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Gaming Region:USA - New England
Location:Florida, USA
Last Activity:07-19-2023
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Random Thoughts
Posted on: December 17, 2013, at 09:20:17pm   [0 comments]
To be completely honest I don't even want to care anymore I don't care about him and now im just falling into the black all over again after pulling myself out im falling again and dyeing slowly hurting myself at the same time falling I am cutting the marking bleeding the blood smiling the lips turning the streaks into floods I am coming closer and closer to falling out of place but hey look im already there im dead no wait im dyeing goodbye cold crystal mood goodbye smooth silk sand im ending the world at the last possible moment you all are coming down with me I will break all of you into pieces I will destroy you by you I mean me and by me I mean my thoughts by my thoughts I mean death and by death I mean the world and by world im talking about people these people in this world are so filled with stupidity im done goodbye crul un forgiving world
Posted on: September 30, 2013, at 11:49:38pm   [0 comments]
Looking up at the crystal moon I see myself fading away , Away from everybody in this world but nothing I say nor nothing I do can fix anything now its all falling apart all of it., this world and the other one I can see all of it shattering slowly right before my eyes please make it stop I feel wetness on my cheeks what is this can't be not now make it stop "PLEASE!" But no it wont stop every inch of me feels pain and fear and regretting most of the things I had said to cause him pain in the long run.....but I see now he no longer cares he..just doesn't care he will be marrying sometime soon and I will be falling down the wonderland hole with my arm reached out hand open screaming for help. I feel the waves of darkness and damnation sweeping over me somebody but not anybody (Him) come save me....take me away from this horrible place surrounding my thoughts they keep going they dig deeper into my mind telling me thinks that keep breaking me down "IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU!! YOU WERE ENGAGED TO HIM BUT YOU DESTROYED ALL OF IT EVERYTHING THAT HAS HAPPENED IS ALL YOUR FAULT YOU WILL NEVER FIND TRUE HAPPINESS AGAIN YOUR GOING TO DIE ALL ALONE AND NOBODY WILL SAFE YOU NOBODY WILL EVER CARE ABOUT YOU , YOU DESTROY EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH AND YOU DIDNT EVEN CARE THEN BUT WHAT ABOUT NOW HUH? DOES IT HURT?" things I hear in my mind even now as I type I am crying because it is all true I was never able to admit it back then but now I can and its too late its always too late.....if I would have kept one thing I would name grace or malice........but my time has become longer my life longer....not shorter and tears fall as they please and when they please....

remember is everything no matter how many other shall not believe in it but its true.. I had it once now its gone....

- Grace & Harmony
Posted on: September 26, 2013, at 06:21:10pm   [0 comments]
To be completely honest i do not think all of this for me every time i get my best on a song or even this one persons choice they have made to do in January is even real sometimes i wish so many things were not real in life but now that i have something going for me that person is not there to see it....

breaking a bad habit onto the next time i find that white rabbit i am alice here is my wonderland you walk into every day it will break your heart with every step you take your hips they sway im tired of chasing the white rabbit because now i can no longer grasp it

-grace / harmony
Comment wall
syite writes at 3:55:32am on 9/16/13
Always push your skills. Raise the bar on yourself and always be our own biggest competition. But most of all have fun!!
Sephiroth... writes at 3:49:10pm on 3/22/13
tyler8 writes at 11:18:22pm on 11/3/12
incognero420 writes at 4:40:18pm on 11/1/12
hey what up