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*pouts* be nice and answer?
Posted on: April 3, 2008, at 12:23:13pm

would you?:

kiss me:
Hug me:
Date me:
Love me:
Hate me:
Hold me:
Lie to me:
Hurt me:
Cheat on me:
Dance with me:
Grind with me:
Touch me:
Stare at me:
Cuddle with me:
Make a move on me:
Play with me:
Watch a movie with me:
Get me a B-day gift?:
Be there for me:
Bring me around your friends:
Ask me out:
Like me:
Take advantage of me:
Let me take advantage of u:
Hangout with me:
Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good:
Hold hands with me:
Do something incredibly sweet for me:
Have sex with me:
Tell me you love me:
Let me call you:
What would you do if you woke up next to me:

  1. kiss me: ew
    Hug me: which part?
    Date me: how much?
    Love me: nah
    Hate me: meh
    Hold me: which part?
    Lie to me: NEVER!!!!! lol
    Hurt me: mum says thats bad
    Cheat on me: wats that?
    Dance with me: ill get a better score
    Grind with me: ??? skating?
    Touch me: which part?
    Stare at me: owies
    Cuddle with me: which part?
    Make a move on me: 3 point turn
    Play with me: smash bros. ill skull bash you!!!
    Watch a movie with me: which part?
    Get me a B-day gift?: movie
    Be there for me: where?
    Bring me around your friends: who?
    Ask me out: ???
    Like me: meh
    Take advantage of me: ill give you a handicap
    Let me take advantage of u: i wont need it
    Hangout with me: monkeybars lol
    Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good: like sick? ewww
    Hold hands with me: ewwww
    Do something incredibly sweet for me: pancakes but thats for me
    Have sex with me: lmao no
    Tell me you love me: why?
    Let me call you: call me what?
    What would you do if you woke up next to me: scream! lol

  2. kiss me:yes
    Hug me:yes
    Date me:yes
    Love me:yes
    Hate me:no
    Hold me:yes
    Lie to me:no
    Hurt me:no
    Cheat on me:no
    Dance with me:yes
    Grind with me:yes
    Touch me:O///O
    Stare at me:into ur eyes
    Cuddle with me:yes
    Make a move on me:yes
    Play with me:yes
    Watch a movie with me:
    Get me a B-day gift?:yes
    Be there for me:yes
    Bring me around your friends:yes
    Ask me out:mhm
    Like me:mhm
    Take advantage of me:never
    Let me take advantage of u:mabye
    Hangout with me:yes
    Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good:yes
    Hold hands with me:yes
    Do something incredibly sweet for me:yes
    Have sex with me:only if u wanted to do it
    Tell me you love me:yes
    Let me call you:
    What would you do if you woke up next to me:

  3. kiss me: Of course
    Hug me: Of Course
    Date me: Of Course
    Love me: Of Course
    Hate me: Of Course not
    Hold me: Of Course
    Lie to me: Never
    Hurt me: Never in a million years
    Cheat on me: Not in a billion years
    Dance with me: Yes
    Grind with me: Hell yes
    Touch me: Ofc
    Stare at me: I could look into ur eyes all day
    Cuddle with me: are you warm?
    Make a move on me: ...I don't usually go first...I would if I could...
    Play with me: Hm...
    Watch a movie with me: OFc
    Get me a B-day gift?: If I had Money
    Be there for me: Always
    Bring me around your friends: Definitely
    Ask me out: Yesss
    Like me: More
    Take advantage of me: Fuk no
    Let me take advantage of u: ...Maybe... I'm used to it...
    Hangout with me: OFC
    Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good: every time
    Hold hands with me: every day
    Do something incredibly sweet for me: I'm like sugar, babe
    Have sex with me: I don't have a penis, but sure
    Tell me you love me: I love you
    Let me call you: Not allowed 2 use phone...

  4. kiss me: Sure.
    Hug me: Yeah
    Date me: Not sure.
    Love me: Yeah
    Hate me: Maybe
    Hold me: Yeah
    Lie to me: Maybe
    Hurt me: Naw.
    Cheat on me: Nope
    Dance with me: Hell yeah!
    Grind with me: sure
    Touch me: uh....only if you wanted me too.
    Stare at me: um...
    Cuddle with me: Yes :P
    Make a move on me: Maybe
    Play with me: Play as in how? xD
    Watch a movie with me: Yesh
    Get me a B-day gift?: Of course
    Be there for me: Yep
    Bring me around your friends: errr..
    Ask me out: not likely since i'm already taken.
    Like me: Yep
    Take advantage of me: no
    Let me take advantage of u: go ahead.
    Hangout with me: sure
    Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good: Ya
    Hold hands with me: maybe
    Do something incredibly sweet for me: yeah
    Have sex with me: Err....
    Tell me you love me: Uh...
    Let me call you: Maybe
    What would you do if you woke up next to me: Be all like: "Uh....huh...?"

