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Old 08-25-2016, 02:40 PM   #1
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Default Tales From Work

Heya folks, Charu the Squawky Snivy (also known as major fuck ass extraordinaire) is here today to bring you a fantastic thread... possibly!

Majority of us on FFR have grown up with the site and majority of us have jobs that have to deal with people. Be it may as little as two a day, or to hundreds per hour, I think sharing our highs and lows in the work place could be something that I think a lot of us would love to see.

May or may not have gotten the idea in my head after lurking tales from retail on good ol' reddit for a year or two.

Alright, I'll share one with y'all. It's one of my favorites to tell.


Now as everyone knows, or well, the vast majority of you know, I work in a library. A school library in that it doubles as both an academic and public library. Because of my location, being so near Detroit and the neighborhoods that are infamous for their brutality and unique demographic, I'm prone to these bizarre situations that happen from time to time.

The one I'm about to share happened 6 months ago, give or take.

A middle-aged man walks in on a Saturday wearing your typical every day clothes with some papers in his hands. I'm stationed up on the circulation desk (think receptionist) and he asks me.

"Pardon, but do you know where I can upload a resume to a job I want?"

"Certainly, go through the glass doors on your right and head down to our computer lab. If you need help with the actual upload, ask the person at the periodical desk!"

"Thank you."

A'ite, no problem, just a normal Saturday and I go back to browsing random websites and being bored as there is no books to sort through at the moment and I'm essentially a one man army in the front.

Suddenly, a scream of rage after, err... lets say 15 minutes. I get up and ignore protocol to stay on desk because... well, when you hear someone raging, that ain't good.

Turns out the middle aged old man was fighting (verbally mind you) with the librarian on desk, as well with the periodical person. Periodical guy says that he called the campus police because the yelling guy looked like he was gonna go from being verbal to physical real fast.

I notice that one of the computers had pieces of plastic scattered around it. Turns out the guy ripped a CD Tray out.

So security comes, takes him away while they say he damaged property and their going to bill him, and I'm just left there speechless.

So... why did the CD Tray get ripped out?


The guy was wanting to upload a resume. However, he did not heed my advice. Instead of asking for help, he sits at a computer with the paper in his hand. Folds it up, and then sticks it in the CD Tray. Getting angry, he demands then to have some assistance from the librarian. Librarian tells the guy that the method he's using isn't the correct way so attempts to get the paper out of the tray.

Surprise, the tray is stuck.

Furious, the person takes his car keys and forcefully rips the tray out to get his folded papers.

Cue what just happened.

Just. Library. Things.


...Any who, that's one story. I got others. If any of you got some things to share, I think it make a good read. Don't be shy!

Originally Posted by JohnRedWolf87 View Post
Charu the red-nosed Snivy
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You could even say it glows

All of the other Snivies
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Charu
Join in any Snivy games

(Click the arrow to see the rest)

Originally Posted by Vendetta21 View Post
All in all I would say that Charu not only won this game, his play made me reconsider how I play it.
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Old 08-25-2016, 03:10 PM   #2
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Working as a casino security guard offered me some odd tales for sure, cause what happens in Vegas is supposed to stay here.

There was one guy that passed out at a slot machine and needed 5 smelling salts to wake up. Me and my partner had to drag him to his room and physically make sure he was in bed.

Another time at one of the restaurants someone slammed a pressurized door closed so hard, it broke off it's hinges. The sound was so loud that we got calls that a bomb went off. Strangely, no one working at the restaurant saw anything. They heard the door break, but never saw anyone go in or out. This is also when we found out that the staff at that restaurant never report anything in fear of losing their job, because the person in charge sleeps with the food and beverage manager.

There was also one time when I had to deliver nyquil to the casino owner's ex wife at 11PM, well after she has gone to bed since she goes to bed early when she's sick. You see, while the owner and her divorced just fine without incident, the co-owner (who actually gets shit done) loathes her and has us do this on days she's sick. We have to do this, mind you, because the last person to refuse got fired on the spot.

Finally, there was one time we got a call to a fire, outside by the north parking lot. Turns out some rubber insulation was set on fire, so that was pleasant to take out (I mostly freaked out sadly). While we thought it was due to some faulty equipment for a bit, someone who saw what happened told us that someone was smoking on their room's balcony and was putting the ashes out over the edge. Rather than contemplate how much cigarette ash is needed to set fire to rubber insulation, we try to find the room. Sure enough, not only was the room on a floor of "No Smoking" rooms but no one was there (lights and TV were on though). The next day, I found out that security caught them when they went to check out.

