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Location:Ontario, Canada
Last Activity:09-08-2012
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devilsdeviousdancer's Details
About me:
Live in Canada, 5'4", weight 90 pounds or so, im 16 (finally). I'm truly in love with a wonderful guy, but i'm Bi-sexual. I am a dancer, i truly am a closed book kind of person if you want to know something ASK ME! I'm not emo, but i'm very depressed (hence the broken heart background) I'm big on drawing though i can't draw worth crap, i'm also big on photography though my camera's broken
dance, music, movies, friends, games, alot of things. remembering good times with friends, spending time outside. Time with my bf LOVE YOU BABY
Fav Music:
mcr, 30 seconds to mars, protest the hero, billy talent, MIKA, finger 11, linkin park,red jumpsuit apparatus, mariana's trench, prodigy, most soundtracks to good movies or musicals, most techno, dark music. old AFI stuff (silver and cold FTFW)
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Random Thoughts
Posted on: July 2, 2008, at 02:54:19pm   [0 comments]
ok so i just got back from the vet....
bad news
my rabbit who i love as if he was my son
has to have his eye taken out.
3 weeks ago he was attacked by a racoon
scratched his eye
first appointment= $250
second-fourth appointment= $50
this appointment=$60
getting his eye removed=$1000!!!
by my count that's oh $1460 or so...
a wal-mart whore who works 27 hours making a few hundred every 2 weeks!
what the farging hell am i supposed to do??
i have to go through with the surgery otherwise he will die.
but if he goes into surgery he could die...
what the hell am i supposed to do?
i can't pay it but i have to..
don't want him in pain but don't want to put him through stress of surgery!

Posted on: June 19, 2008, at 01:17:32pm   [0 comments]
so i decide to do something nice for my great grandfather today
i happen to be off school because of the year is ending and exams blah blah blah
and i'm done
so i decide to make one of his fave cakes
it's a coffee cake
easy enough right?
the damn thing is condemned from the start...
first i drop about 5 pounds of sugar (that's alot)
and its in a container and the corner nails my's broken
then i make it and the batter is nice and effed up
not enough liquid or w/e so i'ts wayyyyyy to thick
then i go to put it into the pan.....CAN'T FIND IT!
i find a different one....what do i do?
so i start putting the batter in and then i realize oh sh*t i haven't greased the pan with butter/margarine
so i take the batter out and grease the pan....then i look for the topping for the cake...sugar and cinnamon not to hard...
i can't find any effing cinnamon...
so i search for 30 mins while the oven starts to over heat...
then i find it and make it and put it into the over...and now i smell it burning. X_X >_<'
love you grandpa!!! hopefully i don't kill you with my cake!

Awareness...FOR WHAT IDIOTS?!
Posted on: June 1, 2008, at 05:40:07pm   [0 comments]
Everyone, I need your help. After being at school today, and seeing a bunch of people writing on their arms to promote awareness of suicidal thoughts, I've realised that there's another affliction, far more common, that the world needs to be more aware of. That affliction, my friends, is rampant egotism and idiotic self importance. Loosely defined by the word "stupid".

First off, I'll start with the group I mentioned above - the ones writing "love" on their arms in an effort to promote awareness of suicidal thoughts in teens. Speaking as a teen who has had suicidal thoughts in the recent and distant past, allow me to tell you all to go to hell. Writing a word on your arm for a week out of your life does nothing, repeat, nothing, to help. In any way. Period. You know what it does? It makes us feel like shit. Not only does it serve as a reminder to us that we've had these shaming thoughts, but "raising awareness" is the biggest load of shit I've ever heard. People know that others commit and contemplate suicide - hence why most people know the meaning of the word by the time they're in 6th grade - but no one really wants to try to do anything about it. You really want to help? Stop being an arrogant cockwad, get down from your high horse, and be a friend to someone in need. Don't write on your arm, pretending you care, while going about your life as if nothing were happening. You're a coward and a clone, and you deserve a slow, painful death. You assholes have no idea what it's like, and if you did you'd say exactly what I'm about to say: wash your arms, your face, and get the fuck out of my sight before I rip them both off and switch them around. Douchefag.

Another useless Facebook group is that one about the polar bears. Apparently, the users of the group throw an ice cube into the ocean. Because that'll help, right? A few hundred ice cubes a day will definitely combat the thousands of kilotons of toxic waste and greenhouse gasses that are super-heating the Earth to temperatures not seen in hundreds of years. I know, I know, don't tell me: it'll "raise awareness". There's that line of shit again.

Look assholes. Raising awareness does shit. For most things, anyway. Ok, we could use higher awareness for things like that thing with that massive particle accelerator that could potentially create a black hole that could consume the entire planet within 7 to 12 minutes, destroying life as we know it; or about the onslaught in Sri Lanka, where the Tamils are facing genocidal extinction. But for shit like teen suicide and global warming? That's like raising awareness for traffic jams, or blackouts. Everyone knows they exist, but no one cares or is willing to do what's really needed to fix it, either out of fear of looking stupid in front of their friends, or just plain laziness.
~ Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam ~

Comment wall
eliwood231 writes...
at 4:47:29pm on 10/13/08
yo add me again i didnt,or let me add you cuz i got nothing
eliwood231 writes...
at 7:08:13pm on 10/11/08
lol i just got your message,re add me on msn?its still the same
eliwood231 writes...
at 5:47:29am on 10/10/08
hahaha just came to say im still alive and....o.o; well hi?xD lmao im sorry for not being on i just thought no one would bother messaging me since no one ever got on anymore -.-; yea...hi and take care xD and sorry to hear about your rabbit :(
Lil'Yoshi writes...
at 1:42:49pm on 7/23/08
Jajadiddle06 writes...
at 12:37:55am on 7/21/08
Thanks for agreeing with me about the map =)
StormKlowd61 writes...
at 10:05:56pm on 6/25/08
Yeah. It's never easy letting go... I still have my cat though... at least I'm not toally petless.
StormKlowd61 writes...
at 8:19:40pm on 6/25/08
Yeah, losing your pets is not something you forget. I was devastated when I heard the news and still somewhat am. What type of pet did you lose? Dog? Cat?
axznangel125 writes...
at 8:40:04pm on 6/21/08
Lol, I choose love you like a friend. xD
I'm not the type to hate lots of people.
Only certain people, I hate.
axznangel125 writes...
at 7:11:06pm on 6/20/08
Lol, that's pretty weird...but, so cool at the same time. xD
axznangel125 writes...
at 11:28:48pm on 6/19/08
You have a very interesting name there. xD
It's so awesome!!!!!
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