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Old 12-16-2014, 04:09 PM   #1
gold stinger
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Default My life is a Drama (V2 THE DRAMA CONTINUES :O!)

Awhile ago, I made a thread detailing the problems & issues I was having in my life, as well as the severity of it. Was a really tight situation, but I was able to drag myself & my family out of it. Now that we're in an apartment without my aunt bothering us, life would presumably get back on track, or so I thought.

Welcome to the Drama v2 thread of my life. Story picks up after I moved out of my aunt's house, and into an apartment where we could recuperate, get jobs, and make enough money to have a wonderful time, but never actually happened.

Stories below. First couple of stories will be a bit of re-telling from what I can remember. Stuff that is actually dated is happening as it's updated. If it feels like I'm centering the drama on someone in my life that's because I am.

So we were able to get all of our own apartment together. It is a 2 bedroom apartment with 1 bathroom. It's not much, but it's enough for us to make it through the winter. We're all just glad enough that we are able to get out of my aunt's place. We were all hoping that we would be understanding of one another if there was a shouting contest of some sort because a lot of the anger that we were still getting right now was stemming from what we had just went through. There was a bit of debate when we first moved in based on who was staying where in the apartment, but it was quickly resolved.

Turns out, my mother agreed to give our room to my brother's friend. (For the sake of this entire adventure, let's call him James.) After 2 months, James was supposed to be getting our room, and the both of us would be forced to sleep & do stuff somewhere else in the apartment (supposedly the living room). We were paying $500/mo for rent, and everyone doesn't have a job. My brother & his friend James were both on welfare (Canada's way of government support) for $650/mo. My mother gets spousal support of $725/mo, and I currently can't collect anything due to an issue with child support. Since I recently turned 19 in July and I wasn't going to school because of the entire ordeal from the first thread, my mother is currently collecting illegal child support, and is up to my dad to file the papers to have it cancelled, but he hasn't done so, so I'm left up in the air. On top of that, my mother pays for the internet, and a majority of food.

Pretty much the ground rules for right now based on our living situation.

Me & my mother were already not happy with our living situation because we were paying for the internet outright without anyone chipping in, and on top of that, $500 was going for rent. The rest was towards food. My brother and his friend James both were paying $250/mo because they are sharing a room together for the time being. rent is about $1000 per month, so it works out, right? Not necessarily. They weren't chipping in for any utilities of the sort or helping with food, the majority of money they kept to themselves mostly for smokes, and believe this or not, MAGIC THE GATHERING CARDS.

Yeah, you heard me right MtG Trading Card Game Cards. $100's of dollars dumped into it spontaneously instead of saving the money up. Initially, the idea was that we move out in 2-4 months because we aren't living here indefinitely, but we can't do so if we can't save any money in our current situation, and these guys go and blow literally $300 on magic the gathering cards I shit you not. They had so much money, that they had the audacity to pick me up cards & decks so I could play with them and didn't have an excuse otherwise. Literally felt like a way of rubbing it in that they had money and we didn't, and they wanted us to move out of the apartment ASAP. What dicks. Figured it might be able to get my mind off of recent happenings if I sit down and play a couple of games with them, only for it to turn more or less to turn into a shouting contest on what everyone believed what the rules were to be for certain cards every time we played. There was even one time that my brother's friend James kept me up until 1AM in the morning wanting to play card games with him, only for him to literally pass out asleep on the floor, in front of his mana pool, with cards still in his hand while I was doing my turn. He didn't wake up until 9AM in the morning, and according to my mother who woke up that morning before me, he still had the cards in his hand when she came out to the living room where we were playing.

I was starting to notice that my brother's friend James was starting to perform this same type of action elsewhere during the first month that we were living here inside the new apartment. According to my brother, James kept asking him to play some sort of game with him on the computer, and my brother was telling James that he wanted to go to bed, so he's just going to surf the internet for a couple more minutes, and then head off to bed. James replied that if that's what my brother had planned, he was going to open up a pokemon emulator and play that instead. Before my brother can even open up his internet browser, he passed out asleep, snoring. There was also another time for myself where I was up late at night playing Clicker Heroes, went out to the kitchen to go get a drink of water, and as I was passing the living room, I noticed that James was laying down on the couch playing some Borderlands 2. Got myself my drink of water, turned around to the living room to say what's up, only to find that he was sleeping, with his thumb on the analog stick, which kept his character walking, right off the side of a cliff killing himself, respawning at a station. He had $0 on him, so yeah, that's one way to spend your money in that game.

Nearing the end of the month, the table that we used to play MtG all the time on started to get crowded, and we all eventually slowly forgot about playing it because there wasn't enough room anymore to play on it. James had a broken laptop that he wanted to take in and get checked to see if it needed repair, because he was unable to turn it on completely. My brother motioned that there was a computer place in the building that we're actually staying in, and that we could take the laptop downstairs to it. So they did, and it turns out that he was using the wrong type of power cable for his laptop. After using the right one, he was able to get his computer back on the internet, thus ending the era of the Magic Cards. So begins the Era of Computerism.

With my brother's friend, James, able to get his computer back up and running, I didn't think it could get much worse. Oh god, I thought I would actually have some time with just me and my computer, I didn't ask for him to be completely computer illiterate. First thing that I could see from him opening up his computer, was a backdoor internet tech support service monitor, a rogue antivirus program that he literally thought was a real antivirus, and of course, a coduit search browser hijack. Jimmies rustled, I asked if he wanted me to help fix his computer, but he refused and didn't believe that his computer needed any fixing of the sort, especially after he just went to a computer technician place. (If anything, I was now extremely suspicious of the computer technician place.) I shrugged it off, and left him to his woe. Went back to my computer, not 5 minutes later, he comes into me & my mom's bedroom asking for help on downloading something because it wouldn't download for him. I went to his bedroom and checked his computer, he was literally trying to download a virus but his internet connection was too slow because of a virus. If you could have seen my face in that moment right then, my face would look like a giant hand, facepalming itself.

After a couple of days from that incident, my brother came into my bedroom asking me to check out a game that he's been playing as of late and really wants me to try it. I say that I will look into it when I have the time, and he leaves. Comes back 20 minutes later and asks "Have you installed it?", and I tell him "no, I haven't even looked into it yet." Usually, I'm one of those people where if you tell me about something or recommend it to me, usually you gotta show it to me first or have it intrigue my own curiosity to the point where I look it up myself. Otherwise, I'm not going to get into it. For my brother however, he has the reasoning of that when he really likes something, everyone else around him should like it too, and it just puts me off more and more the more he suggests it & asks me about it. Because honestly, if you get involved in something that you're not crazy about for someone who's crazy about it, they're going to bug you even more about it. He did this to me 20 minutes for 3 hours straight every single day in November for many different games such as 7 Days to Die, Reus, and Beyond Earth. I approached my mom (out of all people) about it, and she was saying that she already explained it to my brotherk, and shouldn't be bugging me about it anymore. He did so a couple dozen more times. The only game I went ahead to pick up playing at least was 7 Days to Die.

Was up really early in the morning the next day watching some anime (Higashi no Eden if you're wondering) when my brother's friend James approached me at the doorway asking where my mom & brother went that morning. I responded that I didn't know, but best guess would be that they went out to the food bank to go and get some extra food. He replied alright, and then stood there, watching over my should without saying any other word for a full 15 minutes. Fucking creeped me out, like he was stalking what I was doing or something.

My brother's friend James was complaining excruciatingly during the month of November that he wanted his own bedroom so badly, and complained about it just about every day. It didn't really make much sense to me because we had couches out in the living room if he wanted to sleep out there instead, and the ratios of how many people staying in which rooms would be thrown out of whack. To make matters worse, he is currently the only person in the entire apartment among 4 people to actually have a bed. Everyone else is sleeping on the floor. One day, my brother asked me to come into the room that me and my mom were currently staying in. I went only to find that everyone but James was sitting down wanting to talk in privacy. Apparently my brother's friend doesn't want us sleeping & living in the living room, and wants free range of the place during the night, so my brother allowed the possibility for us to sleep in his bedroom. Sounded outrageous to me at the time because he's literally moving my entire family into one bedroom in a small apartment, while he gets a full bedroom, and living room, and I even said that 'I'd bet quite a bit that he would find something else to complain about further down the road'. I didn't know at that time if I was right, but it turned out to be so. I asked about where my computer would be, and my brother said that it would have to be put in the living room because there wouldn't be enough room in his bedroom for both of our computers and 3 beds.