So those are just a few from working at a Casino.

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Old 08-25-2016, 03:15 PM   #3
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Lmao amazing^^

I handle insurance claims over the phone so typically I'm just ripping people off and an asshole in general. There are some sweeties out there though that understand and are genuinely thankful so you take the good and ignore the bad...

Mostly just do car accidents/thefts/fires etc. but I'm starting to get into property/commercial which is a lot more interesting. (Auto is brutal ugh)
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Old 08-25-2016, 04:10 PM   #4
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jussayin: as you write up your stories, remember to clean them of identifying information! as much as we might like to laugh at ridiculous people, it's not great if this is the way a story gets back to them.

now a story from me:

i've mentioned in the college thread that i work as a TA during the school year. part of my responsibility is leading a discussion/work section, which instructors typically use to give smaller, more focused programming assignments. this past spring i worked for an instructor who did exactly that. grading was pretty much a spot check - when they finish, they'd have to flag me down and show me that their program worked as intended, and i'd also do a quick look at their code just to be sure there wasn't any ~magical print statement wizardry~ going on (happens more often than you'd think). the system worked well: it meant i never had to take code over email, and score bookkeeping pretty much all happened during class time. i would always keep two copies of marks, one paper, one electronic.

during the last week of classes, i invited any student from the whole class to come to me and finalize their last grades. this session would be the hard assignment deadline. since there were obviously students i didn't recognize, each time someone gave me something to score, i asked their name to be absolutely sure i recorded it for the right person. it went fairly well even for being the last-minute deadline. pretty much everyone that came in was able to sit, work, and show me something working by the end, and i had all their names down etc.

enter the grade grubber.

someone not from my section emailed the instructor and claimed to be missing roughly half the grades for these little weekly assignments, and they mentioned going to my session to show me the last two. this was actually a student we'd been worried about for some time and couldn't manage to get in touch with. the TA for their section couldn't even remember who they were, it had been so long since they'd made an appearance in class; the only thing we were really sure of was that they were still on the roster, so they hadn't dropped.

two instant problems with the student's story from my end:
- the first of those two grades wouldn't change anyway, because it was past due by then. the instructor announced the policy rather well, so they would have had to disregard almost every channel of communication to miss it.
- i have no record of this student even coming to me. like, zero recorded attempts. having talked to everyone in the room (it's not like it was a huge rush), i seriously doubt i missed them.

that other TA checked, and the story couldn't possibly match the attendance record either. (they were challenging their attendance grade too, of all things.)

now, it's not up to me to decide what's a legitimate excuse to make up an assignment, but having been brought into the discussion because of my involvement, i didn't see even an attempt at one. long-time educators like to joke about how many grandparents start dying as the term ends, but this wasn't that - this was a challenge leveled directly at our record keeping. i was astounded by the weakness of reasoning. i can't tell whether they put more effort into the assignments or the lies. like, even a conciliatory "sorry, i dropped my computer in an aquarium and had to ship it away for repairs and then i couldn't change my account password so it expired and i couldn't use any other computer and i'm also allergic to pixels they give me an eye rash" would be more reasonable. i don't write this to mean "lie better" though; just if you're going to put in effort, distribute it through the semester onto the things that actually matter.

they probably still passed, but with only the distinction of being the subject of the story i will tell in the first staff meeting this year.

i also have a good amount of stories from other jobs, definitely not all venting like this one, but i have to sanitize them a little more closely
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Old 08-25-2016, 06:16 PM   #5
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Old 08-25-2016, 06:22 PM   #6
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This just happened today.

Part of my work attire is a shirt with the company's name & logo on it.

So a customer asks me, "Do you work at (competitor)?" I look at him confuzzled before he asks me the same question again. I slowly shake my head. And he asks me the same question a 3rd time.

I say "What can I help you find here at (company I work for)?"

