Good Profile! UnCool! 
FFR Player
FFR Rank:72,269
FFR Average Rank:54,227
FFR Grandtotal Rank:84,186
FFR Grandtotal:110,084,295
FFR Games Played:366
Location:Santa Ana, California, USA
Last Activity:12-26-2008
Yahoo! Messenger
Member for: 15.94 years
Gaming Region:USA - New England
Profile Views: 752
Profile Votes:6
Referred Users: 1
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Dorkyjess17's Details
About me:
My name is Jessica i live in a ghetto town Santa Ana :p lol i'm 16 years old i'm a junior in high school which i name nameless cuz i dont want any stalkers ^^ i kinda have one in school lol creepy i'm a good person that loves all my friends i love to be out i hate being home its boring i get mostly grounded cuz i do so much destructive things to zee city of santa ana lol and i am a smart ass wif my parents i get annoyed by my brothers thats another reason why i hate being home i dont get mad easy i'm always pushed around and bullied by friends, family, and strange people. people always tell me shit to my face but i am to chicken to say anything back :( people say i am to nice which i am :) i luv being around people i hate being alone it gets me depressed i make people happy with my stupid behavior cuz i like when people are happy never said i am a curious person!!! but i luv to be luved!!! by my friends my friends are everything in life there people that are always around when i am sad its the thought that counts and i really like poetry its weird for me to like poetry becuz i seem like the type to goof off and never be serious and i am never serious!!! i'm always in a good mood when i am sad then its not normal!!! THE WORLD WILL COME TO AN END!!!!!!!!!!!! lol jk talk to me if u likey me!!!<
i like music, games, boys, girls, concerts, getting hurt, joy-riding, drinking, jumping off buildings-trees-cars-my bed, jumping on my bed, air guitaring!! kareokee, sleep-overs, hugging, kissing, sex!!! lol i am so kidding i'm still a virgin!!! and Katherina Moenning is awesome!!!
Fav Music:
Time And Distance HeyHiHello The OverUnder Stephen Jerzak J Bigga Goot a lot lot more
Fav Movies:
21 Juno Detroit Rock City Into The Wild Camp Rock Alpha Dog
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Comment wall
fireum99 writes...
at 3:20:07pm on 12/6/08
idk if you play anymore, buuuut... yea
fireum99 writes...
at 1:08:29pm on 8/20/08
emo of death writes...
at 1:04:38pm on 7/28/08
oh yeah you you think your hometown is the ghetto you haven't seen the west side of my hometown yet
emo of death writes...
at 9:46:13am on 7/28/08
so you going to ozzfest
tofutiles writes...
at 3:54:19pm on 7/27/08
emo of death writes...
at 7:15:42pm on 7/26/08
i hate my whole family they always give me shit for doing stupid shit i love trashing the train yard by my place and starting fires in the woods
tofutiles writes...
at 6:30:12pm on 7/26/08
Me I'm doing good, could be better but that's true about everybody.
tofutiles writes...
at 1:20:51am on 7/26/08
Heya, whats up?
fireum99 writes...
at 2:27:34pm on 7/18/08
hey, ur new! XDDDD
Synthlight writes...
at 1:19:33pm on 7/18/08
First person to post on your wall.
