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FFR Games Played:58
Location:Kansas City, Kansas, USA
Last Activity:01-22-2009
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Member for: 18.15 years
Gaming Region:USA - New England
Profile Views: 588
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About me:
th1nk y0u 4ll kn0w m3[= s0 1 d0n't h4v3 t0 t3ll y0u 4ll 4b0ut my cr4zy funny l1f3 (:1 w4zz b0rn m4r1s4 l0u1s3 w4ts0n. h4h4 1f y0u w4nn4 kn0w ab0ut 1t th3n 4sk m3 1n 4 c0mm3nt 0r m3ss4g3 f33l fr33 t0 4sk m3 s0m3th1ng 0r m4k3 p1c c0mm3nts 1 try t0 r3turn 1t 0k?[=my m0m 1s 0nly 0n3 th4t c4n c4ll m3 l0u1s3,but 0th3r th4n th4t,C4ll m3 wh4t u w4nt w3ll 1 me34nt n1ckn4m3s but n0w th1ngs l1k3 h03 0r slut r1ght? l0l x0x0 1'm b45icly 4 hu93 h1pp13!! h4t3 4n1m4l cru3lty but 1 luv m1 h0m132.1'll d0 4nyth1ng f0r my f4m1ly 4nd fr13nds.1 w0n't d0 4nyth1ng t0 k33p th3m th0,1f y0u d0n't l1k3 m3,1 d0n't c4r3.50 k33p 1t p0pp1n 4nd 1f u w4nn4 t4lk 1'll 93t 4t y4!!!! ♥♥m4r1s4♥ NAME:: marisa AGE:: ???? BIRTHDAY:: june 15 birthplace: cali CURRENT LOCATION:: uncle joes house in gardner HERITAGE:: black EYE COLOR:: Brown HAIR COLOR:: Brown HEIGHT:: 5'8 PIERCINGS:: Ears Both TATTOOS:: None Yet WHAT COLOGNE/PERFUME DO U WEAR:: curve
1m n0t r34lly 1nt0 stuff th4t m0st g1rls 4r3,1 l1k3 wr3stl1ng,b4sk3tb4ll,s0cc3r,v0ll3yb4ll,4nd 1 l0v3 mus1c. 1 l1k3 sk3tch1ng 4nd 1m 4 mysp4c3 fr34k.
Fav Music:
yup yup th1s g1rl l0v3s r0ck 4nd h1p h0p!BUT 1 L1K3 0TH3R TYP3S 0F MUS1C T00,D0NT G3T M3 WR0NG 1 JUST L1ST3N T0 R0CK 4ND H1P H0P 4 L1TTL3 M0R3 TH4N 0TH3RS.1m 1nt0 mus1c th4t w1ll g3t u st4rt3d up n0 m4tt3r wh4t u f33l i <333 j03 br00ks 3v3ry t1m3 1 h3r3 h1s mus1c 1 h4v3 t0 sm1l3.1 <333 mus1c th4t h4s th4t typ3 0f 3ff3ct 0n y0u
Fav Movies:
I'M INTO ACTION,COMEDY,AND BASICALLY MOVIES THAT SEEM BORING BUT ARE ACTUALLY GOOD LIKE: JUNO, ELIZABETH TOWN, A WALK TO REMEMBER.i dont really get into the whole chick flick scene stuff as much as these other chicks do,just give me a dvd player,tv anda movie with stuff blowin up and im set.
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at 5:26:21pm on 5/3/06
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