Archive for the 'Embeddable Widgets' Category

Contests In Your Future!

Few contests to announce, as the 5th Official is starting to wind down.

1) 4th PSH.  That’s Photo Scavenger Hunt, for those not familiar.  A PSH is where I give a bunch of things that you need to find (or do) and photograph.  The harder I think it is for you to do, the more points it’s worth.  Most points wins.  Contest will probably be next weekend, Thurs-Sun.  I NEED IDEAS.  POST YOUR PSH SUGGESTIONS IN THE COMMENTS!

2) 3rd GWC.  That’s GameWhore Competition, for those not familiar.  A GWC is a 24 hour event where you play lot of FFR and try to get the most.  We’ve done most points in 24 hours and also lowest average rank from a new account in 24 hours.  We’ll be using Vanilla Mnm‘s idea.  Thanks!

3) 40568th SponCon.  That’s Spontaneous Contest, for those not familiar.  A SponCon is a small, unannounced contest lasting only a few hours.  NAME EVERY SONG IN FFR THAT HAS ’123′ AS PART OF ITS NUMBER OF STEPS.  note: There are x number of songs that meet this…  and 1 additional widget song.  I do not expect you to get the widget song, but if you do there will be a bonus.

edit: Congrats Jugglinguy on winning.  Lulz at Rushyrulz.  Bonus goes to MrMagic5239!

Prize: 3 month subbie for the winner.  20,000 credits if anyone gets the widget song.  GO GO GO!


Momentary Life since i have Hellhounds On My Trail

My good friend Shashakiro decided to come out of retirement this past summer and wreck havok on the FFR leaderboards, including winning the last official tournament.  In addition, he decided to shower us with a few of his simfile masterpieces… all S.S.H. and all FMO, of course.  The first of these is Momentary Life.  216bpm, 370 4-framers, 3:20 seconds, and over 2100 notes of FMO S.S.H. Shashy goodness.  You can find it in the FFR Shop for the low, low price of 6000 credits.

Today’s subbie release is much anticipated.  I’ll save the full review for 3 weeks from now, but just to give a small heads-up, it’s Hellhounds On My Trail by Children of Bodom.  AND it’s stepped by behanjc.  4:00 of CoB goodness.  I know there has been a lot of requests for this, so I’m happy to oblidge.  The one caviat is that it’s a secret song, so you’ll need 125,000 credits to play it.  Or, maybe not.  Anyone can access it via the widget on CoB’s myspace page or here on FFR.


Best of FFR MFA!

Posted in Embeddable Widgets, FFR News on June 11th, 2008169 Comments »

So I’m sure that all of you are aware of the ability to embed an MFA on your profile, right? Just show the Style Editor and select the MFA you want (below the chat). We currently have bands like Dashboard Confessional, Thrice, Jakob Dylan, and more available for you to choose. In addition, we’ve started to create MFAs for popular FFR Artists. Initially, CornandBeans is the only one you can pick, but we’ll be adding more soon.

On that end, we want to have a “Best of FFR” MFA for you guys to have on your profile. We want to take the top 20 or 25 songs (roughly) on FFR and slap them all into 1 MFA for your listening pleasure. Because it will be the Best of FFR, we want FFR to vote on which songs will be included.

To Vote: Just post a comment in this news story. You may list up to THREE songs currently found in FFR. If you list more than 3, I’ll ignore everything beyond the 3rd. I’ll let this run for 24 or 48 hours, then create the MFA.

So have fun figuring out which songs are your favorites! And check out my profile for the CornandBeans MFA.


Get Savvy. Mandy Too.

Posted in Embeddable Widgets on May 28th, 200863 Comments »

Pop duo Savvy & Mandy bring an exuberant burst of tween energy to the current music scene. Hailing from southern California, sisters Savvy, age 14, and Mandy, age 12, sing catchy guitar pop that features songs about sun, summer and ‘tween living. Their first single “Waiting For The Heartbreak” was featured on the MTV series Newport Harbor and also landed them in the top 25 of the Top 30 Radio Disney Countdown. The girls are currently recording their debut release for Firm Music due later this year. In the meantime with a string of shows already under their belt, including opening for Drake Bell, this summer they’ll be touring the Midwest so be on the lookout!

Play the Savvy & Mandy widget on their MySpace.  Or on FFR.


Lucky 999 In This Edition Of “Tass Is Bored, EVERYONE Wins!”

So, some people have been bugging me to release some of the old widget-only files onto FFR.  But, like with anything, I need a good excuse.  I figured, I would add a few of them in conjunction with the 1000th levelID on FFR…  but 1000 is so cliche.  I was a bit bored this morning, so I figured I would add some levels to FFR.  LevelIDs 996-999.  And since 999 gets no love, we’re going to celebrate 999 with 4 public releases of widget-only files.