He tells me what he's looking for and I send him on his way. He never acknowledged or recognized that he kept saying the name of a competitor.
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Old 08-25-2016, 06:44 PM   #7
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Shit. Nothing interesting like this would happen at my work because we don't directly interact with customers. It's just a bunch of nerdy guys working on software in an office.
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Old 08-25-2016, 07:10 PM   #8
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I cannot begin to tell you how many calls I got at Domino's asking if we have Stuffed Crust pizza
Originally Posted by Vendetta21 View Post
Did you get a chance to kill that deadbeat sonuvabitch boyfriend of danceguys', "sunfan"? i hate that fucker. he's a stupid head. i'm way smarter and funnier and prettier and richer and more sensitive than him, and like i can get drunk and still hold complex logical conversations n shit and i bet that fucker cant.
Originally Posted by XelNya View Post
I'd suck a dick in a dark, dark alley.
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(Someone helpfully lectured us in postgame that we voted out the wrong inactive player with COVID on Day 1.)
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Old 08-25-2016, 07:18 PM   #9
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TWG players may or may not recall this story as I remember making a post directly after this happened.

Also need to denote that I am an average (maybe short) white male, skinny ass arms, and a beer gut despite lack of beer drinking being frequent. I weigh like 175.

I am known at work for being both the guy who cares the least about literally everything, and brags that he doesn't try at all, and guy who has helped get two managers transferred out of the store (story for another post.)

Also fuck you guys this is funny format.

> Be me.
> Be 23.
> Work at walmart, fucking truck unloader.
> Under-staffed, and call outs on top of the under-staffing, we have like, 7 people to do like a 12 person job level dumb.
> One of the call outs is our direct supervisor. Ass hole. Is still my boss to this day.
> Me and coworker Tyler are in charge due to orders of manager over us. Any problems, we tell her and she deals with it.
> Knew truck was 3,400 pieces in one truck (standard is around 1,500 to 2,100, short hand is, it's the size of two.)
> Fight fastest truck thrower with argument that he throws too fast for small group of people, and I had laid claim the day before. TRUCK WAS MINE.
> Unloading large truck.
> Truck is well stacked (especially compared to the norm.)
> I get into the zone, have two headphones in, fucks are not given about anything else. It is me versus a line full of 4 people and some ass hole sorting shit because DC is too lazy to fix their machine.
> Everyone is busting ass. I'm able to both unload the truck, and keep the line of freight pushed out by myself, and the line is consistently full, I at times unload the freight onto the line whilst sitting down level full.
> Make throne of freight at times, and laugh at line workers who come in to see if line needs to be pushed out. It's already done. By me.
> 4 hours into truck.
> Need to note that at 5 hours of being on the clock with no meal break, we get a verbal warning / written up for meel break violation.
> time is now 8:05 pm or so.
> We clocked in at 4:00 pm.
> I am on the back wall of freight.
> I think it's about 8:30, because I was not smart, and did not check ipod for time. I usually pace myself by listening to certain albums and I know how long they are.
> Line has been moving at a slower pace for about an hour.
> I tired them out I thought.
> All of a sudden, hear call for frozen truck.
> Ignore it because it's 8:30.
> Fastest truck thrower comes into truck to the back where I am at.
> Tells me that half of our understaffed line had to go do ignored frozen truck.
> Two people on the line when it's 8:30 and I am on the back wall is pretty much us not finishing before we violate.
> There are other associates, Dairy and Produce, who could have easily handled the job.
> Lose my shit.
> Start yelling really mad.
> "Management is a bunch of fucking retards" yelled as loudly as possible.
> Yelling many bad things about management, above comment the most noteworthy.
> I am yelling loudly enough that you can hear me halfway across the store, and on the other side of it if you're currently unloading said frozen truck. (Told to me later.)
> Anyone who came into the truck to calm me down got told to fuck off.
> Pretty sure I called them useless cunts as well.
> Loud angry rant about how much management is fucking up.
> Management is currently in the backroom, in the aisle where the back-stock of shampoo aisle stuff is.
> Old boss is standing next to them.
> Management "Ok, we know he gets mad sometimes, but is he usually like that?"
> Old Boss "No, if he's that angry, you guys messed up."
> Manager comes and yells at me in the truck to go to lunch due to being pissed off as fuck.
> Tell him to fuck off and go to lunch.
> Coworkers finish the truck by themselves.
> Other manager asks if I am ok on the way out, tell her I don't wanna blow up on her because she's one of the managers I actually like.
> Walk out to sales floor.
> Check phone.
> 8:05 PM.
> Walk across parking lot.
> Eat Panda Express.
> It was good. They had a hilarious mishap with the receipt. Lady who worked there eating on lunch had to come help. Ended up having lunch with her. Nice lady.
> Stillpissedoff.jpg
> Come back from lunch.
> Pull whole set of freight in 20 minutes because still angry.
> End up stopping pulling due to fatigue and that expensive items we got in that day, need to be checked off, so I do that.
> No one on crew when they come back talks to me save for Tyler. He explains everything. I'm still angry though.
> On sales floor now checking off PDQ's.
> Customer walks up to me, visibly annoyed.
> I still look pissed off as hell. I'm still angry. Regardless of what time it was, the choice was fucking dumb in the scheme of things, the conclusion I had come to.
> "Hey, you look more friendly than-"
> Laugh hysterically. Fucking lost it.
> Direct him where to go. Tell him about why I was laughing on the way. He laughs to.
> Later on that day, get customers who are trying to fit a toilet seat on a bucket.
> End of day comes.
> Not everything is done, but most of it is, which is surprising considering.
> Go home.
> Don't sleep that night, worried I am getting fired the next day for calling managers retards and cunts.
> Come in the next day.
> Ass hole boss is there.
> Tells me he knows of what I did yesterday, and laughs about it.
> Ask him if he knows if I am getting written up. He'd tell me these things if he knew, so I asked.
> "Nope."

