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FFR Rank:24,159
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FFR Grandtotal:580,940,295
FFR Games Played:1,646
Last Activity:03-31-2012
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Member for: 16.33 years
Gaming Region:Canada
Profile Views: 4,600
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3 / 3349
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lorislovesyou's Details
About me:
I am different, as is everyone, I do believe that people can change, I do believe that miracles can happen, and i do believe that chicken wings are the best meal you can eat, if mankind haden't ever created chicken wings, then i'd probably be a vegetarian now, which i have failed as trying to become one before. The odd and strange attract me. You should take risks in life, go through everybase, and if you fail, get up and start running it over again, some people may say you know, i've got a shit life, nothing good is ever happening to me, well, first off, you gotta get off your ass and do something, spend your life completing the main goal you wanna reach. Everything that passes you by, every person that walks into your life, don't ignore it, and if each time this is gonna hurt you, bring pain to your heart, you know, keep going, cause when you've found that someone special or that special something, your gonna look back and be like "fuck, that pain was all worth it". I enjoy skateboarding, it takes my mind off of everything and i can just relax. As for music, i like listening to the songs that can have an effect on my mood. I write poems to get anger out, I play guitar to let feelings out, I sing, but not so well in my own opinion, penut butter, cookies, and bounty choco bars, are probably the best snacks in the world, pina colada - best drink. Never hold grudges on people, always try your best to watch what you say and be kind, never turn down a person, always lend a helping hand, those who look down, give em a smile, a hug, or even a compliment, telling someone they are beautiful, will brighten up they're day. There could be a person, you may say, is, "ugly" but you know what, take the time to look into their eyes, look into they're soul and let theyre inner beauty be shawn, then you will think twice about giving nasty comments. Im not perfect neither is anyone." love all, trust few do wrong to no one." God Bless.. <3
Skateboarding, Snowboarding, Hanging out, Reading, Walking ext. .. SPORTS. eating chinese food.. sushi, cookies, muffins, penut butter.. fruits.. GWAVA. ddr. downtown toronto! concerts...penut butter..
Fav Music:
Rock, Metal, Sceamo, Punk, Alternative, Acoustic, Jazz and Blues, Opera.. depends, Techno, Indie.
Fav Movies:
Titanic, Zeitgeist, Russian war movies, Never back down, The secret live of bees, The Challenge, Lovedrug, War And Peace, Pearl Harbor, Prom Night.
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Comment wall
RawMeat786 writes...
at 5:44:37pm on 4/6/24
AltF4_to_AAA writes...
at 3:21:12am on 10/19/09
zeitgeist, Russian, sushi, snowboarding = .heart
||Brenna|| writes...
at 4:40:08pm on 10/18/09
well u have me on Fb lol. and i do have msn, but i never go on it, i got yelled at by my parents because apparently it gave our computer viruses lol
||Brenna|| writes...
at 3:07:38pm on 10/7/09
Hey i haven't talked to u in a while so id thought i'd say hi :]
RawMeat786 writes...
at 8:56:47pm on 8/12/09
Wiz44rd writes...
at 12:57:05am on 7/9/09
The following statement is true: The previous statement is false.
NeverBackDown writes...
at 6:03:39pm on 5/15/09
np thanks for the add :P
jump_the_bullet writes...
at 4:51:16pm on 4/10/09
why thank you as well :D
you seem pretty cool. whats up :P
1mpuls3 writes...
at 4:06:09pm on 4/8/09
Thanks XD
ibitepizzaa writes...
at 5:42:24am on 4/8/09
Why thank you ;D
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