Good Profile! UnCool! 
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FFR Average Rank:59,489
FFR Grandtotal Rank:506,068
FFR Grandtotal:6,620,865
FFR Games Played:57
Last Activity:01-08-2008
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Member for: 17.2 years
Profile Views: 314
Profile Votes:1
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About me:
I am current attending Austin Peay State University. I will one day be the best teacher ever - if I can manage to get through college without having a nervous breakdown... I have a passion for learning and hope to one day be able to inspire that passion in others. I dream of being the teacher that
Languages of all sorts. I find languages other than my own absolutely fascinating and want to learn as many as possible. Travel. I love to go places. whether it be an hour away or across the atlantic- I want to go there. If I stay in one place for too long without some form of travel I get antsy. I have to go places.
Fav Music:
hm. panic! at the disco, fall out boy, three doors down, three days grace, disturbed, they might be giants, aerosmith, ac/dc, metallica, blink 182, weird al, dvda, relient k, garbage, girls out loud, gorillaz, offspring... lets just say that my 30 gig mp3 player is always full... and I have to be selective of what I put on there.
Fav Movies:
I like a little bit of everything- from cutsie kid's movies to hard core horror. If I have to pick favorites, then probably... the evil dead series and anything ever made by Hayao Miyazaki.
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Synthlight writes...
at 7:28:49pm on 4/14/07
First person to post on your wall.