Extremely upset about that because for the first time in a very long time, people would be complaining again about what I do on my computer from a public perspective from the living room being a public area. There was apparently no other options to it, so now every waking moment my brother's friend is going to be stalking my computer screen, looking over every now and then, and has been doing so promptly as I have been writing this, just asking what I'm doing, and then observes without saying absolutely anything else.

A little time later starting to go into the month of December, my brother's friend's computer breaks down (presumably from the overload of viruses on the computer,) and begins to complain again about having nothing to do, and starts to bug people around him to entertain him. The majority of arguments revolve around saying 'go entertain yourself I aint no babysitter'. Like a time I'm playing some game on the PS3, he comes over asking me to entertain him or play some multiplayer game with him on the PS3 while I was using it, and then telling him to shove off and go play the perfectly set up xbox in his bedroom now connected to his T.V., which he now considers boring. Seriously, his behavior is starting to get on my nerves.


I actually talked about this story over on skype before here, so some people who care to read & get info probably already know about this story.

Currently I now live in the bedroom more or less. I sleep on the couch, I use my computer which is right next to it now, and the kitchen is right next to that. Was on my computer over the night while everyone was in bed looking at some late night posts on the internet, when one of the cats we had started scratching on the side of the couch. Told her no, pulled the cat away from the couch, and continued with my computer business. Cat did it about 5 more times, so I decided to sit the cat in my lap while I was on the computer. We have a squirt bottle for misbehaving cats that we picked up recently (we left a lot of our stuff behind when we initially moved from Toronto to Peterborough) that just so happened to be sitting on a cup cozy next to my computer. Because I had a cat sitting on my lap though it caught my attention, because it was leaking. I picked it up and was feeling around to see where the leak was at, and the cat in my lap started to meow & purr at the same time which somehow was able to wake up my brother which is 2 bedrooms down the hallway and it isn't even that audible.

He more or less came out and began arguing with me on the spot about how I was torturing the cat. I tried to explain my story to him, but he quickly snatched the cat away from me as well as the squirt bottle. I don't like arguing with my brother especially when he becomes senseless in fights like these, so I let him have his way. All I heard from him was yelling nonsense at 12AM in the middle of the night while everyone is sleeping out in the middle of the living room. Completely refused to hear my side of the story and instead tries to aggravate me by spraying me with the squirt bottle a couple of times. By this time, I will admit he successfully aggravated me and started calling him out for acting like a child, and wanting to wake up everyone in the midst of night instead of trying to talk it out like adults. Had to take off all my clothes and put on new clothes so I went to the bedroom and started rummaging through new clothes to put on, when my memory jogged in realizing that my bedroom right now is actually the same bedroom as his.

He followed me into the bedroom as to continue his argument while I'm putting on new clothes, but instead of saying anything to me, he instead tries to wake up my mother to pull her into the argument! She wakes up right away, startled, and starts yelling at both her and myself. Nothing can be heard from anyone because everyone is yelling at each other saying how terrible one another is for doing such atrocious acts. My mother gets up off the ground that she's sleeping on, and there is eventually a bit of quietness in all the yelling. My brother's friend James is standing at the door of the bedroom to see what all the yelling was about as I noticed him in the corner of my eye.

My brother decides to squirt me again with the bottle of water and being the stupid person I am to challenge someone while they're pissed off, I knocked the water bottle out of his hand while telling him to quit his bullshit. He body charges me, knocking my glasses off. I go for constraining his arms as he starts to throw punches at me, hitting me in the ribs on my left, another in the shoulder. I grab onto his waist and make a plan on the spot to throw him into the bags of clothes that are on the ground. As I'm doing this, he punches me square in the eye, making my entire vision go white for a split second. I throw him and myself into the stacks of clothes, knocking his head into some styrofoam. He's still trying to throw punches at me with his own glasses knocked off and laying down, but I'm decently keeping his eyes shut & his arms constrained. He started to get back up, so I grabbed him again and threw him to the floor. My mother screaming in terror, freaking out, and trying to get me off my brother, and my brother was yelling to get off him, so I did. There was another moment of silence, before I broke it saying that I was out of there.

Walked back into the living room, eye was tender from the punch, stomach wasn't feeling well. Never really had a fight on that magnitude in my entire life, more or less from my brother. Later found out that When I threw him into the bags of clothes that were recently moved into the bedroom, I actually threw him into one bag of glass picture frames. His entire back was cut up pretty badly. Neither of us said sorry to each other, and both of us sort of agreed that it should never be mentioned, talked about, or remembered ever again, without actually talking about it. Last thing I remember from that night is blacking out from high blood pressure out on the couch. No ambulance was called because my brother is the only one with a cell phone in the house, and I didn't feel like starting round 2 with him.

Got into a heated debate today with my brother's friend James over some misleading info that he deemed to be true. I didn't think anything of it at first, but he started calling it out as fact such as how Barney was a crack dealer & swore at a child, Mr.Dressup was arrested for child molestation, and mr.rogers being a sniper from the war, with confirmed kills. Was a great day to introduce him to a little website called Snopes.com, the greatest website full of debunkery around rumors & myths.

Mr.rogers was never a sniper in the war, Mr.Dressup was never arrested, and barney switched multiple roles but everyone was 100% clean. He refused to believe the facts as I read them off of Snopes, so I gave him some actual references off of the wikipedia pages that regard the myths & rumors. He even talked about how pink slime was used in chicken nuggets and that's why he no longer eats at McDonalds, and I'm pretty sure everyone here knows that was debunked a long time ago, as the image wasn't even from McDonalds. Showed him video proof, and called it out as being staged, when it was looked upon by Mythbusters, CNN, New York Times, Snopes, and more.

I asked him that "If I won the lottery for 50 million dollars, showed you the ticket I won the money with, the pot of it on the internet, as well as the winning numbers, a picture of me with the cheque for 50 million dollars at the lottery offices, and the money in physical form, would you believe I had won the lottery?" He replied "No, I would think you either stole the money, or are involved in some sort of money laundering scam." Yeah, thanks for the reassurance that you can't trust me at all, period.

There was another annoyance where I was trying to sit at my computer peacefully playing a video game when all I could hear across from me in the living room is my brother's friend yelling to himself while trying to navigate the internet browser on the PS3. Like, really yelling. Mashing buttons on the hand-controller to make the internet browsing faster, and constantly turning the PS3 on and off because the loading is too slow. When I had enough of his yelling, turned to him, and said that if he wants to work it faster he needs to have a little bit of patience with it, he retaliates by saying that he was asking for help about it the entire time while I was doing stuff on the computer. What? He never asked for help one time, all I heard was him being short tempered. He in no way mentioned my name, called to me, or asked me to help him. He tried structuring his argument by saying that usually when someone is frustrated with something, it's ideal to walk over to them and lend a helping hand. Although for me, usually I find it better for that person to blow off hot steam before dealing with them, to avoid showing yourself off like an asshole. He gave the example "so if I was outside, and got shot, and was crying for help I'm perfectly fine in that perspective." Replied no, because they are yelling for help, not the other way around. If someone was screaming at someone else about unrelated stuff, they don't need help unless they mention it or call your name. He got into a real pickle when I said that..

Started an argument over not being able to find any food in the cupboards for him to eat because shit was everywhere and not organized. For the record, we put our names on everything so everyone can find their stuff, and he still couldn't. My brother got fed up with him not even trying to look for his food, and began sorting the cupboards based on who's who.

