Good Profile! UnCool! 
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FFR Average Rank:59,485
FFR Grandtotal Rank:445,768
FFR Grandtotal:8,647,845
FFR Games Played:29
Last Activity:07-16-2008
Forum Posts:9
Member for: 17.3 years
Gaming Region:USA - New England
Profile Views: 5,062
Profile Votes:99
Referred Users: 2
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About me:
I'm young enough to learn. But old enough to understand. I don't know if love is true. Prove me wrong and show me. I'm emotional and get jealous easily. I can live with that. I brush my teeth 2 times a day. Everything is in order. I'm impossible to live with. I'm sarcastic and moody sometimes. And i suffer with hyperness. But it's not such a bad thing. I'm really just a really happy kid. You think i'm ashamed of the scars on my body? No. No i'm not. I've learned from my mistakes. I love the person I have become. And I plan on keeping it that way. I've thought about topping myself a fair few times. It's not worth it. I'm still here for a REASON. I'm afraid of falling for someone. I'm scared of having someone be the reason I live. HAVING to trust them with my life. To have them fuck me over. It's happened before. I'm soft-hearted. And sometimes I think I care a little too much. Even though it might not show. I've been let down. I've had my heart broken. Friends killing themselves. Been beaten up and bullied. But i'm not afraid of falling down. Cause I love getting back up again. I admit. Sometimes I feel life is getting the better of me. And I will hold the knife. Feel ugly and used. Think about ending it. Cause thats what most teenagers do. Don't say i'm being emo. I cry and hurt just like everyone else. And everyone always does. 99% of the time i'm happy. I dance around shopping centres singing so loud.. I climb tree's. Spakka dance on trains. I'm an original retard. Dance around my room in my boxers singing taking back sunday into my hair brush. Cause I wanna be a rock star. Jealous? I'm done caring about pathetic people. If i hate you i'll probably backstab you as much as i can. And if i say that we're good after a fight, chances are we aren't. I do everything i can for people i care about, and they sit there and shove it in my face and treat me like shit. So dont ever fucking tell me to change, i tried to be nice and thats what i got. Im sorry but the vain, narcissistic, down right mean person i used to be before is back, and its here to stay. I dont care how many friends i lose, or how many i gain, i dont give a fucking rats ass if you think im hot. Go get laid and leave me the hell alone you annoying fuckhead. If you dont have a picture, or your a fat ugly piece of shit, you'll be going on my ignore list. I dont have time for you. And if i take you off my list, chances are I WILL ignore you. Dont come crying to me, its obvious that I DONT FUCKING CARE ABOUT YOU. JUST BECAUSE. I'm bisexual. It DOES NOT. Make me girly. I'm not obbsessed with Carebears, and I don't like Hellokitty. Pokemon are so much cooler. I don't care if you have ''problems at home'' Tough Cookies. We all have problems. Get the fuck over it. I'm nice to people i want to be nice to. If i don't like you. IM NOT GOING TO BE NICE TO YOU. I'm obbsessed with DDR. And i get pissed off whenever i miss an arrow. I pretty much don't like people who can't type. If U TyPe LkE tHiS!!!!! LOLOLOLOOROLFMLMOFAOLOL!! You are fucking annoying. Either learn how to type. Or get the fuck off the internet. =) You probably have better to people to piss off. YAWN YAWN YAWN YOU BORE ME. If your going to leave me comments. vMake them interesting. And I can at least admit I suck ass at leaving comments. I just CAN'T DO IT. Its like one of those talents i was never born with. If you can play guitar. I love you. If you can hold a conversation. <h3>I FUCKING LOVE YOU.</h3> Rare people can hold good conversations where you feel like you actually talked about something other then "Lol. Yeah" The whole fricking time. Hint: A LOT OF YOU DO THIS. I have a hard time warming up to people. Especially if your like. INTIMIDATING AS FUCK. And I'm actually not heartless. I have a heart. And i have feelings. Try remembering that. Don't fall in love with me. Don't like me. Don't get so attached to me you can't "live without me". I'm not going to be here for much longer. And you crying about it won't make it any better. Don't even LOOK at my page if you are fake. I've had enough of this fake bullshit to last me a lifetime. STOP FUCKING AROUND WITH PEOPLE. Love sucks. Unless you have it. Wanna know more? Ask. I'm not a total asshole. Not usually anyway.
Fav Music:
If they ain't screaming, I ain't listening if they ain't got a blast beat, I ain't tappin my feet.
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Random Thoughts
Posted on: July 13, 2008, at 11:23:01pm   [1 comment]
making a new profile.


Posted on: July 13, 2008, at 11:48:39am   [2 comments]
Ahhhhhh, done with college.

FFR changed.
I hate you guys, but yeah. [:

So uh.
Who's going to warped tour? ;D

Comment wall
PFCHANGSSS writes...
at 6:58:44pm on 9/8/08
hi =]
nbclover writes...
at 3:55:42pm on 8/20/08
hello =)
tashia[[is dead]] writes...
at 12:10:12pm on 7/16/08
hey can i ask you a question.
if aaron, or yeah is dead.
how come he logged on to ffr the other day.
was that like. his friend of something?
-_-ErrorInLife-_- writes...
at 12:55:13am on 7/15/08
i love your long ass
about me section.
colinbaylengurl writes...
at 2:45:27am on 7/14/08
fair weather writes...
at 11:42:47pm on 7/13/08
sure my dear.
fair weather writes...
at 11:38:55pm on 7/13/08
I'm joining the new myspace crowd.
Am I on the cool list yet, ashyashash? [:
Bloody.Bree writes...
at 11:25:57pm on 7/13/08
BAHAHA. He dumped my ass way back in
hm. september. Just as I was rolling
into the high school years. I didn't
care much. I'm better now, but I am
still never happy. Its just me..
Bloody.Bree writes...
at 11:20:40pm on 7/13/08
Ive always lived my life the way it
was supposed to be. So, yeah ...
AshPeltola writes...
at 11:19:59pm on 7/13/08
Hah, kay.
Not much. Pretty bored actually. And kinda tired.
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