> mfw I got away with it
> mfw other managers knew about this story
> mfw this is a story we tell the new guys
> To this day, still no formal write ups, or verbal discussions. One customer complaint ever. Was laughed at by management though. Pretty much never happened.

Things on this might be slightly inaccurate as I'm trying to remember a good amount of time back, and my memory is an example of being shitty.

I have a few more stupid stories but that one is probably my 3rd highest achievement.

Last edited by XelNya; 08-25-2016 at 07:37 PM.. Reason: Typos
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Old 08-25-2016, 07:28 PM   #10
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jesus that font is the most irritating thing ever, pls my eyes ;_; Need to highlight post to read it

you should exclusively use it..

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Old 08-25-2016, 07:37 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Dinglesberry View Post
jesus that font is the most irritating thing ever, pls my eyes ;_; Need to highlight post to read it

you should exclusively use it..
... I should have used green and not lime lol
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Old 08-25-2016, 07:42 PM   #12
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So, I work as an emergency nurse and this patient came into fast track (your cuts, bruises etc). His story was, 'put a bottle of spirits in the rectum to get more intoxicated, and the bottle is stuck '.

The doctor who came to see him manually pulled the bottle out, and when it came out, guess what - the lid wasn't even off.
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Old 08-25-2016, 07:50 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by TheThong View Post
So, I work as an emergency nurse and this patient came into fast track (your cuts, bruises etc). His story was, 'put a bottle of spirits in the rectum to get more intoxicated, and the bottle is stuck '.

The doctor who came to see him manually pulled the bottle out, and when it came out, guess what - the lid wasn't even off.
Crikey mate o_O
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Old 08-25-2016, 08:13 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Dinglesberry View Post
Crikey mate o_O
We've had much worse haha
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Old 08-25-2016, 08:15 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by XelNya View Post
... I should have used green and not lime lol
I used to work there, a truck unloader and stocking after trucks were unloaded

It is 100% warranted anger

Working back there is #1 bullshit lmao

Good story, good read though

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Old 08-26-2016, 12:06 AM   #16
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Not a customer related story, but during middle school and high school I worked on a farm during the summer months.

One time we were giving some cattle their regular antibiotics and applying spray-on insecticide. Anyway, everything was going normally until one of the cows was being really stubborn and wouldn't advance in the queue while in the chute. One of my coworkers took the electric cattle prod and gave the cow a small shock.
However, he apparently shocked the cow right where the previous coworker had applied the insecticide, so the electric shock interacted with the insecticide and it lit the cow on fire. Thankfully there was one person who was drinking something non-alcoholic instead of beer, so we were able to pour their drink onto the cow to douse the flames before there was any serious damage. The entire thing lasted maybe a minute, but I likely won't forget it anytime soon.