My brother had 3 food items with his name on it, my brother's friend, James had 2 food items with his name on it, and me & my mom had 5. The rest of the cupboard had absolutely no name on the items, which meant that it was free range. Anyone could use those items regardless of whom it belonged to. But even then, he started throwing a fit about the useless, dumb rule and threw the rule out the window, stating that he was going to eat anyone's food, because it doesn't fucking matter anymore.

Now he wants the fridge done too, instead of trying to look through it. This guy is really starting to get on my nerves, and I already talked to my brother about it, but there's nothing that we can do, because whenever we try to address the issue, he starts throwing a fit and throws all rules & sense out the window, just to anger people with a side of sarcasm, like saying thank you in an argument to the point where it's praying. On top of that, he co-signed with my brother for the apartment as 'Owner', and my mother co-signed it as the legitimate 'Co-Signer'. Unless he gives up his rights for it there's no real way to get rid of him unless something big happens and he doesn't want to be here anymore... :/

This is in part with an update I created on Jan. 23rd 2015, so forgive me if I exaggerate/leave some parts out this is a retell from the best of my abilities.

Leading out of the issues that we were having with my brother's friend, we thankfully got some good news that we would get a decent amount of time away from him, as he was leaving the weekend of Christmas to go spend the week of Christmas down with his parents. It was good for him to get out of the house, I mean a lot of people were blowing hot fumes at each other and hopefully the quietness inside the house that isn't complete nonsense would actually give some time for everyone else to regain their composure. He left the apartment, and gave no real date as to when he would be back. At the same time, my brother was trying to get in contact with his ex-girlfriend as to when it would be a good time to go down and pick up his son to see him for a bit (custody agreements/arrangements/miss-happenings). Lucky enough, my brother secured a date where he could see his son on his birthday on the 23rd, before Christmas. All in all, it seemed like it was going to be a pretty great Christmas.

My brother for some reason started acting differently. Very self-centered, only thinking about himself and not about others, without really a care in the world. Not sure what was going in his head, but from what I knew, is that he was beginning to take out 100% of all his frustrations out on other people. Now the only other people around him that he could talk freely to was me, my mother, himself, and his son at this point, and it really urked me that he would 'accidentally' slip out curse words here and there because he was so riled up about something. I would sometimes glance over to his son to see how he was doing/reacting to it, and then look back to the situation at hand. I'm not in any real position to tell my brother how to raise his son, but it scared me from time to time. Sometimes it's good to let out excess heat, but for some reason he began to take it to a higher level and started acting upon it.

After his son spent the night and left the next day, he began getting extremely angry with anyone that talked to him. It felt like almost he wanted to fight with someone, or start a feud with another person on the spot. There was even one morning where I was talking to my mom about how I had this weird dream last night that I was aware that I was dreaming, and I met one of our cats in the dream saying that she was the soul of a squirrel in a previous life which I found really odd. My brother would start a disagreement/fight with me immediately as he comes out to the living room where we were because he doesn't believe that you can be aware of yourself dreaming and the way I talk on about it sounds like making fact from fiction or a religion in the sense. Not really a good idea starting a case against someone concerning religion because that's going to get him nowhere. Multiple times from examples like these I just had to walk away from the arguments like I always did, but this was the one that broke the camel's back.

I told my mom as I was starting to get up & walking away from the argument that I was going to take a shower until it blows over. I don't have any issues with people talking about me behind my back, my brother can talk smack about me as much as he wants to my mother as he pleases, but he was going so far for an argument as to make claims against me and provoke sides against me while sitting directly beside me. I had my shower, got out, dried off, sat in the bedroom. Figured I'd start wanting to change clothes when my mother came marching down the hallway extremely pissed off at my brother. My mother turned around vocalizing herself down the hallway that she didn't want no presents from my brother this Christmas, his attitude was enough. It was a really stern, and cold way of putting it, and so we sat in the bedroom alone, quiet.

I began to talk with my mother as to exactly what happened out there in the living room, but interrupted myself by saying "you know what, nevermind. I don't want to hear it, because chances are, it would probably just make me more upset and direct myself against my brother even harder". I proceeded to enter the bathroom to comb out my hair & style it, when I notice my brother walking down the hallway, parchment, note in hand. I continued to comb my hair and tried not to notice him, and he walked out the door. I returned to my mom whom at the time was laying down on my bed, and she had already opened the note and began to read it. The basic jist of the note read that 'he felt like he had ruined Christmas. Everyone around him was upset including himself, and that he felt like he had done nothing but express his anger against everyone else as a way of trying to get rid of his own sadness, and that he was going to make things right'. The note damned well made my heart race, as I began to worry. I talked back & forth to my mom as to what we were supposed to do, because if we didn't have enough stress that day already, we were supposed to be attending a family dinner that night on the 24th, and my brother is currently MIA. He's the only one with a phone, and we didn't have a home phone at the time. We decided to wait for as long as we could, to see if my brother would return home. We couldn't leave for the party without him, and more or less I didn't want to form opinions about him behind his back.

He returned home, with some cookie dough, and some platters. He broke down in tears at the door as we confronted him. He didn't know how he would go about fixing Christmas with how little money everyone had, but he felt it would be right in a sense to try and own up to the wrongs that he committed in physical labor. It wasn't about that at all, I was just glad he didn't take everything he wrote in his letter metaphorically and the story having a lot more gruesome ending. We baked cookies, we phoned our relatives saying that we'd be a little bit late due to some disorganization, and we left as a family. We made sure that before we left out the door, that we all hugged on it. None of us wanted a stressful Christmas as it was made out to be, but a lot of the stress over the past couple of weeks/months has been getting to everyone, and it's beginning to show.


So as of late, I apparently had forgotten about this thread and was only recently reminded by bmah that this was still a thing. Quite a lot of things had happened since I last left stuff off here, quite a cliff-hanger so to speak, so I'm probably thinking I should go ahead about trying to clear some things up. I added a December update to fill in the blanks for this story that I would have to otherwise fill in so read that first if you haven't.

The majority of drama that's been happening of recent has been either 80% to 100% has been driven by my brother's friend. He came back early from the week away from us (like the 2nd day after Christmas in the afternoon, where we thought he would be returning home the following weekend) and has been disturbing everyone ever since. A lot of people thus far have spoken to him about such things & weirdness that he carried around with him (he's not used to living as part of a family) but so far all attempts have been more or less for naught due to him being extremely ignorant whenever someone points out an issue and it usually follows forth into a fit on his end, throwing the "fucking" rules out the window. Nowadays, we just don't care about it anymore unless it directly affects us. We joke about it behind his back like the terrible people we are, but to be honest he wouldn't have built such a terrible reputation around himself if he actually tried to fit in between & around our lifestyles instead of super-imposing his lifestyle over everyone's.

Most of the story that I haven't shared in here I have been more or less sharing with people in the Team Pony Skype chat when my brother's friend isn't creepily staring over my shoulder at my computer screen behind my back whilst pouring a drink of milk from the jug in the fridge. FOR LIKE 15 MINUTES WITHOUT A SINGLE WORD, JUST BREATHING. Summarized the majority of stories that have accumulated over Skype are:

some dude came to our door explaining that he's from downstairs, and every now and again for the past 2 months he's been hearing knocking sounds from the place above his. My brother's friend answered the door and said he'd look into it, and then kind of pointed fingers towards me instantaneously because FFR. But get this: He's been hearing it for the past 2 months resonating from above his living room, and I've only had my computer in the living room for a month. I don't slam on my table at all or jump in the living room, he was directly blaming about how loud the keytaps from my keyboard are, and saying that they could probably 'echo' all the way downstairs, which is just absurd. He's made tons of jokes about 'what sounds like a vacuum cleaner & a typewriter at the same time, my computer & you typing on it har har har' and I shrugged them off as bottom line racism but he probably doesn't even realize what racism is, but god damn his stupidity knows no bounds. As I'm typing this, the man still hasn't come up again to complain about it still happening despite nothing has changed. I left for some fresh air, to return to find out that my brother & him had a huge argument while I was out about who's apartment it was & who was in charge around here. We're all in charge. I pay rent, so does my mother, & everyone else here pays rent, but he treats me & my mother as guests in the house because he wants us out in like 2 months.

