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20 turns per second
Author: lol
Type: Other Video Games Videos
Description: uhhhhh that's kinda fast R' U' R U' R' U2 R = 7 turns / 0.34 seconds = 20.6 TPS
  1. I can solve one in like 90 seconds

  2. pretty cool. i can't do that so hell yeah

  3. WCA regulations say the cube is considered solved with the limits of misalignment 45 degrees on every face before stopping the timer. Problem is that I use my wrists to stop the timer but that doesn't matter because everyone stops with their wrists while timing algorithms.

  4. You hit the stop mid way through the last turn.

  5. Uhh thats the point lol. I'm not trying to solve the cube. I'm testing how fast I can execute an algorithm.

  6. I don't know if I like this; he never fully scrambles the cube (in fact just basically reused the same alg he used to initially scramble the cube by 7 moves), but the speed is nice.

  7. i can sub-2 some plls do i get a cookie?