Rave 7 played by DossarLX ODI

Replay Import Code:
Results (Perf-Good-Avg-Miss-Boo) Max Combo Score Date
1,501 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 1,501 2,326,550 1/7/12


  1. OMG, i cant even think of words to say right now

  2. You disgust me.

  3. I cannot believe you AAA'd this shit. Nice job, man.

  4. woooooooooooow

  5. You just make it look easy...

  6. You are truely #1

  7. Inb4 Death Piano 2012 AAA

  8. Lol he makes the top players look noob

  9. AAA'd all of d6.

  10. "The clincher" lol XD

  11. I'm pretty sure this makes it so you can quit this game lol

  12. Congratulations man!