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iPad Bitchslap
Author: someone
Type: Other Video Games Videos
Description: ...know that hurts
  1. I was half way expecting some new ap that actually smacked the piss out of you.


  3. Smack my bitch up!

  4. Roflmao Holyshit

  5. oshit

  6. Troll: Haha Wut you gonna do about it!? Successful Troll: This! (BOOM) Trolled...

  7. LMAO!

  8. LMFAO i lol'd outloud haha. kid got owned!

  9. nice!!!!

  10. hahahaha wow

  11. SUCK IT BITCH ..... *SMACK*

  12. Is the iPad ok?

  13. rofl ahahh owned

  14. Kid deserved it though lol

  15. Damn that was seriously hard.

  16. lmao

  17. fishys

  18. fishys

  19. LOL that was awesome

  20. ROFL