Good Profile! UnCool! 
FFR Player
FFR Average Rank:59,487
FFR Grandtotal Rank:1,066,864
FFR Grandtotal:682,410
FFR Games Played:4
Location:Chula Vista, California, USA
Last Activity:03-10-2009
Forum Posts:1
Member for: 15.84 years
Gaming Region:USA - New England
Profile Views: 762
Profile Votes:7
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BlackenedVomit's Details
About me:
I like shiny things.
Skateboarding, Music, Books, Films, Video Games, Pranks, Tractors, Old People, Getting people to give me the finger, Pretending to masturbate in public, Swearing, Vulgar humor, etcetera etcetera.
Fav Music:
I love everything, but I listen to a lot of weird stuff. My favorites are Opeth, Deftones, Electric Wizard, Jimi Hendrix, Twilight, Xasthur, Nachtmystium, Lurker of Chalice, Burning Witch, Church of Misery, Sunn O))), Leviathan, Orange Goblin, Black Sabbath, Lucifer's Friend, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Creedance Clearwater Revival, Pentagram, Krieg, I.C.E., Draugar, Craft, Boris, Eric Clapton, Moonfog, Ihsahn, Emperor, Amon Amarth, and a lot of others.
Fav Movies:
Trainspotting, 28 Days Later, any George Romero, Nightmare Before Christmas, Cheech and Chong, Sweeney Todd, Coraline, Bolt, Kung-Fu Panda, Tenacious D, Pineapple Express, Tenebrae, American Psycho, etc.
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XRAWrXImXaXBirdX writes...
at 1:54:09pm on 3/12/09
:D lol
Lost In The Sound Of Seperation? Oh I know right? For christmas, I got the Deluxe edition, with the autographed thing, and I got 2 vynals. And the DVD! It cost like fucking $80 but it was SO worth it! But thank you by the way!
So what are you up too?
i_baked_some_cookies4.1 writes...
at 8:25:35pm on 3/10/09
Thank you sir.
i_baked_some_cookies4.1 writes...
at 7:33:57pm on 3/10/09
I don't like to exploit my body.
So I felt the need to censor it.
i_baked_some_cookies4.1 writes...
at 5:26:58pm on 3/10/09
you mean epic failz.
i know.
XRAWrXImXaXBirdX writes...
at 8:16:12pm on 1/14/09
DUDE.....your signed up to a site that has over 500,000 thousand people on it! I'm sure at least 1 person will look on your profile! lol
I'm fine! I gotta pee, and I'm listening to music!
How are you?!
XRAWrXImXaXBirdX writes...
at 8:07:07pm on 1/14/09
Great taste in music!
Just to let y'know!
sex_sluts_andheaven writes...
at 7:18:44pm on 8/24/08
haha. ^^
so what are you doing now?
Plan_Bsk81127 writes...
at 7:00:51pm on 8/24/08
Nice SP character for your ava. :)
insomniac_platypus writes...
at 6:59:47pm on 8/24/08
insomniac_platypus writes...
at 6:59:18pm on 8/24/08
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