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Old 08-26-2016, 12:45 AM   #17
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my current coworker is a great dude, actually
he told me a story about how he beat the shit out of illegal immigrants with a 2x4 back when he was working in construction
he regularly calls black dudes "******s"
he makes jokes about women in front of customers and sometimes they reference my sister (who he's dating)

great dude

i'm pretty certain he has the same intelligence level as a glass of wendy's iced tea

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Old 08-27-2016, 02:48 AM   #18
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For most of my working life I worked at a small chain called Grocery Outlet, which is a brand based in Birmingham, Alabama and is only around maybe 16-20 stores strong at the moment covering two states. The owners, Jack and Kent, are the kind of people who you think of when you think of asshole bosses: needlessly strict, spiteful, believes everyone but them is easily replaceable, refuses to replace broken equipment, and unfriendly to boot. But the ground level troops where cut from an entirely different cloth, and even the store managers where oftentimes very relaxed on rules. Sometimes rules that one shouldn't be relaxed with.

There once was a manager I knew who started working in the business at age 14. When he was 17 and after Grocery Outlet took over the mom 'n pop he worked at, he proved that he was such a fast worker that he was promoted to assistant manager. Now I have nothing but respect for the man, but sometimes he used his manager powers for shenanigans.

* One time after I had only been at work for 2 hours, having all of dairy to take care of he decided that he wanted to have lunch at Olive Garden. Olive Garden was at least a 30 minute drive but he ordered most of the crew to clock out and meet him there (One of my co-workers was actually clocking in, and was told to go ahead and clock out while standing by our clock so he could go to lunch). The lunch break lasted a little over 2 hours.

*Another time he found a website filled with dirty jokes (One of those old 90s sites where the entire thing is one page in some weird font and garbage background animations). He found it so funny he called all of us to the back so he could rattle them off for what had to have been 2 hours.

*I once asked him if a partially wrinkled box of Ice Cream sandwiches counted as too damaged to sale. He ripped them open and started to eat one, and answered "It is now"

*He once called me on my day off because he was bored at work. I brought an old CRT TV and my Playstation 2 from my trailer (Old timers may remember, but I lived right behind my workplace for years) in a grocer's cart and we played Soul Calibur 2 in the back office. This had to be broken up when all the other departments tried to stop working and join.

*Once he became legal drinking age Stopped giving a damn being only 18, he volunteered my co-worker/neighbor's house for weekly house parties. For months, the trailerpark would be filled Wednesday Nights with G.O workers who didn't have to work in the morning drinking at least 6 different types of liquor at any given time. Once the actual Managers found out.....they started attending regularly. Keep in mind that alot of businesses around here do not like employees hanging out with their co-workers (That's how union talk starts).

* A customer once gave him a Yam Pie. He had another co-worker throw it in my face after hours.

* And of course, at 19 he got bored being the fastest worker in the store and decided to join the Marines.

But he was just one unique person, as I could fill a book with some of the characters I worked with. If this thread is still alive and kicking next time I check I may have another G.O story for y'all.

Originally Posted by XelNya View Post
TWG players may or may not recall this story as I remember making a post directly after this happened.

Also need to denote that I am an average (maybe short) white male, skinny ass arms, and a beer gut despite lack of beer drinking being frequent. I weigh like 175.

I am known at work for being both the guy who cares the least about literally everything, and brags that he doesn't try at all, and guy who has helped get two managers transferred out of the store (story for another post.)

Also fuck you guys this is funny format.