Another big problem that he has is his budgeting and how it affects everyone else in the apartment. He gets roughly $650 per month from Welfare. For people not accustomed to welfare, it's a government support check for people in unique circumstances until they are able to get a job, Welfare helps with finding a job. He spends $500 for rent, and has $150 left over for the month. He spends $80-100 on marijuana, weed, and the other $50-70 on smokes, booze, or anything he likes at the store really, and then he turns around and complains about how he doesn't have any food and thinks that everyone in the household should be sharing their food with everyone else. My brother made a great point to him in this scenario stating that he doesn't have anything to share back with anyone else, and he's never going to get any of that stuff himself because he never makes the effort to actually go out the door and get that kind of stuff. My brother's friend has made the leaning opportunity that he could just go out to food bank's as a way of making up for his food bill (which is a once per month visit to a food shelter to get food they actually let you take home in part with a 1 month waiting list for home address. Canadians are way too nice). And while he talks a lot about visiting food banks in this sense, he wants my brother to walk with him to these places, and my brother isn't in the mood for holding his hand, so he goes himself, and then gets yelled at by his so called 'friend' about how he didn't wake him up in the morning to get him going to the food shelter with him, even though he set an alarm for the correct time, WOKE UP, and then PROCEEDED to turn the alarm clock off.

A common recurring joke that me & my family makes about my brother's friend is his cooking skills. At this point in time it's just evil but it's extremely trivial. He's all told us the story about how he participated in college culinary lessons, and about how amazing of an experience it was. He also told the part about how he dropped out of the class too because a) he was getting yelled at way too much for his liking majorly because he was an extremely shitty cook and didn't know how to clean up after himself and b) he was actually in jail for 3 days because he lost his cool with a couple of police officers that were just asking about a wanted poster and didn't have a way or wanted to go about telling this information to the college as he had to explain why he was absent for 3 days from class, yet he still considers himself as a bonafide Chef.

He's got the cooking equipment (literally the fucking size of his steak knife scares me it's bigger than my head, literally Jason sized knife it could go right through you and come out the other side that's how big it is.) but he doesn't have the wits or the memory for it. Good example is how he tried to strain pasta one time using his HAND, boiling water, hand, no strainer. Another example is how he used the exact same knife to open up a jar of beans because he didn't know how to work a can opener, as well as a can opener utility that was on the end of a pair of scissors nearby. He got beans on me from that incident, because they flew a full meter in my direction, everywhere. The first time he tried cooking a pizza he pre-heated the over to 200F, and then wondered why in the hell it wasn't cooking. The second time he set it to 400F and then wondered why in the hell the onions & pepperoni weren't sticking to the bread (you didn't use any cheese dipshit). The third time he set it to 400F, used cheese on the pizza, and cooked it IN A PAN, WITH A HANDLE, LIKE A FRYING PAN PAN.

A quick note web browsers don't exist to him, they are internets and they can be installed & downloaded. I can quote that he did in-fact state that "the world should update the internet because it's outdated. So many people are able to get free stuff on it and they need to fix errors in the internet".

There has been multiple times where he just doesn't realize how tired he is and will end up passing out wherever he is when he stops paying attention to something because his mind starts to automatically fall to sleep, and I have multiple witnesses online to it, as he has fallen asleep directly in-front of me from time to time. (example: he's fallen asleep sitting in a chair playing magic the gathering with me, example: he's fallen asleep on the couch playing borderlands 2 where he kept re-spawning & then running off a cliff, example: lately every night he's been staring at a blank T.V. screen, smoking a cigarette when he falls asleep sitting upwards until he drops the cigarette on his foot or his lap or something).

When me & my family tries to intervene with issues like these, most of the time he gets up into a fit of rage & pushes the blame onto others like how he did in a previous story I explained here about how someone came to the door complaining about noise and then he pointed fingers at me for excessively key-tapping, or the time my brother was upset with him about being too lazy to sort foods in the cupboard. One of these days, me, my brother, or my mother are going to be caught talking behind his back and he notices it, and I would very much like to see how he reacts about it. Will he maybe consider that his behavior is causing talk behind his back and that it could change, or will he just throw another fit like he always does? I presume only time will tell, or until someone confronts him about it over an argument using this giant update as leverage.

As for surviving for me, it has been pretty steady. I have been able to live, and it definitely has gotten a lot easier to live since December. It has been really stressful back then. I still feel really awful about how much my brother's friend has turned himself into the butt of everyone's jokes now, but it's sincerely just been the way he's acting as of recently, and everyone in my family has been way too kind as to approach him about these things, to make his life more stressful.

I'll try to make sure the next update isn't as much of a cliff-hanger as the last time I made it out to be.


Pretty sure by now that if you've been reading the forums you have found out in one way or another that quite recently I've had my wisdom teeth pulled out - all four of them. I'm still going through the recuperation process from the surgery but nonetheless I'm doing alright. However, some drama has risen quite recently over it, I guess the stress of how much the surgery costs is getting a little bit to everyone's heads.

With each tooth costing about $350-400 to pull, it totals up to quite a lot. Add in 6 units of general anesthetics to put me out of my misery during the operation, and you get a bill that jumps up to around $1,900. I knew wisdom teeth was something really big, but the state that my mouth was in at the time, and how much it hurt, I needed to have these wisdom teeth pulled because there was just way too much crowding, and all my teeth currently right now are pretty weak, meaning I am on the last straw for whether or not I want to keep them from falling out. After I recover from the bleeding & the aftermath from having my wisdom teeth extracted, I plan on making a 180 degree turn in how I have been treating my teeth. I haven't been the best at following a routine in brushing & flossing ever since I was 7 years old. My mother would scold & yell at me, but my father wasn't the role model. In-fact, he left when I was at the age of 10, leaving me, my mom, and my brother to fend for ourselves, and I just never really picked up the routine. I plan to make it a life effort now to keep my teeth, I really want to.

But that isn't what I came here to talk about - I came here to share about the initial upset with other people freaking out over how much the surgery costs.

Now, I'm still on my father's insurance, and the insurance company has agreed to pay in upwards of $1500 a year for dentistry. I've barely used any of it, so they will be covering about $1430 of the initial surgery, meaning me and my mom will have to pay about $450 out of pocket. Now it may seem like a lot, but believe it or not, we've been saving up to move out of my brother & his friend's apartment, and we had about $800 saved. In all seriousness, we both believed that someone's health > trying to save up as fast as possible to move out, no matter the consequences that arise, so we took the money out of that, and broke the bad news that we'd have to wait another month or two before we can move out on our own. From what I can find out on others living in the apartment, my brother's friend is extremely furious at this decision because he thinks we're just getting a free ride out of staying here as long as possible. He won't even talk to me or my mother about the issue himself. Instead, he feels the need to reach out to my brother (who is the 2nd owner of the apartment) and have my brother side with him and tell me and my mother that it's wrong.

As far as my brother's friend is concerned, we will have to be moving out the first day of March. What is unknown to him, is that we won't have the money to move out anymore, and we've been trying to work together for the longest time to make things work. I don't know where he got it that he should have to care about how other people spend their money. I mean, I don't care if he spends part of his welfare/government check on cigarettes and marijuana, (without a license for it mind you,) but once he starts complaining about he doesn't have enough money for food, and wants someone to take his hand and walk him to the local food bank to get some food, that is what really rustles my jimmies. The future right now says come March 1st, there is going to be a huge fight about this, that none of us agreed to, only his word/ruling, and my brother does not side with it. The stubbornness of some people you wouldn't believe it.