New public releases:
-Power by ZeroFuser. Our 1st song by ZeroFuser since Gradeus, about 3 years ago! Stepfile is by hi19hi19… and it is a doozy! Definitely the new hardest file in FFR. You can find it in the upper left hand corner of page 1 of Dance
-What’s What is a cool dance track with some hip-hop undertones by Japanese artist Yu. Stepfile is by bmah and is an 8. You can find it in the upper left hand corner of page 1 of Dance2.
-Get Um Up by Army of Freshmen. A fairly typical modern rock song, Get Um Up will be making you get your hands up… which makes playing the file hard. Rated a 6. Found in the upper left hand corner of page 1 of Rock.  File by bluguerrilla.
-Outside the Skies is our first musical composition by stepfile artist Stargroup100. Stepfile is by behanjc. The song is quite melodic. I rated it a 7 for the 48ths and the long jumpstream, albeit at a low BPM. You can find it in the upper left hand corner of page 1 of Misc.


Nice Guys DO Finish First!

Posted in Embeddable Widgets on May 14th, 200821 Comments »

Nice Guys Finish First is really just one guy named Russ.  He creates music that blends Powerpop with Eurodance and Electronica.  All of his music is positive and fun and great to dance to.  It can cheer up just about any bad day!  Nice Guys Finish First’s debut full-length is now out on iTunes and AmazonMP3.

The NGFF widget will be live on his MySpace soon, and is currently playable on FFR.  Play the Nice Guys Finish First widget!


FFRock + Disturbed = Yes

Disturbed on FFRSince the moment I started FFR over 5 years ago, I have had a short list of milestones that I had hoped to accomplish. 500,000 members was one of them, engaging and building an online community was another. Among my list (and I am not kidding) was to have Disturbed as one of our artists featured in one of our games.

And today we have just that, full permission from the band.

Chicago being my hometown meant I had a certain admiration for Disturbed. I felt that during the mid to late 90′s and beyond, they kept rock alive in this city and across the nation. Always bringing a distinct musical and vocal flavor to everything they touched. Now here they sit, validated veterans of rock that understand how times are changing. They see the value in reaching out to online music communities and games like FFR and Rithum. This is where the youth lives and the youth needs to be exposed to their music.

Occasionally I will push an artist that we believe in over here at FFR. Today though I going to whore out the links because these guys deserve every bit of it. It’s truly an honor. Thank you to all the band members that made this possible.

Click here to pre-order the new Disturbed Album coming out on June 3rd
Click here to visit the Homepage
Click here to visit the Disturbed myspace page (check out the FFRock Widget!)

We are also featuring the very first FFRock widget here on FFR. FFRock is a completely backwards compatible 5 key supporting widget that was built in admin castle while we spent 2 months in California. As time goes on, expect FFRock to evolve. (oh the plans we have) All of you veterans make sure you scroll down to the heavy levels! Expect some hard as hell FFR levels to follow in the near future.

You can play the Disturbed FFRock Widget HERE

Thanks to everyone who took part in this project, you know who you are. Keep watching, this is going to be a fantastic year.



MFA? WTF is an MFA?

Tonight I will be giving you guys and gals a sneak peak at a little something special. It’s the thing above this post that shows a huge RITHUM logo.

It’s important to note that this MFA player is not meant for FFR. It is designed to work within the new and for artists and bands on myspace itself. It is here because I value your input more than you know.

Also, the FFR widget is currently being stripped out of this MFA and replaced with a brand new widget game, which we will be posting on the front page sometime here today. Of course the new game deserves an amazing artist and we will deliver on that front as well.

Play, listen, test and enjoy. It will be gone tomorrow.



***P.S.*** I wanted to mention that FFRock is currently being implemented into the MFA and is being wired up so that it displays the correct data. Later tonight we are going to announce the first group to use the FFRock style widget. There are hints out there if you care to look around the web.

Five Finger Death Punch – A Widget That Will Slap You In The Face!

Posted in Embeddable Widgets on April 2nd, 200824 Comments »

Five Finger Death Punch are a five piece metal band consisting of previous U.P.O. guitarist, Zoltan Bathory, former W.A.S.P. guitarist, Darrell Roberts, studio Metal drummer, Jeremy Spencer, and previous MOTOGRATER vocalist, Ivan Moody. They released their first album, The Way of the Fist, in 2006 featuring the hit single, “The Bleeding,” which landed in the Top 40 rock radio charts holding its position since its release.

Since then, they have toured with the likes of Korn, Hellyeah, Flyleaf, Trivium, and Atreyu. This spring they will be kicking it into high gear supporting Disturbed on several tour dates, playing a number of festivals, and headlining their own shows as well. They will also be featured in this summer’s Rockstar Energy Mayhem Tour featuring Slipknot and Disturbed. For the latest news and tour dates, head over to Five Finger Death Punch at Myspace.

Make sure to check them out both on myspace and on their Five Finger Death Punch FFR Widget.
