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Posted on: November 6, 2009, at 05:01:04pm

I has a ps3.

I like it.

It makes noises.

  1. haha that's why ot rocks X3

  2. your mom makes noises.....*queef*

  3. my ps3= totally gay D:

  4. /steals goff's ps3
    muahaha >:)

  5. hahaha PS3. hoorah!

  6. Haha. Best way to expand the profile ever.

  7. gimme PS3.
    mine iz cool 2. (:

  8. Lucky whorebag.
    btw, find what I added to my profile.

  9. i make noises too ;3 lmao

  10. You should grape it in the air vent

  11. makes less noise then the 360, i like mine quite so i dont wake up the neighbors with our moans of love

  12. Add me on PS3?

  13. super cute :)

  14. add me on xbox 2 pls :)

  15. my username is xxxxxgamerxxxxxgirlxxxx