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About me:
i like FFR, its kewl.... i like to skateboard. i have a boyfriend. i like to write. i like to draw. i like to ride my bike. i like to read manga. i like anime!
manga. skateboarding. writing. drawing. reading. playing pool. anime! animals.
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rock. hardcore. screamo. metal. grindcore. about anything really.
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The Invisible. School of Rock. War of the Worlds. anime!
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Random Thoughts
Posted on: July 21, 2007, at 11:02:17am   [0 comments]
Broken hearts & broken bones.
Feedback and dark, low tones.
Lighters help up alongside cell phones.
Screams and songs and whines and moans.

This will make us,
This will break us.
The mosh pit will break our bones.
The microphone tells us we're not alone.

Sing along and jump around.
The vocals soft, the guitar loud.
The bass strums, and drums pound.
The amps and speakers blast sound.

This will make us,
This will break us.
The mosh pit will break our hearts.
The microphone's feedback before the music starts.

We slow dance to an emo song.
You know we're right, and they're all wrong.
It's music, it's been music all along.
We step in time through the throng.

This will make us,
This will break us.
The mosh pit will tear us apart.
The microphone amplifies the stopped beting of my heart.

Why Do I Try?
Posted on: July 21, 2007, at 10:53:02am   [0 comments]
Why do I try?
it is because of you.

Why do I try?
It is because you encourage me.

Why do I try?
it is because you are there to watch.

Why do I try?
It is because you help along the way.

Why do I try?
It is because I'm determined to nail it.

Why do I try?
It is because you may be impresed when I finally do nail it.

Why do I try?
it is because you can do better.

Why do I try?
It is because I want to learn much more afterwards.

Why do I try?
it is because I want to move on.

Why do I try?
It is because I want to be good at both street and vert.

Why do I try?
it is because I think of you.

Why do I try?
It is because I may love you.

Why Do I Only Smile When.....
Posted on: July 21, 2007, at 10:48:42am   [0 comments]
Why do I only smile when I see you?
It is because you give me the time of day.

Why do I only smile when I see you?
It is because you care.

Why do I only smile when I see you?
It is because you gave time out of your day to see me.

Why do I only smile when I see you?
It is because I yearn for your hands.

Why do I only smile when I see you?
It is because you saw me when I was invisible.

Why do I only smile when I see you?
It is because you give me lessons in the sport we share.

Why do I only smile when I see you?
It is because you talk to me without hostility.

Why do I only smile when I see you?
It is because you are there for me.

Why do I only smile when I see you?
It is because I feel trust between us.

Why do I only smile when I see you?
It is because you are a man, a man without hate.

Why do I only smile when I see you?
It is because you come around just to know how I'm doing.

Why do I only smile when I see you?
It is because you do not mind my being different from everyone else

Why do I only smile when I see you?
it is because you are different, and you do not mind.

Why do I only smile when I see you?
It is because I think I may love you.

Posted on: July 21, 2007, at 10:26:06am   [0 comments]
I never felt this way before
sitting here in my jeans and shirt
I'm thinking of you
wishing you were here

Listening to these stupid love songs
makes me realize i love you much more than words can say

So since I love you more than words, there is no point in continuing this poem...

I love you kiva

i wrote this poem in at the very least, 3 minutes. I mean, i was bored like usual and i just started writing.
what more is there to say? i just wrote, and this is what i put on the paper

I Would Love To Meet Myself
Posted on: July 20, 2007, at 04:03:03pm   [0 comments]
I remember the night you held me in your arms
And you told me I would make it through
You were shocked when i turned around and said,
"No one understand, not even you."

You let me go and I walked away
I was among everyone else who did not understand
So I lie down on the floor and scream at the walls
"Who am I?" my voice full of demand

But however much I screamed and shouted
I never got an answer, not even half
I didn't know myself of who I was
And when I die, say this on my behalf

I would search all day and through the night
If I knew I could find a reason
To who and what my point was
And not to have the answers change like seasons

Maybe one day I will find something
So I can stop living life grey
I would love mothing more than to meet myself
But not now, not today

Comment wall
Ringo Star writes...
at 12:07:55pm on 8/10/07
Ringo Star writes...
at 9:04:11pm on 7/28/07
hey hows it going
musicdevil writes...
at 8:49:35pm on 7/28/07
Ringo Star writes...
at 1:48:55pm on 7/28/07
Asigawa writes...
at 10:01:37pm on 7/27/07
i luff cher pic!
Black_shadow_devil writes...
at 12:59:21am on 7/23/07
lol its okay umm no i dont know how u can do that
Wiz44rd writes...
at 9:55:30pm on 7/22/07
k cool ill do the same
Black_shadow_devil writes...
at 9:54:41pm on 7/22/07
i see u still have nto added me on ur ffr buddies LOL
Black_shadow_devil writes...
at 8:36:52pm on 7/22/07
not sure
Black_shadow_devil writes...
at 4:51:11pm on 7/22/07
lol np
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