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FFR Goals.
Posted on: July 15, 2015, at 02:08:25am

I want to get better at this game so I might as well list some goals that I want to achieve so I can track my progress.

[ ] - Full Combo Unicron Barbeque
[ ] - Full Combo Extratone Pirates

-Skill Tokens-
[ ] - Unlock The Bird's Concrete Nosedive
[ ] - Unlock Piano Etude (Demon Fire) [Oni]
[ ] - Unlock St. Scarhand [Standard]
[ ] - Unlock Otaku Speedvibe [Oni]
[ ] - Unlock St. Scarhand [Heavy]
[ ] - Unlock Extratone in a Perfect World

[ ] - Unlock You Gotta B-E-E-R!
[ ] - Unlock The Games We Played (Full Edition)
[ ] - Unlock FREEDOM DiVE
[ ] - Unlock Here We Go
[ ] - Unlock Unconnected.
[ ] - Unlock Vertex BETA vrofl

[ ] - Get a better computer so R^3 doesn't lag