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Secret mission : phase 1
Posted on: March 8, 2009, at 09:29:16am

well ive really been thinking alot on the subject ever since me and my friend devised the plan, and ive come to the conclusion that a guitar made entirely out of candy, lolipop candy, would be the perfect solution to everything! then at the end of the show if the lead guitarist decides the passion of Rock has taken full control of him, and smashes the guitar, it shall result in a beautiful shower of sparkles!! :that tastes great too ;)

  1. that is totally smart!!!
    haha it would taste great!! n of course the passion of Rock would take full control of him!! unless, the metal gets overpowered by country.or.indie....T_T

  2. but country wouldnt dare come to a metal concert!! thats whats good, the other types of music respect concerts XD lol

  3. it better not!!! unless it comes 2 destroy it!!!
    n yes, thts true!! they respect any types of concerts!! lolz

  4. o-o genius idea!!! O.O