azntony8030's photos

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Uploaded on June 28, 2008 at 04:06:21pm

Picture Comments

  1. I don't get it *scratches head* ._.

  2. Nice tony....but I still don't get how you got more points...O_o Oh yeah, btw I haven't been on ffr for a LOOOONG time, so I have no idea what's going on...

  3. lol i was about to say the same thing as speedking...
    I bet izzy was liek..GRAHHSRjahdfjksah fjsdhyfjkdshafjkhasdjkfh **** **** **** *** :<

  4. ROFLLL ! i never see that XD LOOL

  5. You beat izzy cause he missed one by accident! Awesome, he was probably pissed.

  6. izzy got pwned :O dayum i can see it now

  7. 6/28/08. I BEAT IZZY XD!1! All skills =P... and what happened to the last 0 in my name?
    For those of you that can't see,
    azntony8030- 889-65-7-1-5, combo 912, score-1418800.
    Izzy- 960-1-0-1-0, comb0 600, score- 1127965