There's even some talk that my brother's friend will be the one walking out of here if me and my mother do not leave on March 1st, which upsets everyone, and to be quite honest, I think he's just saying that to spike everyone/hang something over everyone's heads so he can get an upper advantage in arguments, except he's not doing too well of a job at that. Bottom line, he can go fuck himself if he thinks health is worth less to him than moving out as fast as possible because that's what he wants. It's completely uncaring for everyone else living in the apartment. We'll make the money back in a steady manner so that we can move out appropriately.

Also, not sure if it was mentioned in here, but before we're moving out, my mother is going to be asking him for $400 to move out prior to herself moving out, because he promised that all the way back in November, and I think he forgot about it by now, and my mother was short-changed for the moving truck by $100 from my brother's friend because he didn't have enough money at the time. ALSO ALSO, my mother payed entirely for half of the first month's rent when moving in here, and last month's rent IN ENTIRETY. Plus, she's the co-signer for the apartment, meaning that if my brother's friend walks out on her, it becomes her responsibility to cover the loses of rent. I think she and myself deserve a lot more than the way we're being treated right now behind our backs.

What a morning, and I'm expecting it to sour more for days to come as well as later today.

So my mom was talking to me this morning about my brother's friend acting extremely sour last night over things that had happened before I went to bed. I was really ill last night, and was in the bathroom for quite awhile, throwing up and all that good stuff. While I was in the bathroom trying to regain myself from being sick, my brother's friend was running his mouth about how I had been in the shower for so long as this was going down, and how I was using up all the hot water. (As if he's going to be taking a shower 11 at night...) After I woke up in the morning, my mom pulled me to the side before anyone else was awake telling me that he was in a bad mood last night because we had a magic the gathering card game last night for old times sake. We played one game with our own decks, where I won, and then we switched decks and played, where I won again.

At that point in time, my mother began rambling on about how how much he hates my brother's friend, and wants to move out as soon as possible, and how much of a slob he is on a scale from 1 to 10. I told her flat out that I really do disbelieve that my brother's friend would ever have the courage to step up to the plate and start making calls for everyone, considering that the past 50 or so times that he was in a position to do so, he ran to my brother first to seek some siding before arguments took place. And to be fair, my brother didn't want us kicked out on the street, which is what all this tension of us moving out was building up to.

We've tried our best to try and save up money where possible, and we had the money to move out for the end of this month, but we got hit by the payments that were required for wisdom teeth, and I pay the share of money that I make to my mother so that she can pile the money together more easily. It set up $400 behind, and all we're asking for is an extra month so we can make back that dividend.

As soon as my brother's friend wakes up, we go into the fray, as he started making accusations that we were just doing that so we can stay in the apartment for a longer amount of time. Not only that, but calling us out saying that we were doing our budgeting wrong, and began immediately trying to do our budgeting for us. There was even a part where my mother gave in and decided to show the budgeting to him, but he was in complete denial about how we were spending money and using it because he wants us out as fast as possible. He didn't believe that split between two people, that we should be spending $100/month on food, we shouldn't be spending anything on food and instead, be visiting all possible food banks so you don't have to pay for food, and then put that money towards the first & last month's rent to move out. It felt extremely disrespectful for me considering that:

1. He's a tenant, and I would think that the most you would expect is rent being on-time, and respect for others living in the apartment.

2. My brother saved him from ending up on the streets, or with his mother (whom he hates to live with).

and 3. he hasn't came to us about any of this previously. The most I've heard left and right was talking behind our backs about it, with my brother.

This fight chased around in circles for quite awhile. It woke up my brother who was trying to sleep, and he gets really cranky when he is woken up by someone. He'll start a fight with someone if they wake him up, and it was loud. I came in to check up on him because the yelling was starting to escalate, and I gave him the low-down on what wasn't hitting the fan. Returned to my seat, kept my ground, and then my brother came out and started fighting over it. Literally put him on the spot. My brother's friend was so fed up with this yelling & attitude that started up against him, and about how me & my mom won't go out on the street if we are unable to get out by the end of the month, that he himself was threatening to leave the apartment and refuse to continue living in this apartment because of what was going down in his eyes. To him, the entire situation is bullshit & fuckery. To that, I say the same, in retrospective to him. It's bullshit & fuckery to deal with him on a daily basis, and I'm fed up with it. That's why I want to move out as fast as possible, but moving out at the end of this month would mean putting me and my mother out on the street to survive.

I was able to get some of the drama on camera in Skype for others to see, but the majority of people started pouring in to see the live feed when the arguing stopped because of a phone call. As of right now, it has been really quiet between everyone, and no one wants to talk right now, because of how afraid everyone is that if someone starts talking, there's going to be a fight. There's so much bottled up anger between everyone right now, I don't know how to go about solving it. The only defense that my brother's friend (or should I say, ex-friend now, because during the argument he literally stated that he'd rather keep his family than a friend he met a year ago,) is that he's impatient and he's been waiting for 7 months (its been 5 months you can track it in the previous updates in this thread) for us to move out and he's fucking tired of waiting.

As someone who saved his ass from getting thrown out while we all lived over in my aunt's house, and now he wants to throw me & my family out on the street because he doesn't feel like waiting for us to save up money, I have zero things to say about him without making him angry.

THE NEXT DAY: (Feb.18,2015)

So I woke up quite late today, somewhere around 10:30 in the morning, and came out to the living room with total silence. I did my normal routine, sat at my computer, checked messages, looked at reddit, imgur, etc. The phone rang, and my mother was the first to be able to reach & answer it. It was my brother's friend's mom. Now she usually calls every now and then just to check up on things, but today was different. Apparently as my mom was handing the phone to my brother's friend, she finds out that his mother was actually calling my brother's friend back to try and find a proper moving truck that can move all of his furniture so he can go back and live with his mother. Completely oblivious, my mother stormed off to our bedroom to go ahead and wake up my brother, who had been sleeping in.

My brother had hatched a plan the other day to give his friend an ultimatum. To either keep the shit-talking to a minimum, and let me & my mother stay an extra month to get everything sorted out, have himself get up and leave, because that's what he was motioning the other day, or my brother breaks the contract, and we all get up and leave except for him, leaving him with an apartment that he can't afford. Turns out, that the ultimatum wasn't even needed, because he already went out of his way to make arrangements for option 2 on himself, without talking to anyone else. He went down to the landlord's office himself and make movements to terminate the contract himself and get me and my mother super-imposed into the tennant list, and the phone call from his mother already was to get a moving truck to his name. From what I've heard, he's movingout as soon as the first week into March, and it's gonna be a slight hell trying to live with past fights unaccounted & unsolved. Barely anyone has said sorry.

They all have to go down together to the landlord's office sometime today or tomorrow to confirm the entire thing and switch around names on the lease for the apartment.

1st update

So I went all caps lock this morning in the FFR Friends & Rivalries chat about my mother dying. During the moment in time, me & my brother noticed that one of her eyes began to become lazy, seemingly looking in random directions when her other eye was perfectly fine & centered. We sat her up on the couch, and her eyes began going crazy. It looked as if she was having a brain aneurism.

My brother quickly called 911, and I had to maintain breathing for her until the ambulance was able to arrive. We grabbed our things, put clothes on, and jumped in the back of the ambulance with my mother. We arrived at the hospital minutes after the situation was noticed in our apartment, and she was put on intensive care (code yellow).

We had a Cat scan done as soon as we arrived, because a large majority of her symptons were related to stroke. The scan came back inconclusive and did not show any signs of stroke trauma. A spinal tap was also conducted which also came back inconclusive. Blood tests & urine samples came back clean. After about 12 hours of staying awake over the night, my mother began to experience extreme trauma from stroke. a 2nd cat scan involving ink (used to search arteries, veins, & nerves) returned back positive that she has had major swelling in her nerve right at the back of her neck, which is responsible for talking, speech, thinking, cohesiveness, and some neural portions of the body.

Her white count is low, and she's now in Critical Condition (code red). She's currently being flown to Sunnybrooke Hospital in Toronto where they have a specialist on-hand for this exact issue. Doctor's have come forth and told me that this is one of the worst positions to have a stroke, but it may be lucky that we got her into the hospital on such short notice.

