Squee Squee's photos

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Uploaded on June 28, 2008 at 10:48:00pm

Picture Comments

  1. i made this in Microsoft Paint. I <3 you paint, no matter what other people say!!!!

  2. THAT IS COOL!!!

  3. i don't care i forgive you always mainly because i don't worship god o.o

  4. what is it?!

  5. i have an idea

  6. One time a Jehova's Witnessed called my grandfather, and he goes "Oh, you just caught me coming out of the shower, you sound hot, what are you wearing sexy"......TOO FUNNY

  7. thats evil and perfect and i love it >.<! what i always do is i make sure they know im home but i act like i have no idea what they want or who they are. ill peek out the window then crack the door then go look out another window.... :D

  8. Reminds me of what one of my friends likes to say when a Mormon missionary comes to the house, "Sorry, we all worship Satan here" Just to make them feel very awkward XD

  9. Of course I forgive you Squee!!! *hugs*

  10. =^-^=

  11. *smiles* I forgive you

  12. dont cus me out yet, i made this to piss someone off. then again... if u cus me out its obviously working... >.> ... GET MAD BITCHES .,|,.(//_-).,|,. SEE IF I CARE!