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Blindfold Bike
Author: AssegaiHD
Type: Flash Flash Revolution Videos
Description: What...
  1. I lol'd that was awesome!

  2. lol ;D i literally failed three times cuz i couldnt find the SDJK setup

  3. Now AAA Excite Bike in your sleep

  4. Nice, nice. I died on the line "I think I got it...nope 9-1-0-0."

  5. haha, that would be sick

  6. Actually i just had that come to mind when i finished this video, i might do blindfolds aside :P

  7. gj cammy ;)

  8. I like how in the Blindfolds aside vid they play and sing with blindfolds on haha. gj Cammy

  9. Blindfolds Aside is easy, because you get to put the Blindfolds...aside. (bad pun is bad)

  10. Now try Blindfolds Aside

  11. iwbed