Good Profile! UnCool! 

FFR Player
brettyboy123's Details
About me:
I do not use this site anymore.
Member for: 17.51 years
Gaming Region:Europe
Location:United Kingdom
Last Activity:10-25-2017
Forum Posts:16
Profile Views: 1,113
Profile Votes:2
Skype! Skype:BrettyBoy8
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Comment wall
Tarrik writes at 4:09:25pm on 10/26/17
Have an upvote and a great day :)
brettyboy123 writes at 7:33:18pm on 10/25/17
Hey all.
ltbby writes at 2:29:21pm on 4/10/07
well hello there.
blonde_AND_sexy writes at 8:51:59am on 2/25/07
davidffr writes at 4:00:31pm on 2/7/07
Hy my name is david and i would like for my request to be heard for your convenience.
The only thing that you have to do is to be kind enough to contact ffr informing them that you would like to see the online status of you budies withou having to click on their profiles on your buddie list.
My team and I hope that you would concider this as a friendly request not a mandatory one we understand that FlashFlashRevolution does not have to answere our requests but its worth the try.
The instructions are as follow , when you log in you scroll all the way down to the very bottom and clik on the word that say Contact Us and and request the idea. Affter you have done this tell your budies the idea and what to do.
Please understand that'' this is not for my convenience and FFR might not answere our request's. Thank You Fellow FFR Member.

Sincerely Davidffr,jckll and djayr_7295
Fantasticone writes at 12:34:08pm on 1/22/07
emogoht_4everandever writes at 7:16:38am on 1/22/07
hello hay add me
anard writes at 5:16:47am on 1/13/07
heya brettyboy 123
Non-stop10 writes at 4:42:40am on 1/13/07
Hi, brettyboy123.
foilman8805 writes at 2:37:51am on 1/13/07