> Be me.
> Be 23.
> Work at walmart, fucking truck unloader.
> Under-staffed, and call outs on top of the under-staffing, we have like, 7 people to do like a 12 person job level dumb.
> One of the call outs is our direct supervisor. Ass hole. Is still my boss to this day.
> Me and coworker Tyler are in charge due to orders of manager over us. Any problems, we tell her and she deals with it.
> Knew truck was 3,400 pieces in one truck (standard is around 1,500 to 2,100, short hand is, it's the size of two.)
> Fight fastest truck thrower with argument that he throws too fast for small group of people, and I had laid claim the day before. TRUCK WAS MINE.
> Unloading large truck.
> Truck is well stacked (especially compared to the norm.)
> I get into the zone, have two headphones in, fucks are not given about anything else. It is me versus a line full of 4 people and some ass hole sorting shit because DC is too lazy to fix their machine.
> Everyone is busting ass. I'm able to both unload the truck, and keep the line of freight pushed out by myself, and the line is consistently full, I at times unload the freight onto the line whilst sitting down level full.
> Make throne of freight at times, and laugh at line workers who come in to see if line needs to be pushed out. It's already done. By me.
> 4 hours into truck.
> Need to note that at 5 hours of being on the clock with no meal break, we get a verbal warning / written up for meel break violation.
> time is now 8:05 pm or so.
> We clocked in at 4:00 pm.
> I am on the back wall of freight.
> I think it's about 8:30, because I was not smart, and did not check ipod for time. I usually pace myself by listening to certain albums and I know how long they are.
> Line has been moving at a slower pace for about an hour.
> I tired them out I thought.
> All of a sudden, hear call for frozen truck.
> Ignore it because it's 8:30.
> Fastest truck thrower comes into truck to the back where I am at.
> Tells me that half of our understaffed line had to go do ignored frozen truck.
> Two people on the line when it's 8:30 and I am on the back wall is pretty much us not finishing before we violate.
> There are other associates, Dairy and Produce, who could have easily handled the job.
> Lose my shit.
> Start yelling really mad.
> "Management is a bunch of fucking retards" yelled as loudly as possible.
> Yelling many bad things about management, above comment the most noteworthy.
> I am yelling loudly enough that you can hear me halfway across the store, and on the other side of it if you're currently unloading said frozen truck. (Told to me later.)
> Anyone who came into the truck to calm me down got told to fuck off.
> Pretty sure I called them useless cunts as well.
> Loud angry rant about how much management is fucking up.
> Management is currently in the backroom, in the aisle where the back-stock of shampoo aisle stuff is.
> Old boss is standing next to them.
> Management "Ok, we know he gets mad sometimes, but is he usually like that?"
> Old Boss "No, if he's that angry, you guys messed up."
> Manager comes and yells at me in the truck to go to lunch due to being pissed off as fuck.
> Tell him to fuck off and go to lunch.
> Coworkers finish the truck by themselves.
> Other manager asks if I am ok on the way out, tell her I don't wanna blow up on her because she's one of the managers I actually like.
> Walk out to sales floor.
> Check phone.
> 8:05 PM.
> Walk across parking lot.
> Eat Panda Express.
> It was good. They had a hilarious mishap with the receipt. Lady who worked there eating on lunch had to come help. Ended up having lunch with her. Nice lady.
> Stillpissedoff.jpg
> Come back from lunch.
> Pull whole set of freight in 20 minutes because still angry.
> End up stopping pulling due to fatigue and that expensive items we got in that day, need to be checked off, so I do that.
> No one on crew when they come back talks to me save for Tyler. He explains everything. I'm still angry though.
> On sales floor now checking off PDQ's.
> Customer walks up to me, visibly annoyed.
> I still look pissed off as hell. I'm still angry. Regardless of what time it was, the choice was fucking dumb in the scheme of things, the conclusion I had come to.
> "Hey, you look more friendly than-"
> Laugh hysterically. Fucking lost it.
> Direct him where to go. Tell him about why I was laughing on the way. He laughs to.
> Later on that day, get customers who are trying to fit a toilet seat on a bucket.
> End of day comes.
> Not everything is done, but most of it is, which is surprising considering.
> Go home.
> Don't sleep that night, worried I am getting fired the next day for calling managers retards and cunts.
> Come in the next day.
> Ass hole boss is there.
> Tells me he knows of what I did yesterday, and laughs about it.
> Ask him if he knows if I am getting written up. He'd tell me these things if he knew, so I asked.
> "Nope."

> mfw I got away with it
> mfw other managers knew about this story
> mfw this is a story we tell the new guys
> To this day, still no formal write ups, or verbal discussions. One customer complaint ever. Was laughed at by management though. Pretty much never happened.

Things on this might be slightly inaccurate as I'm trying to remember a good amount of time back, and my memory is an example of being shitty.

I have a few more stupid stories but that one is probably my 3rd highest achievement.

People who don't work in retail don't know the struggle and that makes me a little sad. Never did work at a Wal Mart though I am told they are the worst.

