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Last Activity:01-19-2007
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About me:
Im 20 tho im not so great at FFR xD im ok at 02jam DJMAX, and stepmania I Live In Southern California Where the Great Weather and Beautiful Girls Are At. Im not sure what else to write so ill work on this later =D
DJMAX,DDR, Stepmania, O2Jam, FFR, Beatmania But Can't Seem TO Find One = If Anyone Knows About a Simulator I can Get like Stepmania Please let me know =] Also Into Cars all of em but more Fimilar with Imports Honda, Nissans, Mazdas So on love my 2 Integras xD, into anime, drawing but I haven't done that in awhile, snowboarding, hanging with my friends, lovely ladies >=] lol, music of course and just anything thats fun i love laughing its a good remedy for any illness
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Just About Everything And I Really Mean That xD but I Would Say I listen To a Bit More Trance and Rock Then The Others
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Rocky Quotes...Don't Forget about
Posted on: January 23, 2007, at 02:23:31pm   [0 comments]
I have to say they are

Cause if you're willing to go through all the battling you got to go through to get where you want to get, who's got the right to stop you? I mean maybe some of you guys got something you never finished, something you really want to do, something you never said to someone, something... and you're told no, even after you paid your dues? Who's got the right to tell you that, who? Nobody! It's your right to listen to your gut, it ain't nobody's right to say no after you earned the right to be where you want to be and do what you want to do!... You know, the older I get the more things I gotta leave behind, that's life. The only thing I'm asking you guys to leave on the table... is what's right.

Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you are because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that.

Hoooooooookay! Lovey Doveys >.>
Posted on: January 23, 2007, at 02:02:26pm   [0 comments]
Ok seriously you guys need to relax with all this love stuff I can't say everyone in FFR but most of people...espically with FFR Hook Ups I mean if you do hook up on FFR please don't like go crazy and say your madly in love with that person because its BS unless you have money and are willing to miss school and I won't say work because most who are like this don't work cuz of age lol but I mean by all means go for it if you can afford the trip. It doesnt bug me if its like id be generous and say 5hour drive from each other because that sounds more reasonable then saying someone who lives have way across the world or country. But if its not doing anything to u then why do you care! why I care is because later on things won't work out and they become emo and want to kill themselves...STFU!!! god most of you have so much time left do you have any idea how many things can happen with a spand of 2 years shit thats saying...lets say your 15 now 2year plenty of time to find a gf close by or hell say 5years to 10 plenty of time to find your wife because most of you want to get married right away for I don't know why the fuck you would want to do that.

What does being married accomplish espically t 14 15 or 16 or makeing that promise at 14 15 so on I can honestly gaurentee that more then 98% of those who promise to get married at that age never marry that girl or even speak to her again after 2 to 6years. I know because I've done all this shit when I was that age made a promise to a girl and all that then 3years come by and bam everything changes and your sad and all that crap but you know what..just for the guys go to listen to his show from 3-8pm PST time most of it will piss girls off and maybe some pansy guys but everyhting he says and callers who call is true he will help you out just a little advise is all but seriously when ever you guys do these things THINK ABOUT IT REALLY GOOD. DONT TAKE IT TO FAR RELAX YOU HAVE ALONG WAYS TO GO. oh yah dont give me that bullshit about what if I die tomorrow omg please I hope your hit by something fierce to wake you up and if your ssuicidal or say you are give me a break you would of killed yourself already.

Theres to much to live for in life and if you say I'm wrong that your life sucks you have no friends or no one loves you or whatever the hell it is. Its not lifes fault ITS YOUR FAULT. Change it you do somthign about that go out and find friends just don't give up. You don't live life thinking about when your going to die you think about other things better then that. Do what you really want to do in life, marry the girl you really want to marry not just whatever comes your way, and have enough moeny to do what you want to do and buy what you want to buy. I enjoy my life every second of it, nothing could be better I have my family and friends, Girls who care for me and I for them none are my gfs but why get a gf when I'm able to have fun with each of them? Just Enjoy Life. Be able to leave some good history about you to your kids or whoever. =]

Damn what turned out to be a simple rant exploded into this fckin shet ah well.

Why I Love Togue and Drift
Posted on: January 1, 2007, at 07:32:33pm   [0 comments]

Hell Yes =D
Posted on: December 22, 2006, at 08:51:58pm   [0 comments]

Posted on: December 13, 2006, at 07:25:18pm   [0 comments]
Yes Im a New RB Member So if Your One Too Post and add me! >< But I guess I use this Name More Since all my amigos are on it hmm damnit....

Comment wall
EMO-Chan writes...
at 3:03:44pm on 10/21/08
HOLD IT!! i love phoenix wright
OcreTone writes...
at 9:44:09am on 12/14/07
EmmaWatty16 writes...
at 7:53:38pm on 7/6/07
Oh, that's totally okay.
I've been extremely busy lately, not much time for fun.
Well hope to speak soon!
Love your mate,
MMShadow writes...
at 11:07:43pm on 6/1/07
OBJECTION! i dont want to be hit by them >.>
Tails99 writes...
at 11:49:40pm on 2/25/07
Nice avatar
R0nburgundy writes...
at 11:42:29pm on 2/24/07
got a new avatar like it???
EmmaWatty16 writes...
at 7:59:51am on 2/6/07
Nice to speak with you again.
What's up?
derekistotallyawesome writes...
at 10:30:14pm on 1/25/07
Sweet_dreams_4_the_dead writes...
at 10:50:46am on 1/25/07
yeah i know iam i got in trouble with the police mum didn't like that very much but it was fun
Blood_Vampire writes...
at 8:24:17pm on 1/23/07
ya it's cool having a twin but i have to keep her out of truble she the outgoing one and i'm the one that sits in a corner really shy as she puts it but i'll get over it and i added you
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