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Silly Symphony Blackflag
Author: leonid
Type: Flash Flash Revolution Videos
Description: Fourth round in the 5th official tournament Watch me trying to TeRage lolololol
  1. AAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA at the rage, omfg I can't believe you didn't destroy your computer when you're so mad O.O

  2. ''Nicest'' act of rage I've ever seen.

  3. go for the AAA! *_^ nice job not breaking your screen at the end lol

  4. lmao nice

  5. Almost there, keep trying :D, love that song but I fail miserably at it lol.

  6. lol nice job, I love the pillow part! ^^

  7. Leonid's Screen: 'Please don't kill me with that dangerous pillow!'

  8. Lolol, watched the vid as soon as I saw "TeRage" in the description xD Good score.

  9. Haha! At least that wont break your screen ;) Nice score anyways m8 :D