If you want to make a donation drive for her, I'm not the one to ask for money or help in this but I will allow permission to do so. She means life to me and my brother.

If you would like to contact me more about it, please PM me rather than messaging me on skype. I will be away from my computer during this time and the computer I will be in touch with will not have skype installed, but it does have internet installed.

If you wish to pray do so, I'm hoping I can get as much praying as possible. I will try to keep this updated with what's going on, but as far as I'm concerned right now, she's currently being air-lifted to the hospital in Toronto.

2nd update

My father drove my brother & myself to the Sunnybrooke hospital in Toronto. We had to pack some stuff & get ready to leave for a long stay & recuperation time in Toronto. By the time we got to the hospital, she was already in surgery for angioplasty. It wasn't long that we had to wait for the surgery, and we presumed that the surgery went extremely smooth considering they were finished about an hour and a half early. They just needed some time to hook up the bed that was transferred from Peterborough up to the equipment in Toronto.

I'm afraid to break some bad news in this thread people, but according to the doctors that we talked to that were in part for the head of the surgery, apparently my mother had lost connection with her main artery to her brain during the transfer via Ambulance to the hospital in Toronto. They were quick to try and fix the issues on their end, but the problem may have been persisting ever since the issue was reported, and she may no longer be capable of speaking or talking. She is currently on life support, she cannot breathe on her own, she is hooked up to a respirator.

She is being administered sedatives to keep her in a coma-like state of sleep for the next 12 hours to allow healing from the surgery to take place. Doctors will not know what will happen when they stop the respirator and try to get her to breathe on her own, or see exactly how much damage has been done, but at best they describe it to be a miracle if we are ever to be able to see her back to her former self. Chances are slim and none. Everyone in my family is currently extremely depressed and worried.

I will update this once again after I visit the hospital tomorrow after the 12 hours of sedatives are up and they try to help get her off of life support.

3rd update

We were sleeping for about an hour or so when my father's phone received a text message from the hospital saying that my mother's condition had worsened, and that it would be best to stop by as soon as possible. We put everything on, and headed over to the hospital.

When we got there, it was found that her heart rate dropped from 70 to 40, and that her heart may give out at any moment at this time considering it happened extremely quickly, and that we should probably stay to see if the condition worsens or gets better. There were lots of talk about what to do if she doesn't make it, what rehabilitation would need to be done if she did make it by miracle, but at this point in time we began expecting the worst. Family & doctors decided to remove the respirator early & end the sedatives early before another serious fluctuation in heart rate occurred.

At approximately 3:25AM EST, on February the 22nd, 2015, Patricia Walker (aged 52) passed away at Sherbrooke Hospital, Toronto, ON. The cause of death is sudden stroke.

Cherish life while you have it.

funeral planning, discussion, and just general word of mouth & letting people know is currently under way. My brother took it the hardest, he's in some really bad depression shock right now.

So my brother's friend finally hit the road. He got all so messed up in our lives, caused us grief, stress, anger, fights, and all other sorts of stress. I now have my own bedroom, and so, me and my brother can be by ourselves without someone else butting into our lives, trying to make it a living hell for the both of us. I can tell you that it's a great feeling to see him getting the fuck up outta here, if it wasn't so weighted down by the fact my mom couldn't be here physically to see this unfold. I'm sure that wherever she is, she's looking down at us and is just as happy as me and my brother are right now with the amount of stress relieved off of our shoulders.

This update will mark the end of all the Drama in my life thus far. It's been a crazy trip. I would like to thank everyone in the community for trailing along with me on this wild ride, as well as Lambdadelta, Sky Kitten, Bmah, Alioth, Staiain, Charu, Zenith, Mahou, and many others who have played roles in this. A huge thanks goes out to the FFR Friends & Rivalries chat for being there during a rough patch near the end of all this. Maybe we'll all jump on this ride again sometime, and I'll be right here to report on it.

Originally Posted by YoshL View Post

- Tosh 2014

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Old 12-16-2014, 04:43 PM   #2
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You should try to find a place to volunteer your time to, because 1) you can't find an actual job atm, 2) you will be physically and mentally be preoccupied with activities other than your current day to day routine, and 3) you'll probably come across less conflict if you keep some distance between James and co.
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Old 12-16-2014, 05:05 PM   #3
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I actually like my day to day routine for right now. Tried to look at possible places to get a job from before I even moved to the new place & sent out resumes everywhere, using my brother's cell phone to follow up with them. Couldn't find anything, and it's getting even harder with christmas around the corner. Might not get something until January/February and I have no idea what could happen within that time.

Maybe volunteering @ local salvation army would help.

Currently trying to distance myself from James & co. in the meantime.
Originally Posted by YoshL View Post

- Tosh 2014

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Old 12-16-2014, 05:28 PM   #4
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Default Re: My life is a Drama (V2 THE DRAMA CONTINUES :O!)

What in the fucking fuck is this madness.

Look, I may not know you or your family on a personal level, but god damn it why isn't your mother doing anything about this shitty behavior?

Originally Posted by JohnRedWolf87 View Post
Charu the red-nosed Snivy
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You could even say it glows

All of the other Snivies
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Charu
Join in any Snivy games

(Click the arrow to see the rest)

Originally Posted by Vendetta21 View Post
All in all I would say that Charu not only won this game, his play made me reconsider how I play it.
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Old 12-16-2014, 05:28 PM   #5
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Sounds like to me that James doesn't know how to act like a normal, civilized human being.

Originally Posted by JohnRedWolf87 View Post
Charu the red-nosed Snivy
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You could even say it glows

All of the other Snivies
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Charu
Join in any Snivy games

(Click the arrow to see the rest)

Originally Posted by Vendetta21 View Post
All in all I would say that Charu not only won this game, his play made me reconsider how I play it.
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Old 12-16-2014, 05:40 PM   #6
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kill them all problem solved
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Old 12-16-2014, 05:41 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by MinaciousGrace View Post
kill them all problem solved
I've actually considered this on multiple occasions in the dark crevices of my brain it's kind of sad

Originally Posted by Charu View Post
Look, I may not know you or your family on a personal level, but god damn it why isn't your mother doing anything about this shitty behavior?
Because apparently I'm somewhat more responsible as an adult over other candidates... hopefully...

I wouldn't expect her to have to deal with my brother's antics more or less his friend. I think we would all be considered responsible people if it weren't for the recent drama.
Originally Posted by YoshL View Post

- Tosh 2014

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Old 12-16-2014, 05:42 PM   #8
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no, dont kill anybody, that wont solve anything... in all seriousness i hope everything turns out ok eventually.

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11th OT (D6): 11th
12th OT (D6): 6th
13th OT (D7): 31st
14th OT (D7): 25th
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Originally Posted by Funnygurl555 View Post
you know what they say

under all the rust is really shiny...……… metal
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Old 01-23-2015, 04:09 AM   #9
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Added 2 new stories. No one has died, yet.

This is in part with an update I created on Jan. 23rd 2015, so forgive me if I exaggerate/leave some parts out this is a retell from the best of my abilities.

Leading out of the issues that we were having with my brother's friend, we thankfully got some good news that we would get a decent amount of time away from him, as he was leaving the weekend of Christmas to go spend the week of Christmas down with his parents. It was good for him to get out of the house, I mean a lot of people were blowing hot fumes at each other and hopefully the quietness inside the house that isn't complete nonsense would actually give some time for everyone else to regain their composure. He left the apartment, and gave no real date as to when he would be back. At the same time, my brother was trying to get in contact with his ex-girlfriend as to when it would be a good time to go down and pick up his son to see him for a bit (custody agreements/arrangements/miss-happenings). Lucky enough, my brother secured a date where he could see his son on his birthday on the 23rd, before Christmas. All in all, it seemed like it was going to be a pretty great Christmas.

