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Location:Connecticut, USA
Last Activity:06-18-2015
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mr.tokes writes...
at 10:35:39am on 4/11/12
I've been called weird. It doesn't affect me too much. But um yeah I was thinking about business a little and I could see myself doing that =D what do you know about business. Like explain it to me briefly through your experience. hahah
CJ_speed writes...
at 8:40:35pm on 4/10/12
yea i know lol i don't no much more ppl who play my way mostly ppl who play with the arrow keys play index instead
CJ_speed writes...
at 5:22:00pm on 4/10/12
haha im using the default arrow keys my right hand hits up and right and left hits down and left i tryed playing spread but it felt awkward for me btw the vid was just a test of angle the score was so bad haha
mr.tokes writes...
at 10:55:15am on 4/10/12
Yes college is so important right now. I don't have that much of a social life. I moved from buffalo a while back and I worked on a farm for a little under 11 months. That was a great experience for me. Now it's all about the real world and how I can help. I keep things simple and real every day. =D This game oh god. I used to be a junkie for this. ha
mr.tokes writes...
at 9:36:17am on 4/9/12
I am a liberal arts major. This is my first semester in community college. I would actually like to switch to business and possibly become a stock broker. Sounds good? UCONN. Impressive ;D Just between you and me I dropped out of high school because I was so caught up in being "older" so to speak.ahh But I am happy of where I am now. I have a more clear perspective.
iamcorey4life writes...
at 12:11:53am on 4/9/12
So close to all your combos! keep it up , keep practicing, you have a lot of potential :)
CJ_speed writes...
at 3:55:30pm on 4/8/12
omg ur so close to 100% fc
Jerry DB writes...
at 2:48:02pm on 4/7/12
Don't say never, you will get aaa'd and be able to get less goods sooner then you think. FFR is different then sm you need to just get used to the timing. You already have a lot of speed and I think your the second best female player I have seen on this site(DJ swabber is the best I've seen)
mr.tokes writes...
at 12:14:50pm on 4/7/12
what are you in college for? What college are you going to?
Jerry DB writes...
at 10:55:14pm on 4/6/12
yea those songs are pretty hard to nail. I have a terrible la campenella score but I have like 70 goods and 20 boos on rain which is pretty good
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