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Last edited by MixMasterLar; 08-27-2016 at 03:28 AM.. Reason: ....Let's be a little more truthful, eh?
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Old 08-27-2016, 06:55 AM   #19
gold stinger
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Default Re: Tales From Work

I worked at a Shoppers Drug Mart which is the closest to retail you can get without it being wal-mart or something of the equivalent variety, and I have had a ton of crazy things happen while I was there because I worked retail front line.

* One time, a guy asked for sugar free water. Okay, weird request, pointed him to both the giant water jugs & bottled water. Proclaimed that because it doesn't say sugar-free on it and that it doesn't say sugar -> 0g on the back, it means it has an insignificant source of sugar but nonetheless sugar in it.

Immediately facepalmed myself internally on that one.

* Another time, I was stocking one of the ends (retail talk for the stuff in between the aisles at the ends that's usually on sale) with toothpaste & toothbrushes that were on sale. A woman came up to me and asked if there was a limit on them, I said no, and she asked for a box. I get a lot of people that ask for boxes I was thinking she needed them for her groceries, so I emptied a box and gave it to her, no probs. She scoffed at me, pushed me out of the way at the end, and started literally arming all the items off the shelf into her cart. She must have dropped at least $2000 of just toothpaste & toothbrushes into her cart. Didn't even count, just straight rich man armed it off the shelf into the cart.

* On another occassion, I was recommending baby formulas to a woman & talking to her about the difference between formulas, when her baby ran off on her. Decided that we didn't need to make an announcement to find the baby we'll just case the store it's not that big. I tell her to check the aisles over there and I'll check the ones over here. I find the baby and bring it back to her, but as I bring the baby back to her it clicks in my head that this baby is wearing no pants, not even diapers, and was like 3 years old. Long dress, but just nothing down there to cover up. I don't let it get to me and just continue my work, but the kicker is that we got an intercomm call about 40 seconds later from cashiers at the front of the store asking for retail workers to come asap. I respond to the call, and turn around the corner to face the commotion at the front of the store. Same kid was literally taking a shit in the middle of the standing area for the cashiers. The mother picked up the kid and flung the kid facing the exit of the store. I'm not even joking a stream of shit went flying through the air as she did this, covering the cashier register, the cashier, and the counter. Woman ran out of the store with her kid without paying for the groceries.

I had to clean that shit up too.

* Nearing the end of my shift, was restocking one of the ends (fancy talk for products at the end of the aisle that are usually on sale) near beauty products and some guy fell into a stand of nail polish. A lake of nail polish colored the tiles & ground in the entire aisle it was a lot of nail polish. Took days to get the color of the tiles back to white, even with a private company to come in and help with it after hours.

This has happened on 3 separate occasions, and even one time caught a guy intentionally smashing nail polish on the ground after looking at it.

* Got robbed at knife point once, from a guy in a brown trenchcoat and a blue shirt, as well as a very shaggy beard. Remember the get-up because I had to fill out a police report on it after my shift was done since it was near the end of my shift. Dude just wanted to use the washroom in the back room, but he had products in his pockets and wanted to take them out of the boxes and ditch the boxes in the bathroom. He put me at knife point very discreetly and in a way that no one else noticed when he did it, so I complied. When he went into the washroom by himself, I ran and got my manager. Let him know what was up, and just sort of didn't make a big deal out of it at all. Was pretty calm considering I was running on adrenaline at the time. The man left, police arrived shortly after, and that was the end of that. Dude who shoplifted got busted shortly after because we have cameras all throughout our store and in the back room, and decided to hit more nearby stores.

Afterwards, asked if anyone else working with me had that experience before, and sure enough, plenty have apparently it's a very common thing when you work at a place that doubles as a pharmacy that has pharmaceutical supplies.
Originally Posted by YoshL View Post

- Tosh 2014

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Old 08-27-2016, 06:59 AM   #20
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Default Re: Tales From Work

Also don't want to sound like that person but the greatest feeling at work when I worked retail was when a nail polish incident happened because it meant that I could straight up take a bottle of nail polish remover off the shelf and just pour that stuff on the floor like an absolute rebel, made me feel in control that I could just do that in a store.

I know what you're thinking doesn't that mess up the product count in the systems that's made to double check for shoplifting that wasn't caught?

Yes, yes it does, but no one cared because everyone knew who was stealing the nail polish remover.
Originally Posted by YoshL View Post

- Tosh 2014

Last edited by gold stinger; 08-27-2016 at 07:07 AM..
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