My brother for some reason started acting differently. Very self-centered, only thinking about himself and not about others, without really a care in the world. Not sure what was going in his head, but from what I knew, is that he was beginning to take out 100% of all his frustrations out on other people. Now the only other people around him that he could talk freely to was me, my mother, himself, and his son at this point, and it really urked me that he would 'accidentally' slip out curse words here and there because he was so riled up about something. I would sometimes glance over to his son to see how he was doing/reacting to it, and then look back to the situation at hand. I'm not in any real position to tell my brother how to raise his son, but it scared me from time to time. Sometimes it's good to let out excess heat, but for some reason he began to take it to a higher level and started acting upon it.

After his son spent the night and left the next day, he began getting extremely angry with anyone that talked to him. It felt like almost he wanted to fight with someone, or start a feud with another person on the spot. There was even one morning where I was talking to my mom about how I had this weird dream last night that I was aware that I was dreaming, and I met one of our cats in the dream saying that she was the soul of a squirrel in a previous life which I found really odd. My brother would start a disagreement/fight with me immediately as he comes out to the living room where we were because he doesn't believe that you can be aware of yourself dreaming and the way I talk on about it sounds like making fact from fiction or a religion in the sense. Not really a good idea starting a case against someone concerning religion because that's going to get him nowhere. Multiple times from examples like these I just had to walk away from the arguments like I always did, but this was the one that broke the camel's back.

I told my mom as I was starting to get up & walking away from the argument that I was going to take a shower until it blows over. I don't have any issues with people talking about me behind my back, my brother can talk smack about me as much as he wants to my mother as he pleases, but he was going so far for an argument as to make claims against me and provoke sides against me while sitting directly beside me. I had my shower, got out, dried off, sat in the bedroom. Figured I'd start wanting to change clothes when my mother came marching down the hallway extremely pissed off at my brother. My mother turned around vocalizing herself down the hallway that she didn't want no presents from my brother this Christmas, his attitude was enough. It was a really stern, and cold way of putting it, and so we sat in the bedroom alone, quiet.

I began to talk with my mother as to exactly what happened out there in the living room, but interrupted myself by saying "you know what, nevermind. I don't want to hear it, because chances are, it would probably just make me more upset and direct myself against my brother even harder". I proceeded to enter the bathroom to comb out my hair & style it, when I notice my brother walking down the hallway, parchment, note in hand. I continued to comb my hair and tried not to notice him, and he walked out the door. I returned to my mom whom at the time was laying down on my bed, and she had already opened the note and began to read it. The basic jist of the note read that 'he felt like he had ruined Christmas. Everyone around him was upset including himself, and that he felt like he had done nothing but express his anger against everyone else as a way of trying to get rid of his own sadness, and that he was going to make things right'. The note damned well made my heart race, as I began to worry. I talked back & forth to my mom as to what we were supposed to do, because if we didn't have enough stress that day already, we were supposed to be attending a family dinner that night on the 24th, and my brother is currently MIA. He's the only one with a phone, and we didn't have a home phone at the time. We decided to wait for as long as we could, to see if my brother would return home. We couldn't leave for the party without him, and more or less I didn't want to form opinions about him behind his back.

He returned home, with some cookie dough, and some platters. He broke down in tears at the door as we confronted him. He didn't know how he would go about fixing Christmas with how little money everyone had, but he felt it would be right in a sense to try and own up to the wrongs that he committed in physical labor. It wasn't about that at all, I was just glad he didn't take everything he wrote in his letter metaphorically and the story having a lot more gruesome ending. We baked cookies, we phoned our relatives saying that we'd be a little bit late due to some disorganization, and we left as a family. We made sure that before we left out the door, that we all hugged on it. None of us wanted a stressful Christmas as it was made out to be, but a lot of the stress over the past couple of weeks/months has been getting to everyone, and it's beginning to show.

So as of late, I apparently had forgotten about this thread and was only recently reminded by bmah that this was still a thing. Quite a lot of things had happened since I last left stuff off here, quite a cliff-hanger so to speak, so I'm probably thinking I should go ahead about trying to clear some things up. I added a December update to fill in the blanks for this story that I would have to otherwise fill in so read that first if you haven't.

The majority of drama that's been happening of recent has been either 80% to 100% has been driven by my brother's friend. He came back early from the week away from us (like the 2nd day after Christmas in the afternoon, where we thought he would be returning home the following weekend) and has been disturbing everyone ever since. A lot of people thus far have spoken to him about such things & weirdness that he carried around with him (he's not used to living as part of a family) but so far all attempts have been more or less for naught due to him being extremely ignorant whenever someone points out an issue and it usually follows forth into a fit on his end, throwing the "fucking" rules out the window. Nowadays, we just don't care about it anymore unless it directly affects us. We joke about it behind his back like the terrible people we are, but to be honest he wouldn't have built such a terrible reputation around himself if he actually tried to fit in between & around our lifestyles instead of super-imposing his lifestyle over everyone's.

Most of the story that I haven't shared in here I have been more or less sharing with people in the Team Pony Skype chat when my brother's friend isn't creepily staring over my shoulder at my computer screen behind my back whilst pouring a drink of milk from the jug in the fridge. FOR LIKE 15 MINUTES WITHOUT A SINGLE WORD, JUST BREATHING. Summarized the majority of stories that have accumulated over Skype are:

some dude came to our door explaining that he's from downstairs, and every now and again for the past 2 months he's been hearing knocking sounds from the place above his. My brother's friend answered the door and said he'd look into it, and then kind of pointed fingers towards me instantaneously because FFR. But get this: He's been hearing it for the past 2 months resonating from above his living room, and I've only had my computer in the living room for a month. I don't slam on my table at all or jump in the living room, he was directly blaming about how loud the keytaps from my keyboard are, and saying that they could probably 'echo' all the way downstairs, which is just absurd. He's made tons of jokes about 'what sounds like a vacuum cleaner & a typewriter at the same time, my computer & you typing on it har har har' and I shrugged them off as bottom line racism but he probably doesn't even realize what racism is, but god damn his stupidity knows no bounds. As I'm typing this, the man still hasn't come up again to complain about it still happening despite nothing has changed. I left for some fresh air, to return to find out that my brother & him had a huge argument while I was out about who's apartment it was & who was in charge around here. We're all in charge. I pay rent, so does my mother, & everyone else here pays rent, but he treats me & my mother as guests in the house because he wants us out in like 2 months.

Another big problem that he has is his budgeting and how it affects everyone else in the apartment. He gets roughly $650 per month from Welfare. For people not accustomed to welfare, it's a government support check for people in unique circumstances until they are able to get a job, Welfare helps with finding a job. He spends $500 for rent, and has $150 left over for the month. He spends $80-100 on marijuana, weed, and the other $50-70 on smokes, booze, or anything he likes at the store really, and then he turns around and complains about how he doesn't have any food and thinks that everyone in the household should be sharing their food with everyone else. My brother made a great point to him in this scenario stating that he doesn't have anything to share back with anyone else, and he's never going to get any of that stuff himself because he never makes the effort to actually go out the door and get that kind of stuff. My brother's friend has made the leaning opportunity that he could just go out to food bank's as a way of making up for his food bill (which is a once per month visit to a food shelter to get food they actually let you take home in part with a 1 month waiting list for home address. Canadians are way too nice). And while he talks a lot about visiting food banks in this sense, he wants my brother to walk with him to these places, and my brother isn't in the mood for holding his hand, so he goes himself, and then gets yelled at by his so called 'friend' about how he didn't wake him up in the morning to get him going to the food shelter with him, even though he set an alarm for the correct time, WOKE UP, and then PROCEEDED to turn the alarm clock off.

A common recurring joke that me & my family makes about my brother's friend is his cooking skills. At this point in time it's just evil but it's extremely trivial. He's all told us the story about how he participated in college culinary lessons, and about how amazing of an experience it was. He also told the part about how he dropped out of the class too because a) he was getting yelled at way too much for his liking majorly because he was an extremely shitty cook and didn't know how to clean up after himself and b) he was actually in jail for 3 days because he lost his cool with a couple of police officers that were just asking about a wanted poster and didn't have a way or wanted to go about telling this information to the college as he had to explain why he was absent for 3 days from class, yet he still considers himself as a bonafide Chef.

