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just spent all my tokens lol
Posted on: July 23, 2016, at 11:18:55pm

id been saving them up for a while before just realizing that it makes more sense to purchase all the hidden songs first because after youve bought everything credits become useless except to play the secret songs
its certainly different that most other virtual currencies ive used
i suppose anything more than 150,000 is just for bragging rights but seeing as how it took me a year to get to 10% of that total i dont think it really comes up very often

im not saying the extreme difficulty in unlocking many of the songs isnt bad its just not what im used to
i feel like some of the tokens (like "earn a grandtotal of 1,000,000,000 in one day) were intended as joke goals that no one ever possibly expected a human to achieve and i suppose in an online game like this that makes sense
i just dont feel like its possible to "win" ffr
itd take years to unlock everything the game has to offer especially since new songs are being added all the time
thats not like any other game ive ever played