May 20, 2007 at 06:28:29pm

Picture Comments

  1. People > AAA = Glitched confusing the loader with a different song.

  2. no you dont :)

  3. haha i hav more credits than u

  4. I got that AAA did it when it first came out

  5. there were at one point 8 ppl over the AAA limit. I was 9'th when I AAA'd.

  6. secret arrows are arrows that you can't see

  7. what are secret arrows??

  8. uhh i got over AAA, theres secret arrows in that song w00t

  9. hacks yall

  10. i got 9

  11. ha .. i have the same screen shot basically... rank 7...

  12. i got 9

  13. yes something funny like AAAing a song and getting rank 7 allways needs to happen to me