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My FFR stepfile 1 work in progress
Author: Koast Kraft
_DJ Vinyl_
Type: Flash Flash Revolution Videos
Description: I would love this to be publish but I need to tweak it first post some good comments
  1. gah assist tick

  2. I don't really like it... sorry.. a lot of off beat notes and the notes themselves seem odd... (not the skin) =-=

  3. idk, I liked Lovely City #10 more

  4. (゚∀゚ )三 三( ゚∀゚)

  5. How can you possibly not see that the notes are that much offsync with the waveform ??

  6. Noticeably goes off sync a lot, steps seemingly dumped wherever. Song doesn't really lend itself to a nice file; too long and unchanging. Work on your sync first. At first listen the song sounds like a constant bpm so it should be relatively easy. Then work on more closely following the song with your steps.

  7. we have outkast permission?