  5. kiss me: ok *kisses*
    Hug me: yes, if you would let me
    Date me: yes, i so would (they would be the happiest days of my life)
    Love me: every second of every day...forever
    Hate me: what do you mean, there is nothing about you to hate.
    Hold me: yeah
    Lie to me: i would never lie to you.
    Hurt me: i would never do anything to hurt you.
    Cheat on me: no,no,no,no,and no
    Dance with me: even though i suck at dancing i would try my best.
    Grind with me: OH YEAH, thats something i can do good
    Touch me: depends, do you want me to?
    Stare at me: i might, even though that sounds kinda creepy
    Cuddle with me: hell yeah!! =D
    Make a move on me: maaabbyyy
    Play with me: hmmm what do you mean by that?
    Watch a movie with me: only if we could cuddle while watching the movie. ;)
    Get me a B-day gift?: id get you the best present ever, because you deserve the best
    Be there for me: ill always be there when you need me.
    Bring me around your friends: yeah, bu

  6. Bring me around your friends: yeah, but i wouldent let them take you away from be sad
    Ask me out: this may be a strange way do do it but...will you go out with me?
    Like me: i already do =P
    Take advantage of me: never
    Let me take advantage of u: sure, i wouldent mind at all.
    Hangout with me: yeah, that would be alot of fun.
    Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good: yes, i would try my hardest to make you feel better.
    Hold hands with me: yes i would hold hands with you.
    Do something incredibly sweet for me: yeah, i would do anything.
    Have sex with me: only if you want me to.
    Tell me you love me: every time i see you.
    Let me call you: go ahead, id like to hear more of your beautyful voice.
    What would you do if you woke up next to me:
    i would smile, kiss you softly and tell you that i love you and id do anything to keep you happy.

  7. kiss me: yes
    Hug me: yes
    Date me: yes
    Love me: yes
    Hate me: no
    Hold me: yes
    Lie to me: no
    Hurt me: no
    Cheat on me: no
    Dance with me: Ill try my best to..
    Grind with me: o///o
    Touch me: It depends..
    Stare at me: yes
    Cuddle with me: yes
    Make a move on me: yes
    Play with me: yes
    Watch a movie with me: yes
    Get me a B-day gift?: yes
    Be there for me: yes
    Bring me around your friends: yes
    Ask me out: If you want..
    Like me: yes
    Take advantage of me: no
    Let me take advantage of u: I dont mind..
    Hangout with me: yes
    Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good: yes
    Hold hands with me: yes
    Do something incredibly sweet for me: yes
    Have sex with me: ...
    Tell me you love me: yes
    Let me call you: yes
    What would you do if you woke up next to me: *raises palm* "Why hello there.."
    sorry if its a late answer..

  8. kiss me:yes
    Hug me:of course!
    Date me:yessss
    Love me:i already do
    Hate me:never!!!
    Hold me:anytime
    Lie to me:i would be lieing if i said id never lie
    Hurt me:id try my best not to
    Cheat on me:no
    Dance with me:yes!
    Grind with me:oh yeah baby!
    Touch me:anywhere
    Stare at me:*stares*
    Cuddle with me:always
    Make a move on me:isnt that what im doing now?
    Play with me:mhmm
    Watch a movie with me:woopwoop yeah
    Get me a B-day gift?:yuppers
    Be there for me:whenever you need me
    Bring me around your friends:duhrr
    Ask me out:ive been thinking about it o.o;
    Like me:i already do
    Take advantage of me:only if you wanted me to
    Let me take advantage of u:definately
    Hangout with me:as much as possible
    Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good:chicken noodle soup!!
    Hold hands with me:i wish<3
    Do something incredibly sweet for me:^___^
    Have sex with me:yesss
    Tell me you love me:i love you
    Let me call you:you already do
    What would you do if you woke up next to me:smile and kiss yo

  9. Kiss me: Yep. :D
    Hug me: Yes.
    Date me: Aren't we already doing that? o.o
    Love me: Of course. ^^
    Hate me: Fuck no.
    Hold me: Yesh!
    Lie to me: Why would I?
    Hurt me: Fucking no.
    Cheat on me: You're the only one I got, so hell no.
    Dance with me: Shur.
    Grind with me: o.o;... If you wanted too...
    Touch me: O.O Where..?
    Stare at me: *Stares*
    Cuddle with me: ^_^ Yes!
    Make a move on me: Already did.
    Play with me: Define "Play with you". Lol.
    Watch a movie with me: :) If we lived in the same state... ;-;
    Get me a B-day gift?: W00tz!
    Be there for me: Always and forever. <3
    Bring me around to your friends: SHUR.
    Ask me out: Already did. :D
    Like me: I already do, duh... :P
    Take advantage of me: NO!
    Let me take advantage of you: Ok? o.o
    Hang out with me: Whenever I can. ^^
    Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good: CAMBELL'S CHICKEN AND STARS, HOW I WONDER WHO YOU ARE! Lol...
    Hold hands with me: If only I could...
    Do something sweet for me: Hell yeah. :)
    Have sex with me:

  10. Have sex with me: Um... if you wanted too...? o///o...
    Tell me I love you: I love you, babeh. <3
    Let me call you: I should let you call sometime... o.o
    What you would do if you woke up next to me: *Dirty thoughts* Lol...