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Bullshit Rant Ep. 1 Pt. 1
Posted on: June 20, 2007, at 12:19:40am   [1 comment]
Bullshit Rant Pt. 1.. This one is for the average and above average body type ladies..

It's bullshit when you go to the damn store, and you look at some fucking pants that you like. Ya know?.. And You noticed that the sizes for the damn thing is.. EXTRA ANOREXIC, POSER ANOREXIC , FUCKING SKINNY, EMO SKINNY ( Still kinda skinny ), anymore skinny types and I will fucking stab the clothing company..

But seriously, when you go to the store. You see some pants, shirt, skirt, even panties ( Maybe ), and etc. You're like " Wow, I like these! ", but when you look at the fucking size. You're doomed, cause it doesn't fit you. Cause why? Society now-a-days think that it's funny to make a 'big girl' feel fucking uncomfortable and that the skinnier you are.. the prettier you get. So, you try to look for another size. You suddenly find out.. THERE ISN'T ANYTHING BIGGER SIZE. Maybe it's me.. Or I don't know.. Cause sometimes it sucks cause even myself go through these times. Then I get fucking guilty about how much I've grown in the belly.. *sigh* Anyways.. I'll continues this Rant later..

List 20 things that you want to say to people but
Posted on: June 4, 2007, at 12:28:49am   [0 comments]
List 20 things that you want to say to people but never will.

-You must never speak of this again

-No names.

1. I wish I got to know you. I never really was born back then to get to know who you were, how you acted, how big impact you would've been in my live. Even though I never really got to know you so well, I've heard so much about you. Hopefully we will meet one of these days but just know one thing, I love you.

2. I hate you for all the shit you have done to me and effected my life, I hope you fucking die one day you fucking jackass. Thanks for the fucking crap you put me through, I will never talk or trust you. Pssh.. like as if I ever did...

3. Since the day I met you, I knew you were the only one that would understand me. You've completed me since the day we met, now I can't get enough of you. I dream of you every night I go to sleep, and I giggle when I think about you. I'll never stop loving you even if you stop loving me. I hope we get to meet one day. <3

4. Dude, thanks for being there for me. Even if you and I have some of our differences, I will always love you. You've always have been there and I thank you for that... By the way, I ate your cheese, bish.

5. Where is my USB Dildo, bish!.. [You, me.. anal now.. D: <] ... Cranberry juice.. XDD

6. Gracias, mucho.. Te amo [English Trans:Thank you, alot, I love you].. I hope you get better.. I don't want to lose you, but that's how live is, sadly.. I will never forget you. I will always have you in my heart and you will always be the best to me. You're the best role model I could ever have, and that will ever be. You may one day leave this earth.. but to me.. you will be forever.. *wipes tear*

7. Hey, Mr. Monkey Man! Just cause we're not together no-more doesn't mean that you and I have to stop talking to each other. There is anyways something that can clean some spilled milk. You'll always be like a big brother to me.. :3 From your little panda. :P

8. I'MA CHARGIN' MAH LAZER.. X3 [I think I need more Mudkipz].. I'm /b/ .. I'll always love you 'less than over nine thousand..' Ya know?.. :3

9. Hiya there Big bewbs, not my fault you have fucking tumors for knockers. Anyways, thanks for being there since 5th grade. You'll always be my good friend [ Maybe more than that.. Ehhhh!? *nudge nudge* ] I'll always be behind you, if you know what I mean.. ;D

10. Sadly, I have to depart from you. Next year won't be the same for all of you, nor for me. But always know that just cause I'm not there doesn't mean you have to stop groping, my fellow bishes.. <3

11. Hey, thanks for all the places you've introduced me to.. Maybe you're not that fucked up as I thought you were..

12. I will never stop groping your bewbs.. Muahaha.. XD

13. Dear Beloved, I love you, alot.. but stop making me pissed at you.. ( X3 ) I hope one day you will grow to be a mature adult and respect me. Understand, that I can't do all the stuff for you.. and also that I don't have all the answers to every question.. Pero [but] .. anyways.. You'll always be with be even if you like it or not.. I love you alot, my little munch-kin.. (:3) You and I may fight alot, but I hope you and I grow to know to understand each other..

14. Thanks for all the 'nice things' you've done.. Oh god, you fucking bitch.. I don't ever want to talk to you, again. Thanks for not even trusting me and holding fucking grudges that don't have a fucking point to them.Yeah riight.. 'Brenda.. Since the beginning I knew you wouldn't be a loyal friend ' Trying to make me go down with you.. Fuck you [No.. not like that] .. ' You took away my boyfriend ' Yeah riight.. you didn't even fucking like him in the first place.. You what?.. Yeah.. you told me that you pitied the damn guy and you come running to me like I'm the bad guy. Fuck that. Just cause you get straight A's doesn't mean you're the best.. I'm just wasting my time and air on you.. Come back to me when you lose that fucking self-centered attitude and manic depression.

15. If you fuck with me one more time.. The next location you'll be is 6 feet under..

16. Thank you for being there since I was born. Teaching me how to respect, talk, and etc. You guys are like eyes to me, that guide me in my life when I need you, thank you for all you have done. I hope I can repay you and show you how you've made an impact on my life. Without you two, I don't know where I would be.

17. 'Are you gonna get her, cause I'm gonna get her.. XD' Omg, you fecking nudist.. thanks for being there this year.. You've helped me a whole <i>sheet</i> load.. X3

18. Chicken go cluck cluck, cow go moo.. piggie go oink, oink.. How about you?..

19. Hehe.. I'll always be your Hawaiian Mexican Panda Bear.. <3

20. She's mine! *takes from Wendy * XD

Led Zeppelin - Rock and Roll (Live) and Interview
Posted on: May 5, 2007, at 02:44:45am   [0 comments]

XPlay - Life of a Mii
Posted on: May 2, 2007, at 10:08:22pm   [0 comments]

Posted on: April 27, 2007, at 12:07:35am   [1 comment]

Comment wall
BETTY95 writes...
at 4:56:27pm on 2/14/08
ihaterap writes...
at 2:48:31pm on 1/26/08
its saturday yaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy!!!!Giggity!
ihaterap writes...
at 9:59:07am on 1/25/08
mantarey76 writes...
at 5:46:51pm on 1/21/08
holy shit ur finally on
mantarey76 writes...
at 7:37:21pm on 1/14/08
get online more
suppahotchic writes...
at 6:10:14pm on 1/10/08
suppahotchic writes...
at 12:17:16am on 1/9/08
aw ;/ well i'll ttyl, byee ! ;]
suppahotchic writes...
at 12:13:32am on 1/9/08
yea, how bout yours ?
suppahotchic writes...
at 12:13:01am on 1/9/08
thanx for adding me to lol
suppahotchic writes...
at 12:11:03am on 1/9/08
thanx =]
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