Good Profile! UnCool! 
xXThe Legend Of ZeldaXx
FFR Player
FFR Average Rank:59,452
FFR Grandtotal Rank:504,611
FFR Grandtotal:6,657,240
FFR Games Played:94
Last Activity:02-18-2007
Forum Posts:8
Member for: 17.36 years
Profile Views: 981
Referred Users: 3
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xXThe Legend Of ZeldaXx's Gameplay Stats Today
xXThe Legend Of ZeldaXx's Details
About me:
My Name is Link,Keeper Of The Tri-Force of.... *blam* damned poser anyway...yes i like zleda but i dont act like him like the LOZ extremist that own every Zelda game even 2.But i think its a good game. (nomiante as wetodid)
(See random thoughts)
Fav Music:
The Beatles,Led Zeppeln,Pink Floyd,Ozzy,most of those old bands and recent ones like GreenDay,Fall Out Boy(,All-American-Rejects.
Fav Movies:
hmm..ill get back to that...
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Random Thoughts

Posted on: January 7, 2007, at 04:00:18pm   [0 comments]
Dont jusge a book by its cover,judge it by the summary by the back.All the books are better on the back.DX...;D

Rock Paper Scissors
Posted on: January 6, 2007, at 10:44:03pm   [0 comments]
If Scissors Cut Paper
and Rock Crushes scissors then rock is all powerful.
But paper covers rock.How can an item that loses to something that loses to somthing else be destroyedb y the item that the item would be able to destoy by destroying it?Because why cant dynamite come in there and destroty rock and then people would say that scissors is all piowerful but dyanamite destroted rock but dynamite could blow itself up so it would need fire who would light dynamite to destroty rock so scissors can cut paper.But Fire doesnt last forever so we would need gasoline to come in there and help fire but all that does is make fire bigger so we would need a maychj to help fire get anywhere but matches cnat move themsleves so tehy would need a human body to move it.Thus proving that when you are playing rock paper scissors you should choose thedynamite come in there and destroty rock and then people would say that scissors is all piowerful but dyanamite destroted rock but dynamite could blow itself up so it would need fire who would light dynamite to destroty rock so scissors can cut paper.But Fire doesnt last forever so we would need gasoline to come in there and help fire but all that does is make fire bigger so we would need a maychj to help fire get anywhere but matches cnat move themsleves so tehy would need a human body to move it.Thus proving that when you are playing rock paper scissors you should choose the dynamite come in there and destroty rock and then people would say that scissors is all piowerful but dyanamite destroted rock but dynamite could blow itself up so it would need fire who would light dynamite to destroty rock so scissors can cut paper.But Fire doesnt last forever so we would need gasoline to come in there and help fire but all that does is make fire bigger so we would need a maychj to help fire get anywhere but matches cnat move themsleves so tehy would need a human body to move it.Thus proving that when you are playing rock paper scissors you should choose

Comment wall
karukatsu writes...
at 10:47:37am on 1/13/07
mwahaha I can do diffcult songs now!
karukatsu writes...
at 7:38:42pm on 1/7/07
too late noob lv 8 :P
Master_of_the_Faster writes...
at 3:38:06pm on 1/7/07
If that was you that submitted that video of bush YOU ROCK!!! I love that clip from the bottom of my heart. He gives me faith whether I sing(or be a president)badly or horribly because either way it's better than this XD.
karukatsu writes...
at 1:55:25pm on 1/7/07
xXThe Legend Of ZeldaXx writes...
at 1:17:51am on 1/7/07
damn it i llst my rank of 3 and went to 2
Synthlight writes...
at 11:07:55pm on 1/5/07
First person to post on your wall.
