Tasselfoot's photos

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Uploaded on March 3, 2008 at 02:44:19pm

Picture Comments

  1. this looks like a late paul mccartney!

  2. test

  3. Oh.

  4. Oh.

  5. group hug!! xD

  6. And this is why he's helping me this time.
    And it looks like a rainbow at the bottom.

  7. OOOOOOOOO think I can get some didgets from those?

  8. o.o... Oh dear..

  9. I remember that!
    There was some funny stuff in that contest... and some not really funny stuff.

  10. i did this at macy's lol

  11. this was probably the best day of his life

  12. my mannequins was sexier

  13. Wow, stepping up in life!

  14. having fun?

  15. <3

  16. Loved it. :3

  17. Jteh's mannequin picture from the Photo Scavenger Hunt