Good Profile! UnCool! 
FFR Player
FFR Average Rank:48,151
FFR Grandtotal Rank:394,163
FFR Grandtotal:11,037,755
FFR Games Played:36
Location:Roosevelt, Utah, USA
Last Activity:12-17-2009
Forum Posts:3
Member for: 14.8 years
Gaming Region:USA - Northwest
Profile Views: 1,582
Profile Votes:9
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MikamiRinrin24's Details
About me:
I'm a young woman of little words as of late. I love to play FFR, and I also enjoy playing all versions of DDR. I frequent anime sites, and here. Though i don't get online much because I'm usually very busy, I do try to keep things updated. I'm easy to get along with, but I do demand to be respected...if that can be done, then I'm sure I will be able to be friends with ya. I have an age limit to my friends though...only to like...age 23 on the internet. So ya. Anyways...bye bye i guess...
I enjoy to draw, mostly anime style...I write poetry and songs in my spare time, and I love to sing and dance. I also love texting my friends from the area. I really really enjoy getting online too, and updating my status on things whenever i can.
Fav Music:
I love a huge variety of music. Lately I have been listening to screamo mixes, trance, and the norm that is heard on the radio. But not slow stuff. And definitely not country.
Fav Movies:
The Grudge, V for Vendetta, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, Phantom of the Opera, Animatrix, Mortal Kombat 1 & 2, Along Came Polly, Billy Madison, Changeling, Norbit...there's too many for me to name offhand...
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Random Thoughts
Three days sick...
Posted on: December 7, 2009, at 11:19:40am   [0 comments]
I missed three days of school. I had a fever all three days. What the hell. And this morning, when I finally came back, I was dumped. Isn't that just a lovely way to be welcomed back? Hmm. Well. I got an xbox 360, so I guess I'm alright. And this also gives me a chance to try it with a different guy that I have this huge crush on. Hehe. Lucky me. But anyways. Hope everyone is doing better than me! Myaaa. Bye bye.

Posted on: November 23, 2009, at 02:36:14pm   [0 comments]
Okay this is actually serious. I recently got a cell phone. And I have a friend I have known for about six years who lives in Australia. But, he is 19 or 20, and we have never met in person, and I stupidly gave him my cellphone # this morning. Without really thinking about it. And I'm afraid he will just randomly txt or call me and I will get in trouble even though the phone belongs to me. Any suggestions...?

Posted on: November 10, 2009, at 11:38:05am   [0 comments]
So, last night, I went to a party for a friend's birthday. That was the first time my parents let me go out on a school night. And at the party, we played, "Baby, If you Love Me..."!!! IT WAS HYSTERICAL!!!! Not only was it guys and girls making each other laugh, but some of the STRAIGHTEST guys did it to other straight guys!!! I laughed sooooo hard. I'm so glad I got to go to that party. I hope to go to many others and play that game...maybe next time it will be allowed to get a little kinkier. Lol!

Posted on: November 2, 2009, at 11:26:40am   [0 comments]
Okay so my birthday passed. Twas on the thirtieth of October. I feel...old. Really, I truly do. I feel old. And I thought I would share that. Random, I know. My birthday was sort of ruined though. This girl that I had invited over took my party over and was just flat out negative and rude. I was saved when my other friend showed up. She made it so I didn't feel so alone in being frustrated and super pissed. And on halloween the party crasher left and my very good friend came over. So I pretty much celebrated my birthday on Halloween, cause I was actually able to enjoy it then. Eh-h-h.

oh noes
Posted on: October 23, 2009, at 02:45:45pm   [0 comments]
Oh my my. The ex fiance of mine. He has moved. Far far away from me. And after we had become such good friends, even though the engagement fell through. I miss him. Anyway. I may be failing several classes. Oh no. Not good. So, here's what is happening. Okay? I have to work. Do school work, I mean. Meaning. It may take time for me to get on here again. Alright? But i will update whenever I can. Love love. Ew.

Comment wall
cooke71892 writes...
at 12:15:19pm on 10/16/09
so how are you? and why don't u have a pic of urself on your prof??
cooke71892 writes...
at 12:05:53pm on 10/16/09
disnikbmw writes...
at 6:40:41pm on 10/8/09
OMG!! YAAAYZ!! xD u did accept!! i saw it !! yay now jump up an down an around like a dork with meh! xD haha jus kiddn but does sound fun huh? haha an yesh it is kfcs the best i want som money rite now to get some.. i gota ask my dad lol an ohz chickens we should totally protest against or somthn haha they can reproduce cant they?!....... an then when i say that now it makes me think twice............. lmao oh well! LETS JACK US SOM CHICKN IGHT?! haha
disnikbmw writes...
at 7:49:00pm on 10/5/09
hahaha si si!! stupid chickens wat they thinkn?! i mean!!... the usa... cant liiiive! ever! I MEAN EVER!! without... kfc ._.' its the best... jus sooo yummi an delicious! i will say srry to them... but jus cuz they taste so gd haha an kk awesome i sent chu friend invite ^_^
disnikbmw writes...
at 6:17:48pm on 9/30/09
hahaha tru truu!! so tru! btw ur cool mindi f i add you as friend?
an yea true thats wat kinda bites bout life its like everythn has to even out lol you need girls and!! guys lol you need good & evil!! hot & cold an etc lol gota make it thru tho we gota be strong chikas!!xD an yeeeesh! we gota get the chkn to stash immediatly too o.O... the chikns keep putn up signs sayn to stop eatn em... NEVVAAA!! xD lol
disnikbmw writes...
at 9:15:24pm on 9/29/09
oh i kno how you feel there with ur fiance trust me. mine did the same. then said he was too busy for me too wat sux is i kno the truth lol he jus wants to play his games heh but gota go on i guess huh shit sux an yea had two at once its like i like him cuz of this.. but then i like dat one >.> cuz of dat... lol then its like ehhh nvm i dont wana chose to much thnkn hurts my head xD haha an yeaz i kno rite!! o.o fries are delicious but they all gone -.- so now im sad again.. lol quick ill send ya som thru the comp an u stash em with you!! xD
disnikbmw writes...
at 11:28:43pm on 9/24/09
ahh i feel your pain wit crushes an jus plain high school my prob is that its two of my friends like me ._.' a so i said yes to one but he getn jealous that my other friend hwo likes me trys to talk to me even tho he said he dont get jealous... an oo... chicken fries... i jus had som...they jus yuuumi..
DOEZOMBIE writes...
at 11:13:19pm on 8/22/09
hi:)awsome choice in movies!
Synthlight writes...
at 12:43:50pm on 8/20/09
First person to post on your wall.
