Good Profile! UnCool! 

FFR Veteran
Flag Master
FFR Rank:172
FFR Average Rank:446
FFR Grandtotal Rank:452
FFR Grandtotal:13,701,391,010
FFR Games Played:16,676
Location:Peoria, Illinois, USA
Last Activity:05-19-2024
Forum Posts:2,156
Member for: 14 years
Gaming Region:USA - Great Lakes
Profile Views: 17,732
Profile Votes:258
~Zeta~'s Gameplay Stats Today
~Zeta~'s Gameplay Stats Today
999 / 3449
1232 / 3449
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1187 / 1500
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- Unlocked Tier 4!
- FFR 6th Official Tournament: Division 6 - Participant
- FFR 7th Official Tournament: Division 6 - Participant
- FFR 8th Official Tournament: Division 7 - Participant
- FFR 9th Official Tournament: Division 7 - Participant
- FFR 10th Official Tournament: Division 7 - Participant
- FFR 12th Official Tournament: Division 7 - Participant
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Random Thoughts
FGO's Anihilated
Posted on: June 15, 2013, at 09:08:27pm   [2 comments]
Think these are in order.

1. The Adventures of Lolo
2. Frictional Nevada
3. Gunkienen Tarusuigin
4. Sleepmix Strikes Back
5. Unicron Barbeque (sniped first AAA to this)
6. Love and Justice
7. Ehhen Doyadosu? Tenhujiman
8. Jamais Deux
9. Ultrasounds!
10. 2-9
11. Halcyon [Xi]
12. Time to Eye
13. Ah Shwe Ba
14. Wraith
15. Nomina Nuda Tenemus (idk when or how I got this)
16. A Kidney Stone (omg a dossar file AAA'd)
17. Chipscape
18. My Fxxkin Desire For You
19. Sokuseki! Nouchoku Music System (sightread)
20. mutant corecore
21. All I Want To Do Is Touch Your Powerpoints
22. Shitsubou Choco (sightread)
23. The Bird's Poisoned Bathwater (sightread)
24. Hero Reconsidering
25. Pollyanna
26. Tsugihagi Construction
27. The party's starting! (did this one cold somehow)
28. Casino fire Kotomi-chan
29. Zombie Sunset
30. MANIERA (this is like an 86 so w/e, zombie's harder)
31. Cold Heart

Highest AAA: 86 (Zombie Sunset)

Almost There [3-0-1-3], 2g after streams. Lagged the bullshit.
Schmollbluk [4-1-1-1], awkward patterns near beginning.
La Campenella [8-0-0-0], My stamina sucks for this.
Breakbeat Acid [0-1-0-1], Laptop double triggered twice near the end.
Jamais Vu [11-0-4-1], Extremely good for me.
Magical 8bit Tour [6-0-0-3], Amazing.
Rotary Slicers [0-0-1-0], Lagged on a roll so it dropped an arrow hit.
Mourning The Lost [1-0-0-0], Framered jacks bullshit.
Jamais Vu [7-0-1-4] lolrip
Canary Part 5 blackflag (weird ass rolls)

1-0-0-1 Rave fucking 7.

500k Credits.
Posted on: January 12, 2013, at 05:39:17pm   [0 comments]
thank you for your gambling habits, alloyus.



lol. accidentally hitting a 500k credit bet. gf.

Comment wall
kmay writes...
at 10:02:36am on 7/28/22
I talk to Matt like every day hahaha (since the tournament) we are keeping each other motivated to improve lol
kmay writes...
at 9:35:42am on 7/28/22
Oh wow you're still playing!
Sky Kitten writes...
at 11:40:15pm on 1/18/22
Happy birthday~
Sky Kitten writes...
at 5:25:48pm on 7/5/20
more meatloaf
Shikari writes...
at 6:19:58am on 12/27/16
I did disappear, but idk, felt like coming back; too bad the place is pretty much dead nowadays. :(
Shikari writes...
at 5:48:25am on 12/27/16
holy shit, I didn't know you were still around, it's been years. How is it going?
Shikari writes...
at 11:23:54pm on 12/26/16
evanescence_death4ever writes...
at 12:36:43am on 12/25/16
He's been Eva-liens.
evanescence_death4ever writes...
at 12:16:33am on 12/25/16
You're always talking to Matt while I am. So THERE. ~~thumbs upppp~
MarioNintendo writes...
at 8:14:55am on 2/1/16
you don't post much :(
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