He's got the cooking equipment (literally the fucking size of his steak knife scares me it's bigger than my head, literally Jason sized knife it could go right through you and come out the other side that's how big it is.) but he doesn't have the wits or the memory for it. Good example is how he tried to strain pasta one time using his HAND, boiling water, hand, no strainer. Another example is how he used the exact same knife to open up a jar of beans because he didn't know how to work a can opener, as well as a can opener utility that was on the end of a pair of scissors nearby. He got beans on me from that incident, because they flew a full meter in my direction, everywhere. The first time he tried cooking a pizza he pre-heated the over to 200F, and then wondered why in the hell it wasn't cooking. The second time he set it to 400F and then wondered why in the hell the onions & pepperoni weren't sticking to the bread (you didn't use any cheese dipshit). The third time he set it to 400F, used cheese on the pizza, and cooked it IN A PAN, WITH A HANDLE, LIKE A FRYING PAN PAN.

A quick note web browsers don't exist to him, they are internets and they can be installed & downloaded. I can quote that he did in-fact state that "the world should update the internet because it's outdated. So many people are able to get free stuff on it and they need to fix errors in the internet".

There has been multiple times where he just doesn't realize how tired he is and will end up passing out wherever he is when he stops paying attention to something because his mind starts to automatically fall to sleep, and I have multiple witnesses online to it, as he has fallen asleep directly in-front of me from time to time. (example: he's fallen asleep sitting in a chair playing magic the gathering with me, example: he's fallen asleep on the couch playing borderlands 2 where he kept re-spawning & then running off a cliff, example: lately every night he's been staring at a blank T.V. screen, smoking a cigarette when he falls asleep sitting upwards until he drops the cigarette on his foot or his lap or something).

When me & my family tries to intervene with issues like these, most of the time he gets up into a fit of rage & pushes the blame onto others like how he did in a previous story I explained here about how someone came to the door complaining about noise and then he pointed fingers at me for excessively key-tapping, or the time my brother was upset with him about being too lazy to sort foods in the cupboard. One of these days, me, my brother, or my mother are going to be caught talking behind his back and he notices it, and I would very much like to see how he reacts about it. Will he maybe consider that his behavior is causing talk behind his back and that it could change, or will he just throw another fit like he always does? I presume only time will tell, or until someone confronts him about it over an argument using this giant update as leverage.

As for surviving for me, it has been pretty steady. I have been able to live, and it definitely has gotten a lot easier to live since December. It has been really stressful back then. I still feel really awful about how much my brother's friend has turned himself into the butt of everyone's jokes now, but it's sincerely just been the way he's acting as of recently, and everyone in my family has been way too kind as to approach him about these things, to make his life more stressful.

I'll try to make sure the next update isn't as much of a cliff-hanger as the last time I made it out to be.

tl;dr everyone's getting pretty annoyed at my brother's friend and the way he's been behaving lately, that includes my brother himself. When he leaves the apartment for something, the topic becomes him. He's the butt of everyone's jokes from what he does, and how he super-imposes his life over everyone else who lives here.
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- Tosh 2014

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Old 01-23-2015, 10:24 AM   #10
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lmao "bonafide chef"
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is funny eaman?
Can you like not use those stupid names right now? Took me long enough to get these screen names straight in my head
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(eaman is her name irl, friend)

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Old 01-23-2015, 10:51 AM   #11
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Your brother's friend sounds like the perfect contestant for Hell's Kitchen.
Idk if I posted on the original thread or not, but these stories are pretty gripping. Good to hear things are decent for now, though.
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Old 01-23-2015, 11:32 AM   #12
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gold streamed his brother's friend on skype i watched the guy stare at a wall for half an hour while the tv was on some aux channel with nothing going on until he fell asleep he's weird but so am i for watching it
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Old 01-23-2015, 12:39 PM   #13
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the guy was falling asleep sitting up, with cigarette in-hand, and was making burn holes in the rug. It was a way of saying at that time that this person actually does exist because some people in Team Pony Skype chat disbelieved this to be true, and all the stories I've been writing were hoax.

I truly do feel like an asshole for some of the things I've did behind his back. He could be so much better with a simple change of views, but goddamn.
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- Tosh 2014

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Old 01-23-2015, 12:46 PM   #14
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My brother's friend is currently in the hospital due to a 4 year old Pilonidal Cyst and was complaining about how it hurt to sit down. The stuff I wake up to.

The Pilonidal Cyst is at least 10cm big, and has enough poison in it to kill him if it ruptures on the inside (or so people are freaking out about). My brother & him both left for the ER about 2 hours ago, either for surgery or medications, they don't know yet.

He needed a ton of convincing to go to the hospital over it both by my brother & my mother (I wasn't awake at the time). At this point in time I have now realized that he's the type of guy that would get cancer and then not go to the hospital for a cure to it because he's too scared of a chemotherapy diagnosis or a needle in the arm that will get rid of it.
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- Tosh 2014

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Old 01-23-2015, 01:08 PM   #15
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not to defend him because he sounds like he sucks, but pilonidal cysts are literally one of the most painful things i've ever experienced. (I was in the hospital on Thanksgiving 2013 with one and it was awful)

They'll probably do surgery for it tbh. When it's that big and has been around that long, they'll most likely do that.
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Old 01-23-2015, 01:13 PM   #16
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Who's fault was it to let it go initially for 4 years? And then just start complaining about it now? He likes to complain about stuff to others, but refuses to act upon it. Talks about how he won't be able to walk again if he goes in for surgery on it, or die from it because the doctor will fuck him over.

Most of the information I'm getting right now is from my mother who was awake at the time this went down, so I won't have much in ways of confirmation until they get back from hospital, and they haven't contacted us.
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- Tosh 2014

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Old 01-23-2015, 01:17 PM   #17
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As I said, not defending him and he so should not have let that go for four years. I let it go for two months and that was enough for me.
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Old 01-23-2015, 02:34 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by gold stinger View Post
My brother's friend is currently in the hospital due to a 4 year old Pilonidal Cyst and was complaining about how it hurt to sit down. The stuff I wake up to.

The Pilonidal Cyst is at least 10cm big, and has enough poison in it to kill him if it ruptures on the inside (or so people are freaking out about). My brother & him both left for the ER about 2 hours ago, either for surgery or medications, they don't know yet.

He needed a ton of convincing to go to the hospital over it both by my brother & my mother (I wasn't awake at the time). At this point in time I have now realized that he's the type of guy that would get cancer and then not go to the hospital for a cure to it because he's too scared of a chemotherapy diagnosis or a needle in the arm that will get rid of it.
I've had 2 of these over the past few years.

Does your ass hurt?
Is there a lump that you can kinda pinch and it hurts?

Go to the doctor. If it's close enough to the surface they can just give you a numbing shot, poke you with a knife and drain the thing. It's all over in the course of 5 minutes.

It's not a serious procedure, but it's life threatening if it ruptures like you said.
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Manti, I apologize for insulting you. Let the record show that I am a prickass douche, and not only that, but that I am a terrible player.
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Old 01-23-2015, 02:38 PM   #19
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Also, Double post but seperate tought.

Gold, if you guys need an accountant/money planner hit me up sometime before you do big lifestyle changes.

I currently own a house which I have 3 other roommates living with/renting from me. I have things working out here where people are mostly happy with the situation and expenses are equal so nobody feels like things are being apportioned improperly.
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Originally Posted by V
Manti, I apologize for insulting you. Let the record show that I am a prickass douche, and not only that, but that I am a terrible player.
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Old 01-23-2015, 04:36 PM   #20
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I'm pretty sure I will be fine on myself but much appreciated for the offer. Will contact you if needed.

My brother & his friend got back from the hospital just now, they didn't do any surgery or the such, they mostly just prescribed some medication that the doctor recommended, and went home. It still hurts for him to sit down.
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- Tosh 2014

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